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B) Give an opinion, argue both sides Béi véi cac cau héi thude dang nay nhu da dé cap & phan dau, néu nhur ching ta khong muén lap luan theo mét hung thi cé thé Iya chon cach thir hai nay. Cé nghia la thay vi chi chon m@t huang (vi du chi chon agree hoc disagree) bai viét clia ching ta c6 thé bao gdm ca hai. Khi lp lun theo céch nay ching ta chi cin éiu chinh mt chit v8 céch dua ray kién cla minh & céc phn introduction va conclusion. Trong khi dé hai phn body paragraphs chiing ta s8 vit v8 hal lugn diém trél nguge nhau thay vi twong dng nhau nhu cach thi nhat. Dé nam dug sy’ khac nhau nhu thé nao cia cach lam nay so vai céch thir nhat cae ban tip tuc doc céch lap lugn cho vi dy dui day. Example 1 Some people think that employers should not care about the way their employees dress, because what matters is the quality of their work. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this point of view? Mot s6 ngutdi nghi rang nhitng ngudsi chii khdng nén quan tame céi céch nhan vign cla ho &n mc bai vi diBu quan trong f& chat long céng viée aia ho. Ban dng y hay khéng dng y v6i quan diém trén dn mize d6nd0? employer (c) nquts chit ‘matter i) to be important: quan trong employee = worker = member of stoff()nhdn dress (lypre/odu) én mc 1) Phin mé bai (the introduction) Twang ty phiin introduction nay chiing ta cling c6 thé bao gm ba phn [a Cree eae Ly eee Ly Som a) Background information Phin background chiing ta van viét mét cau binh thuréng néu fen tinh hinh chung, hign nay cia viéc an mac 6 noi cong sé. Today there are plenty of opposing opinions about whether organisations should have mandatory dress codes or not. Ngay nay cb kha nhigu quan diém trai chiéu vé vigc cac t6 chite c6 nén c6 nhting quy dinh bat budc vé quan do ciia nhan vién hay khong. + oppasing (ad) conflicting, opposite: tréichiGu _- compulsory (ad) = mandatory: bit bube + regulation (c) quy dink « Trong bai ndy s8 48 cp nhiéuv8 quy dinh Gn mac ls “dress code”, ching tacé thé paraphrose nd ‘thanh regulations about staff dathing hotc rules related to staff clothes b) People’s opinion ‘Sau khi xong phn background chiing ta sé twong ty dua ra phan quan diém cla moi rngudi, phn nay ching tas@ chon dai mot hung nao d6 gidng dang tnéc. Many people argue that these rules should not be perceved to be crucial in present-day working environments. Nhi8u nguéi cho rang nhiing quy dinh nay khéng nén dugc xem I& quan trong, trong méi trutng lam viéc hign dal. « perceive sth to be noun/ad): xem ci gi nur efi gi hoe nhu thé do + crucial (ad) very important/significant:rét quan trong - work environment = working environment (c) méi truéng lam vige ©) Your opinion Mit lan niva can luu ¥ rang day lun la phn quan trong nhat cia mé bai vi né sé giup tra loi yéu cau cila dé bai, trong phan nay cac ban can dura ray kién cila minh, Bay la phan khac biét so voi cach vigt theo mét hurdng, Boi vi chiing ta d xéc dinh 1a minh sé chon ca hai hung nnén cau dua ra y kién cla cdc ban & phiin mé bai nay sé phai thé hién 15 ¥ nay. Vi hai huténg nay trai chiéu nhau ching ta s@ cn dung mot lién tr la “while” hoc “although” v6i chung ngbia la “me dir” dé vit cau opinion cla minh, hoc ching ta cng c6 thé dung hai lién ti “yet (tuy nhién)” hoa “but (nhueng)’. Truc hét hay doc thir cdc vi dy sau: Although/while | am partly supportive of this point of view, | also believe that ‘wearing formal clothes is till needed in specific work contexts. | partly agree with this point of view, but/yet | believe that wearing formal clothes is still needed in specific work contexts. Mac dit tdi phn nao ding y voi quan diém trén, nhung téi cling tin rang mac quan do trang trong van cin thiét trong nhimg hoan cénh lamvigc dac bie «clothes = clothing = attire = garment = work context= woksituation = work wardrobe (0) quin éo circumstance c) hoén céinh lim vide + formal (adj) trang trong CChiing ta thudng thém nhimng tir, cum tir nhu “partly” “in part” “to some extent/degree” “to a certain extent/degree” dé thé hién minh chi dng y phn nao V6i quan diém nay va mé a vé thet hai véi y kién tréi nga nhu trong cau & trén. Mét sé céch hay ding nhu: Se nL eee Sev aa eae a -Ipartly agree with the above viewpoint, yet | Nhu vay chiing ta s® ¢6 phan mé bai nhu sau: Today there are plenty of opposing opinions about whether organisations should have mandatory dress codes or not. Many people argue that these rules should not be perceived to be crucial in present-day working environments. Although | am partly supportive of this point of view, | also’ believe that wearing formal clothes is still needed in specific work contexts. ‘Doc phiin mé bai nay ching ta sé thay réing chi c6 cau cudi khéc vai céch viet th nnhat, cbn Iai moi thir du twong ty. 2) Phin than bai (the body) ‘Sau khi viét xong phn mé bai ching ta da xéc dinh dugc quan diém cita minh 18 ‘hai huéng. Vi vay mdi phiin than bai cia chting ta s@ bao vé mét huréng. a) Body paragraph 1 Cau topic sé la mét lugn d ém chinh clia doan thir nh, gidi th’ch tai sao chuing ta cho rng nhan vién khéng c&n mic quiin 4o trang trong. CChiing ta c6 thé ding mét s6 cum duéi day 4é bét dau cau topic nm thé hign ring Goan nay sé nél v8 mét huéng va doan sau l8 mét huréng kid. On the one hand, On the positive/negative side, eet Cty eos BISCO tea Pa ese CED ieee eea Vi dy chting ta cé thé viet mét cu topic dé ling hd huéng thienhét dé fa mc quan 4o trang trong l8 khOng cn thiét. On the one hand, as a matter of fact, formal clothing does not make a substantial contributicn to the improvement of labour productivity, which is| ‘the more Important factor determining a company's success. Mot mat, thy'c té quiin do trang trong khéng déng g6p rhiéu vao vigc tang ig Suat lao dng, diy la yéu t6 quan trong hon quyét dinh sy thanh céng ciia mot cong ty. ‘Cac ph’in sau chiing ta s® trinh bay tuong ty nh mét body paragraph binh thong, Topic sentence] On the one hand, as a matter of fact, formal clothing does| not make a substantial contribution to the improvement of labour productivity, which is the more important factor determining a company’s| success. [Supporting sentence(s)] In simple terms, when employees have to wear clothes under a certain rule, they would customarily expend quite a lot of time on their appearance, and are apprehensive about sanctions after offending the code. Not surprisingly, such external distractions would perhaps| have an adverse impact on the quality of work. [Example] Being conscious of| this issue, many large corporations such as Google or Facebook have chosen to encourage their employees to dress casually at work, and even senior managers also normally wear only jeans and T-shirts. [Concluding thought] Evidently, the global success of these two companies reflects the fact that dress codes are not invariably of importance in all fields. Mét mat, thyc té quiin 4o trang trong khéng déng gép thiéu vao vie ting rng suat lao dong, diy 18 yéu t quan trong hon quyét dinh sy thanh céng| ca m6t céng ty. Khi rhan vin phai mgc quan 0 theo mt quy dinh ndo 46, ho s& thung phai danh nhigu the glan cho vé ngoai cla minh, va lo téng ve hinh phat khi vi pham ni quy. Nhding diéu gay xao lang bén ngoai nh vay| che chén sé anh huréng tiéu cye nén chat Iuong céng vige. Nhgn thite duoc van d& nay, nhi8u tép doan Idn nhur Google hay Facebook luén khuyén khich nhan vién mc thoi mai é not lam vige, va tham chi nhiing quan ly cép cao] fing thug chi mc jeans hay 4o thun. RO rang [a sy’ thanh céng trén toan

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