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Topic 1:

A: Good morning!

B,C,D: Good morning CEO!

A:Today we will have a meeting to discuss how the company has put a high level of
stress on employees, leading to poor performance.

A: As far as we can see many employees come to the office late with sleepy faces.
because they have to work overtime, stay up late to meet deadlines, but many projects are
still behind schedule.

A: So the goal of this meeting is to come up with a solution to solve this problem.

B: In my opinion, the cause of employee stress is because the company has a small
number of employees, the company expands too quickly, leading to too many tasks.

B:My solution is that the company should recruit(rikrut) more employees, especially
salesmen and customer service officers.

C: In my opinion, the company should fire some employees who are not working hard
and recruit new ones.

D: I agree with the Human Resources Manager and the Marketing Director: The
company needs to recruit more employees.

D:In my opinion, the solution is to start recruiting new employees for the company soon.

The salary increase to motivate employees to work hard.

C: I disagree with the Human Resources Manager that the salary should increase.
Because, their employees will rely on the salary increase to work harder.

A: In my opinion, it is not advisable to fire some employees who do not work hard.
Because, recruiting employees is quite difficult, we should warn them if they don't work
hard by deducting their salary.
I agree with everyone that we will hire more staff and we will do it right after this

As for the raise, I also think it's a pretty good idea and I'll look into it and discuss it with
you at the next meeting.

Human Resources Manager will implement a plan to recruit more employees for the
company starting today.

Do you agree with the above decision? And Anyone else have an opinion?

B,C,D: I agree! I have no opinion.

A: So let's end the meeting here!

B,C,D: Oke, Goodbye

Topic 2:

A: Good morning!

B,C,D: Good morning Marketing Director!

A: Thank you! I opened this meeting to talk about the problem that our company is
experiencing poor financial performance. The entire marketing department is under a lot
of stress. And I am also very worried about this situation.

B: As far as I observe the employees in the company work very hard, but because of the
covid 19 epidemic, customers have cut their spending, making it difficult to find

B: The solution to this problem is to advertise the company's products on social

networking sites such as facebook more to attract customers.

C: Our company's profit is down 3%. I feel the company spends too much on
entertainment, but the results are less positive.

C: I disagree with the salesperson about increasing advertising because the cost of
advertising is too high, which makes the financial problem worse.

C:In my opinion the best solution is to cut down the budget for corporate entertainment to
reduce financial stress.

D: As salespeople say employees are stressed, many employees come to the office with a
sleepy face because they have to work overtime and stay up late to meet deadlines.

D: A good solution for the current company is to hire more employees, change the
entertainment activities the company should choose cheaper activities.

A: As far as I see the current problem is employee stress when working, leading to poor
productivity. This results in poor financial performance. I agree with the idea that hiring
more staff is the first thing to do. As for advertising on social networking sites like
facebook, this idea is really good. However the cost of advertising is quite high and this I
will rethink And choose cheaper types of leisure activities also possible.

B: According to everyone, I think the solution is quite good.

A:Currently, first of all, we deploy the job of recruiting more employees. Find out and
use the benefits of low-cost leisure activities.

A: As for advertising, as the salesman said, let me think about it and we will meet next

Do you think the above comments are okay? And does anyone have any other ideas?

B,C,D: The above opinion is quite good and I have no other opinion.

A: So let's end the meeting here!

B,C,D: oke Good bye.

Topic 3

A: Hi everyone, I'm the company's service manager. Thank you to everyone who entered
the full meeting.

First of all, our company is cooperating with customers in Japan. According to the
announcement, they will come to Vietnam next month to discuss the contract with our

Before the discussion, we will entertain them and choose a suitable place for them to
have fun in this Ho Chi Minh city.

Have you guys figured out a place to meet them yet?? Please suggest that idea!

B: Director, I have an idea. It's the Silverland Sakyo Spa Hotel. This hotel is famous in
District 1 because it is similar to the services in Japan such as sauna and massage service
or Japanese food. And of course, that's what the Japanese love.

