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PART 4: TOPIC VOCABULARY TOPIC 1: CULTURE/SOCIETY/TOURISM/IMMIGRATION nationalism = patriotism (u) chi ngt tc, chi nghia yéu nus + national pride (u) sity hao dan téc people from allwalks of lives (n) ngui tir tit cd céc tng lép xa hoi social group (c) nhém xi héi «arranged marriage (c) hén nhan sép dat =a sense of community (n) ¥ thite céng. eng = community spirit u) tinh than cng ding = revive (t) restore: khéi phuc lai (mot truyén théng, su tu tin...) + origin, cultural and language difference (c) su khdc bit vé rguén géc, vin hao va ngon neir tourism income (u) doanh thu tir du lich + cultural meaning (c) nghia vin héa formalise (t) chinh thite héa -ritualise (t) nghithirc héa - travel industry= tourist industry (n) nganh dulich globalisation (u) sy’ ton cu héa cultural globalisation (u) sy toan cu héa van héa - transnational travel = international travel (v) du lich xuyén bién gigi hostility (u) sy hi dich conflict (c/u) sy xung d6t hospitality (u) sy mén khdch + offense = offence (u) sy xiie pham, sy’ vi ham, sw’ xam pham = local = local resident curdan dia phuong cultural value (2) gid tri van héa dan local inhabitant (c) = religious belief (u) tin ngung, niém tin ton ido - mutual understanding (u) str hiéu biét Ian ‘nhau + mutual trust (u) su tin tuéng lan nhau = Invasion (u) suv xm chiém, sy tran ngap (pervasion) - motherland = fatherland = homeland (n) qué huong, t8 quéc ~a sense of identity: y thite V8 ngudn g6c, vé ban sic cultural identity (u) ban séc vin héa - cultural preservation = cultural conservation (u) su bao tn, git gin van héa a time-honoured tradition = an age-old convention (n) mét truyén théng au di - local convention (c) truyén théng dia phuong. = touris: site = tourist attraction = tourist spot (c) dia diém tham quan - historical monument (c) dai tuéng niém lich sir - historical site (c) heritage site: di tich lich = relic (¢) di san, di vat + cultural heritage (u) di sin vin héa taboo (c) diéu edi ky - cultural commercialisation (u) sy thong. mai hda van héa + integrty (u) su toan ven = Indigencus = native (adi) ban xi, ban dia + popular destination (c) diém dén duoc ua chuéng reputable (ad)) reliable, credible: c6 tiéng 16t, tin tuéng due prestige (u) danh tiéng, uy tin, thanh thé «prestigious (ad)) c6 danh tiéng, uy tin, thanh thé «Integrate (into)= merge (into) = blend (in with) (i) haa nhap vio - minority community () cng dng nh, cong dng thiéusé minority culture (¢) vin héa dn toe thiéu ethnic group (c) din toc ethnicity (u) sic téc ethnic identityu) ban séc dan toc - local custom (ci phong tuc tap quan dia phyone coexistence (u) sy" cing chung sng, ton tai ~coexist (with) (I}cing ton tal vei cultural shock (u) s6e van héa tural (adj) da vin héa ~co-build(t) cling xay dung «cultural diversity (u) su da dang van héa ~ ethnic diversity (u) su da dang sic toc + ethnic unity (u) su’ doan két dan téc - family solidarity = family unity (u) sv doan két gia din - social cohesion = social solidarity (u) suv doan két gin bd cong dng. = communal life (u) d&i séng cong ding sample = experience (t) tri nghiém (cube séng.. = life force = vitality (u) sire sng + exoticculture (c) van héa ngoai lai = flock = swarm (i) 46 dn t6i + inflow= influx (s) sy 8 dn ti cultural uniformity = cultural homogeneity (u) sy dng nhat vin héa TOPIC 2: TRANSPORT + time-conscious (adj) y thie vé thd’ gian - time-consuming (ad) t6n thei gian bypass (t) di ving qua bypass = ring road = detour (c) dung vang accident rate (c)t Ié tai nan road accident (2) tal nan duvong bo « traffic accident(c) tai nan giao théng automobile accident (c) tal nan xe hot - traffic crash = traffic collision (c) va cham. giao thang road safety measure (c) bién phap an toan dung bo «stop sign (c) bién bao dirmg, «danger warning sign (c) bién béo nguy higm «stoplight = traffic light (c) den giao thang road user (c) ngudi sir dung during bé pedestrian (c) nguri di bo + motorist (c) ngudi laixe motor ~eyclist= biker = bicyclist (c) neue dap xe car user = car occupant (c) ngudi sirdung. xehoi = road infrastructure (u) co sé ha tang dung 26 = transportation system (c) hé théng giao thang - public transport = public transportation (u) pphurong tién giao théng cong cong = Inlandwaterway (c) duéng thiy ndi dia - transport network (c) mang luéi giao thang = railrozd ray railway (c) duéng sit, duéng

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