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PART 4: TOPIC VOCABULARY TOPIC 1: CULTURE/SOCIETY/TOURISM/IMMIGRATION nationalism = patriotism (u) chi ngt tc, chi nghia yéu nurse “national pride (u) su tu hao dan téc people from all walks of lives (n) ngui tir tat cd céc tng lp x3 hot ~ social group (c) nhém x hdl + arranged marriage (c) hén nhan sép dat =a sense of community (n) jthite céng. eng community spirit (u) tinh tan cng ding = revive (t) restore: khi phuc lai (mot truyén théng, sy ty tin...) + origin, cultural and language difference (c) su khdc bigt vé ngun gc, vin hao va ngon neit = tourism income (u) doanhthu tir du lich + cultural meaning (c) nia vin hoa formalise () chinh thie héa = ritualise (t) nghi tite héa - travel industry = tourist industry (n) nganh dulich globalisation (u) sy to3n cSu héa cultural globalisation (u) sy ton cu héa van héa - transnational travel = international travel (u) du lich xuyén bién git hostility (u) sy thir dich + conflict (c/u) su xung dt hospitality (u) su mén khach + offense = offence (u) sy’xGc pham, sy’ vi ham, surxam pharm = local = local resident curdan dia phuong. cultural value (c) gid tri van héa dan loczl inhabitant (c) = religious belief (u) tin ngung, niém tin ton gido - mutual understanding (u) su hiéu biét Ian ‘nhau mutual trust (u) su tin tuéng lan nhau = Invasion (u) su xém chiém, sy tran ngap (pervasion) - motherland = fatherland = homeland (n) qué huong, t8 quéc ~a sense of identity: y thite v8 ngudn g6c, vé ban sic cultural identity (1) bin séc vin héa - cultural preservation = cultural conservation (u) sy bao tn, iit gin vn héa a time-honoured tradition = an age-old convention (n} més truyén théng au di - local convention {c)truyén théng dia phuong = tourist site = tourist attraction = tourist spot (c) dla diém tham quan - historical monument (¢) dai tuéng niém lich sir - historical site (c) heritage site: di tich lich = relic (c} di sin, di vat - cultural heritage (u) di sin vin héa = taboo (c) diu cm ky - cultural commercialisation (u) sy thong. ‘mai héa van hoa «integrity (u) su’ toa ven = Indigenous = native (ad) bin xi, ban dia + popular destination (c) diém dén duoc ua chuéng reputable (ad)) reliable, credible: c6 tiéng ‘6t, tin tueng duoc prestige (u) danh tiéng, uy tin, thanh thé «prestigious (adj) c6 danh tiéng, uy tin, thanh thé «Integrate (into) = merge (into) = blend (in with) (i hda nhap vao. - minority community (c) cong dng nh, cong ding thidu sé minority culture (c) van héa dan tc thiéu ~ethnie group (c} dan téc ethnicity (u) sic tc ethnic identity (u) ban se dan toc - local custom (c) phong tuctap quan dia phyone coexistence (u) sy cling chang sng, ton tai coexist (with) (i) clung tn tal vei cultural shock (u)s6e van héa - multi-cultural (adj) da vin héa ~co-build (t) cing xay dung + cultural diversity u) su da dang van héa ethnic diversity (u) su da dang sic toc + ethnic unity (u) sv’ doan két dan t6c - family solidarity = family unity (u) sy doan két gia dinh - social cohesion = social solidarity (u) su doin két gén bé céng dng. = communal lfe (u} dat séng cong ding - sample = experience (t) tri nghiém (cube tality (u) sire s6ng + exotic culture (c) vin héa ngoai lai = flock = swarm (i) 46 dn t6i «Inflow = influx (s) sy 6 dn ti ~ cultural uniformity = cultural homogeneity (u) su dng nhs vin héa ‘TOPIC 2: TRANSPORT « time-conscious (ad)) ¥ thite vé thé’ gian = time-consuming (ad) t6n thei gian bypass (t) di ving qua bypass = ring road = detour (c) dung vang accident rate (c) ty 16 tai nan road accident (c) tai nan dung bd « traffic accident (c) tai nan giao théng automobile accident (c) tai nan xe hot « traffic crash = traffic collision (c) va cham. glao thong «road safety measure (c) bién phap an toan dung bo «stop sign (c) bién bao dirng «= danger warning sign (c) bién bio nguy higm + stoplight = traffic ight (c) dén giao théng. road user (c) ngui sir dung duréng bé pedestrian (c) ngudi di bo motorist (c) nguéilaixe motor cyclist = biker = b cyclist (c) ngudt dap xe car user = car occupant (c) ngudi sirdung, xehoi = road infrastructure (u) co'sé ha tang dung bd = transportation system (c) hé théng giao thang - public transport = public transportation (u) phurong tién giao trdng cong cong - Inland waterway {c) duéng thiy di dia « transport networ< (e) mang luéi giao thang = railroad = railway (c) dung s8t, dung ray air travel (u) su di chuyén bing dueng hang khong air transport (u) sy van chuyén bing dung hang khang civil aviation (u) hing khérg din dung = means of transport = mode of transpoi form of transport = means cf travel () phuong tién di chuyén, hint thie di chuyén «plane = aircraft = airplane = aeroplane (c) may bay «safe driving course = defersive driving ‘course (c) khéa hoc lai xe an toan + driving school (c) tree li - driving training course (c} Ehéa G30 ta0 Iai driving test (c) bai kiém tra lai xe «driving license = driver’ license (c) bing tai road condition (c) diéu kién dime «defensive driving sills (pir) kV nding li xe antoin road safety (u) an todn dung bé - traffic volume (u) uu lrgng giao thong = fuel tax (c) thué nhién gu car manufacturer (c) nha sin xuat xe hoi = fuel-efficient car Ic) xe hai it tiéu tén sign ligu petrol use (u) petrol consumption: sv sir dung xang, sy tiéu thy xing car use (u) vige st dung xe hot - flight path (c) dung bay «long-haul flight (c) chuyén bay da long-distance (ad, khong cach dai - lengthy commute (c) quing dung di chuyén dai hang ngay (dén noi lam vige hhodc dén trang) hands-free syster (c) hé thdng ty déng + speedy movemert (u) su di chuyén, vin chuyén nhanh «air freight (u) sy van chuyén hang héa bing dung hang thong, + sea freight (u) survan chuyén hang héa bing duéng thiy - driving/traffic offence = driving/traffic Violation (c} sv vi pham giao théng « driverless = self-driving (adj) tu TOPIC 3: POLITICS/LAW/CRIME/THE ARMY/WAR/GOVERNMENT FUNDING ~ powerlessness = lack of authority (u) su kkh6ng ¢6 quyén hanh be powerless to do sth: khng c6 quyén lam gi d6 criminal record (¢)tiéu siz pham toi « self-destruction (u) su'ty hiy hoai ban than «ruthless (adj) brutal, cruel, merciless: tan nhin rule setting (u) vige dura raquy dinh/luat le ald money (u) tién vign tro humanitarian a vign tro nhan dao - government spending (u) chi iu cha cchinh phi ~ public purse (s) ngan sch chinh pho « private financing {u) vén tu nhan public funding = government funding (u) uy cing, ta tro cing public funds (pir) quY tro cp cong - give the green light to sth/sb = permit: cho pphép, bat dén xanh cho cdi gl non-government adj) phi chinh pha jumanitarian relief (u) the path to the top of the chain of ‘command: con during dé ding du hé théng quyén lye «= chain of command = command hierarchy {(n) hé théng quyén Ie «settle (t) hoa gid Prime Minister = the headjleader of the government (n) nguei dling dau chinh phi sovereignty (over) (u) chi quyén territorial integrity (u) sy to’n ven Linh thé ~ power struggle (c) cugc ch én, su tranh chap quyén lye = combative (adi) hiéu chién (ndi v8 tinh khi) nonviolent (adj) khéng diing bao lye ~colony (c) thude dia colonise (t) chiém lam thuéc dia ~coloniser (c) thye din slave (t) nd ie « the electorate (n) electors, voters: ct tri ~decree (¢) séclénh ~autocrat= dictator (c) ké dé tai + autocratic regime (c) ché d6 dc ta government policy (c) chinh sch ciia chinh phi to take office: ndm quyén itrong chinh phi) govern (t) cai tri, théng