A: Oh that's a good idea, anyone else has any other ideas? C, I see you are not satisfied
with this idea, please state your opinion.

C: Sorry, I don't agree with B's idea. Because Japanese-style hotels are boring. In my
opinion, Japanese businessmen will want to discover the traditional things of Vietnam
when coming to our country. So I recommend BamBoo hotel in Hoi An.

D: Oh, I think A and C's ideas are great too. But isn't Hoi An too far from Ho Chi Minh?
That is very inconvenient!

B: D is right, BamBoo hotel is too far. I disagree with that view. Silverland sakyo spa
hotel is the best already. It's near the company and the airport and even near the mall.
Very convenient!

C: BamBoo has a lot of good points. For example, our country is famous for its history,
then this is a historical city - a place to explore Vietnam. The food here is so amazing.
And also close to Da Nang city - a vibrant destination. And most importantly the price is

D: I think the above two locations are also very good, but I will state my opinion is to
choose Intercontinental Phu Quoc. Here is a beautiful beach, which will make celebrities
relax and next to it will be a casino - a very popular entertainment activity. And there's
also a lot of fresh and cheap seafood. Phu Quoc is closer to Ho Chi Minh than Hoi A. So
I think this is a reasonable location.

A: Oh, the ideas make sense.

B: I still find the place C mentioned very inconvenient. For example, prices in Phu Quoc
are too high and the cost of traveling to other cities is also very high. Besides, I think D's
idea is quite reasonable. Phu Quoc is a place worth visiting and experiencing.

C: Yes, I think D's location is quite reasonable, anyway, Phu Quoc is closer to Hoi An, so
travel costs will be more expensive.

D: Yes, I appreciate everyone's input. What about the director? Let if his opinion!

A: According to everyone discussed together, I think D's idea makes a lot of sense. So in
closing, we will take customers to rest in Phu Quoc. And next month we will welcome
them there.

So that's the end of the meeting, thank you everyone for participating and coming up with
great ideas. We will do well this time with the customer. If you have any new ideas or
ideas, please contact us via email!

See you all at the next meetings. Bye.

BCD: goodbye director, see you at the company!

Topic 4
A: Hello everyone! I’m the Customer Service Director. I’m calling everyone so we can
discuss some of the upcoming issues
B, C, D: Good evening/ Hi/ Hello….
A: My company, which is in Hanoi, is going to welcome a group of businessmen from a
Scottish company next. We need to choose a suitable entertainment venue. Anyone have
any suggestions?
B: I found JW Marriott Hotel in Hanoi to be a good choice. The first, this is five-star
hotel with superb conveniences such as sauna and massage, restaurant with many
Western dishes, tennis court …. The second, it’s close to the company and the airport.
Final, it is near center, convenient for customers to shop, entertainment, enjoy food tour
around Hanoi…
The price is 1200$ but the service is worth the price
A: Oh, that’s also a good place. What do people think?
D: I don’t agree with A. I find Hanoi is too boring and JW Marriott Hotel is too
C: What about Sunshine Hotel in Da Lat. I think the weather is very beautiful,
comfortable for people coming from European countries. Moreover, the golf is the most
beautiful, it is suitable for businessmen and the price is reasonable.
B: Sunshine, it’s too far from Hanoi, it will be inconvenient to travel.
A: I agree with B. Do you have any suggestions, D?
D: I think Scottish businessmen prefer sunshine, not cool weather. What about Long
Beach hotel in Da Nang . The first, the seafood here is delicious. The second, it’s closer
to Hanoi than Da Lat. The third, the bar is lively. More than that, it is luxurious but the
price is reasonable.
C: This is a great idea!
A: According to the analysis of the three comments above, we can see that hotel A is of
good quality but the price is too expensive, hotel B has a reasonable price but far from
Hanoi is not convenient for travel. And I think D's opinion is the most appropriate. It's
not boring but the price is reasonable. Anyone else have an opinion? Otherwise will end
the call here.
B, C, D: I agree…
A: Good evening everyone happy. Bye.
B, C, D: Thanks you Good bye

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