tri, inh dao - to enlist in the army = to join the army tong quan, di nghia vu (military) conscription (u) sv goi nhp ng = conscript sb into the army: goi (ai d6) nhap ned «military service (u) military training: st phuc wy, dio tao trong quan net = the army = the military (u) quan di serve the nation: phuc vy qudc gia + serve (in) the army: phuc wi trong quan gt army hospital c) bénh vién quan sur = the logistics department (n) b6 phan hu military task (c) naiém vu quan suv - military conflict c) cud xung dt quan sv military attack (e)surtn céng quan sir - ciullian (c) thuréng dan (khong phai binh link) - ciulian life (u) cugc sng binh thuring (khdng lién quan dén quan d6i) - serviceman (c) (plural servicemen) quan ‘ahan = warplane = military airplane (c) may bay chign au missile (c)tén lta amour (c) 40 gidp, xe boc thép warfare = military fighting (u) chién tranh (quan sy) peacetime (u) thei inh concealed surveillance camera (c) camera gidm sat gidu kin - Indoor surveillance system (c) hé théng idm sat & trong nha - security system (c) hé théng an ninh - be/fall prey to= fall victim to = become Victims of: tré tharh nan nhan, con moi cua penalise = punish (t) phat « task force (on) (c)lyc lzgng dc nhiém police force (c) luc lzang cénh sat crime reduction (:/u) sur gidm ti pham «crime prevention(u) su phang chéng t6i ham + anti-crime campaign (c) chién dich chéng tdi pham + anti-crime device (c) anti-crime equipment: thiét bi chéng ti pham «launch = issue (t) tung ra, dua ra (chin sich, chién dich...) «put forward (phrasal verb) suggest, advance: d@ ra (mét y kién, Ké hoach..) = victimisation (u) yy di xtr bat cOng, tan han, nguroc dai aid -vietimize () 461 xr khng cong biing, tan nhin, nguroc dai ai dé to curb violence: ngan chan/kiém ché bao lve media watchdog (c) co quan gidm sat truyén thong, violent crime (c/u) tai pham bao lye = violent act = act of violence (c) hanh vi bao lve violent movie (c) phim baolve «resolve conflicts through violence: giai quyét xung dot bing bao lve - televised violence (u) bgo lye trén tiv repeated acts of violence (n) hanh vi bao lye lip dt lip lat ~post-release employment = employment after release (u) céng viéc sau khi ra ti = work release (u) su tha ti nhian ra khdi ti 8 lam vige correction = rehabilitation (u) sui tao (ta nhdn) - antisocial and criminal bekaviour (u) hinh vixdu, vi pham phap lust criminality (u) hoat déng hoc hanh vi pham téi criminal tendency = criminal disposition (c) khuynh huréng pham ti habitual criminal (c) ké thudng xuyén pham t6i «repeatedly (adv) lip dt splat = commit a crime: pham ti -recommit (t) tai pham re-offend (i) tai pham re-offending = recidivism () sy ta pham repeat offender = recidivis (c)ké tai pham «reintegrate (sb into) (t) gitip ai dé tai hoa nhap «reintegration (into) (u) su tai ha nhap Juvenile delinquency = juvenile crime (u) sur pham ti thiéu nién juvenile delinquent (c) thanh thiéu nign c6 hanh vi pham t6i - delinquent behaviour (u) hanh vi pham toi (thuréng 13 cia thiéu nién) - violent juvenile crime (u) t6i pham bao lye vithanh nién = wrongdoing (c/u) hanh vi sai trél/pham php wrongdoer (c) ngvéi lam di + aggressive behaviour (u) hanh vi hung hang, gay @6 violent theme (c)chii 48 bao lye contaminate (t) lim hu héng, anh huéng. xu dén (ngudt khac) «prisoner (c) ti: nhin - Imprisonment = confinement = captivity (u) su-giam gitt imprison (t) bd ti, tng glam keep sb in captiviy: glam git ai dé «send sb to jail/prison = put sb in jall/prison: bat al dé vio ta confrontation (with/between) (c) cude tram chan - deter (sb from doing sth) (t) prevent, discourage: ngin chan, ran de deterrent (to/forjagainst) (c) c8i ngan chan have a deterrent affect: c6 tac dung rn de hardened criminal/police officer (c) toi pham/cénh sit che i, nhn tam - motive (for doing sth) (c} dng cor primary motive (behind/for) (c) dng cor china = Intimidating (adj) him doa, dng so, gay sath = Intimidate (t) frighten or threaten: de doa, gay soa = Intimidation (u) sith3m dao under threat (phr) bi de doa = minor crime (c) ti nhe sai trai ~ gun ownership rate (c) ty Ids hitu suing private gun ownership (u) su sé hifu sting cAnhin = death = fatality (c) loss of Ife: cai chét casualty (¢) victim: nan nhin, neue thuong vong security measure (c) bién php an ninh « self-defense = self-protection (u) su tu vé «self-defense technique (c) ky thuat tu vé - self-protective measure (c| cach thite ty ve ~defensive device (c) thiét ti bao vé «pull the trigger: bép cd stirg ~ arrest (t) bat gir cruel treatment (u) su d6ixtr tan nhn torture (t/u) tra tén, su tratén «legislation (u) law, a set of law: lt, bo twat + the legal system (n) hé théng lust phép - legitimate = legal = lawful iadi) hop phap legitimacy (u) sy hgp php = Illegitimate = illegal = unlawful (ag) bit hop phap = illegitimacy (u) sy bat hopphap «illegal activity = unlawful at (c) hoat déng, ham phap_ Innocent (adi) vé t6i ~ miscarriage of justice (c) sy thy thi céng. Isai be brought to justice: bj dva ra trudc céng Wy, bi xir toi « law-abiding citizen (c) cng dn tuan this luat php = to abide by sth: tuan theo {luat, quy dinh, théa thuan..) armed conflict (c/u) cud xung d6t vi trang, su xung dot vi trang -armed/unarmed police (pI) canh sat ‘c6/khéng 6 vii khi armed crime (c/u) sv pham tic vi trang arm (i/t) trang bi vi khi = to carry guns: mang sting - firearm = gun (c) sing cam tay (sting trutng, sting lc.) «tighten (t)siét chit (Wuat 6.) = tight regulation (c)luat lé nghiém khde control = regulate (t) kiém soat patrol (c} d6i tua tra ~ authority (c, usually pir) quan chire, ngwéi cBauyén - government offical (c) quan chite chinh phi - government leader (c) ngudi inh dao cchinh phi - world leader (c) linh do thé gid + policy maker (c} rgut fam chinh séch - loophole (¢) 16 héng (trong chinh sch, lat) - harsh/severe/rigid/strict/rigorous punishment (c/u) hinh phat nghiém kha a breach/violation of: su vi pham (Iuat, quyén..) breach = break = violate (t) vi pham, pha V6 (Iuat, hiép wc.) - empower = authorise (sb to do sth) (1) cho quyén enforce a law: busc thi hanh luat eyewitness = witness (c) nhan ching = liable (for) (ad) legally responsible for: chiu tréch nhiém phap fy cho panic (s/u) su hoang mang, s¢ hai declare a state of emergency: céng bé tinh trang khan cp = political party (c) dang chinh tri - surrender (to) = succumb (to) () dau hing true cai gi dé (cdmm d5, dp luc.) « the horrors of sth: str ghé rom cia (chién tranh, t61 pham..) - terrorist (c) khiing b6 = terrorist attack (c) vu tdn cng khiing b6 = bombing (¢/u) vudénh bom, sv’ dénh bom - shooting (c) vu né sting ~ shoot-out (c) cude du sting = copycat suicide (c/u) wy ty tir bat chue ~be/stay at large: khdng bi bé ti « trace criminals: truy vét t6i pham ~erime rate (c) ty 1é pham tai «criminologist (c) nha ti pkam hoc ~ get involved in/engage in/be engaged in criminal activities: tham gia, dinh liu dén hoat dng pham php - prospective criminal = potential criminal (c) ‘61 pham tiém ning - would-be offender (c) ngu’i mudin tre: ‘thanh t6i pham actual offender/criminal (c) ti pham thiét «criminal = offender = law-treaker (c) ké ham phap_ - law-offending practice/behaviour (c) hoat < high-achieving student, high achiever) = poor/low performance (u) thanh tich kém academic performance = academic achievement/attairment (u) thanh tich hoc tap learning outcome (c) két qua hoc tip academic year (c) nim hoc academic opportunity = learning/educational opportunity (c) co héi hoe tap academic subject (c) mén hoc thuat ~ academic excellence (u) su xust sic trong. hoc tép academic ability (u) nang lec hoc vin ~ academiclearning objective (c) myc tiéu hoc tap ~ academic success (u) sy thanh céng trong hoc tap literacy rate (c) I biét dc, biét viet «literacy (u) nan mis chit, that hoc preschooler (c) tré chura dén tudi di hoc «in preschool years: trong thai gian chia én tu6i di hoc = school age (u) tuéi di hoc school-age (adi) trong 46 tudi di hoc graduate = graduate student (c) sinh vién tet nghigp «= school-leaver (c) ngudi mei rai ghé nha trerang (thurime khong hoc dal hoc) - undergraduate = university student (c) sinh vién chua tét nghiép = postgraduate (c) nghién cdu sinh (sau dai hoe) «scholar (c) academic: hoc gia ~ humane education (u) ido duc nhan dao (v8 quyén con ngu’, bao vé déng vat...) = stimulate (t)kich thich - knowledgeable (adj) hiéu biét - well-informed (about) (ad}) 6 hiéu bist, kign thie v8 gi dd adept (in/at) = proficient (in/a competent (at) (adj) thao, gid competence (u) ning luc, su gidi Incompetent = inept = unqualified (ad)) khong gidi excel (at/in) (i) xult se - get an insight into: hiéu thau cai gi d5 = Ignorant (of sth) (adj) ngu dét, khéng biét digi lecture (i) didn thuyét, ging bai - scientific reasoning (u) suy lun logic educational channel (c) Kénh giéo duc educational = instructional (ad)) mang tinh ido duc - televised teaching (u) sy day qua tivi = teaching quality (u) chat long giang day - student foan (c) khodn vay sinh vign - knowledge-based society = skill-based society (c) x3 héi da trén kj nang, kién thie natural sciences (pit) hoa hoc ty’ nhién. reignite (t) khoi diy (dam mé...) «Individuality (u) déc tinh cé nhén, cé tinh + Individualism (u) chin cénhan ‘TOPIC 5: CHILDREN/FAMILIES/FRIENDS/RELATIONSHIPS/SENIOR CITIZENS «childcare responsibility (c)tréch nhiém chim séc con cdi + caring responsibilty (c)trach nhiém chim sic = family duties (pr) tréch nhigm gia dinh - shoulder/assume the responsibility for (doing) sth: génh vic trach nhigm gi 66 - be responsible fo"= be held responsible for = be accountable for: chlu trach nhiém cho - obligation (to do sth) (c) trach nhiém - feel obliged to do sth: cm thay 6 trach snhiém phai fam gi dé scrape a living = make aliving= earn a livelihood = make ends meet: xoay sé kiém song = compatible (with) (adj) hda hop vei Incompatible (with) (ad}) khong hoa hop. harmonious (with) (adj) hai hba, hoa thudn get on well wit thuan, hda hop vai + disharmony (with) (u) su kang hda hop véi underage (adi) chura di tuéi (e.g. underage drinking, an underage driver) «self-image (c) hinh anh ban than defined bounds/boundaries (pir) nhiing ranh giét d3 duoc dinh sin high expectations for sth :ky vong cao vé - family/social/cultural/educational background (c) nén tng gia dinh/it hoi/vin héa/ gido duc low-income family (c) gla éinh c6 thu nhép, thap impoverished family (c) gle dinh nghéo, ting thigu -low/high/middle-income family (c) gia inh cé thu nhgp thép/cao/:rung binh poor education background (c) nén tang. giéo duc yéu kém = poor background = disadvantaged background (c) nén tng nghéo khé, thp kém social status (u) dia vi x8 hdl all walks of life (plural noun phrase) tat ca lai cdp va tng lap trong x3 hdl impose rules on children = enforce children’s compliance with rules: bat tré em. tuan theo lust 6 Impose a limit/restriction on sth: dt ra ald han cho cdi gh “= nose-picking (u) sv ngoay mii et along with: hoa attend to : quan tim dén (look after), gil quyét (deal with) beyond sb’s years: tragic tudi - unmonitored = unsupervised = ‘uncontrolled (adi) chong durge giém sit + child abuse (u) sy lam dung, nguroc da em - marriage/family breakdown (u) sy tan vo hhén nan, gia dinh = biological parent {c} cha/me rudt at a young age = early inife: lic cin nho ~ childhood (u) thet nién thiéu + adulthood (u) giai dogn trréng than boyhood (u) thai nién thiéu (men) - manhood (u) thai truéng thanh, su trudng thanh (maturity) (men) + adult life (u) cuécséng khi truéng thanh = spontaneous (adi) tu phat + spontaneously (adv) mét céch ty phat - Impulsive (adj) béc dng. ~ Impulsively (adv) mot cach bée dng ~ impulsivity = impulsiveness (u) su béc dong to come of age = 10 come/grow to ‘maturity: trang thinh = In formative years: trong nhimng nam quyét dinh dén sirhinh thanh va phat trién tinh céch «raise = rear = bring u nusinang. - upbringing = parenting (u) sur nudi nang «parenting method = parenting style= style of parenting (c) phzong phép/céch nuéi day con cai curiosity (u) su tame - family violence (u) bao lye gia dinh = brutal act (c) hanh dng tan bgo/hung. Scfeye sic = brute force (u) value - behaviour = demeanor = conduct (u) hinh wurture (t) nuéi, violent behaviour (u) hanh vi bao lye erratic behaviour pattern (c) 16 cu xir that thuong = misbehaviou! xéu = misbehave (i) act out, behave badly: cr xir te head-strong = stubborn disobedient (adj) hu héng, cing du, khang nghe oi = code of conduct (c) nguyén tic cu xir - well-behaved = well-mannered (adj) cu xir t6t, lich su courtesy (u) sur lich sy, nhé nhin courteous (adi) lich su, nha nha respectful (adi) ton trong rgu khéc - disrespectful (adj) khéng tén trong ngudi khdc, bat kin ~quarrelsome (ad) hay gay g6, c&i v8 (nd va tinh cach) ~ quarrel (with sb) (i) e8y 86, c3i v8 véi al ~ altruistic (ag) vi tha + altruism (u) su'vi tha tenderness (u) sy nhe nhang, diu dang. - tender = gentle (adi) nhe nhang, diu ding teen pregnancy (u) str marg thai khi chura trvdng thanh - feel excluded = feel discriminated: céim ‘thay bj loai tri, phan biét a sense of exclusion (n) cim gidc bi loai trir = Isolation (u) su'¢6 lap nursing home = retirement home = rest home (¢) vign dung lao «legacy = inheritance (c)taisin thira ké Inherit (t)thira ké, thira hudng - dependent = dependant (c) nguéi phy thude, ngudi song diva «anti-aging technology (c) cSng nghé chong lio héa ~ aging population (c) din sé dang gla héa aged population (c) din sé gid isconduct (u) su cur xr aging (u) sv gid hoa age (i) get older: gid, population size.) quy mé dan s6 «peer group effect (c) anh hung cia ban bbe dng trang lira + peer pressure (u) 4p lye déng trang lta - stay/keep in touch with = stay/keep in contact with: gi lién lac véi + loving care (u) su yéu throng cham séc enjoy the company/companionship of sb tan huténg va vul v8 khi bén can ai d6 = companion = friend (¢) ban + intimate = close (ad) than thigt (ban bé, mdi quan hé..) «loneliness (u) su'¢é dan household (c) hd gla dinh - unjustified desire (c) mong muén phi ly = open up opportunities for sb todo sth: me ra nhiing co hdi cho ai dé «live up to parents’ expectations: dap img duge mong dgi cia cha me dissatisfied (adj) kh6ng hai jiscontentment dissatisfaction (u) su kh6ng hai lang contentment = satisfaction = gratification (u) su hai long ~ content = contended = satisfied = gratified fulfilled (adi) hai long contentment = satisfaction (u) su’ hai lang = satisfying = gratitving = fulfilling (ad) lam hai long = role model (c) hin m&u, idol - Imitate = mimic (}) bat che pass sth (on) to later generations: truyén 3 d6 cho nhiing thé hé sau conform (to/with) () obey, comply with: tuin theo In compliance/coxformity with (phrase) tuan theo = compliance = conformity (u) sy tuan thi well-being = physical and mental health (u) sy khde manh va hanh phic - emotional well-being (u) su khde manh v8 tinh thn ~ acquaintance (c) ngu&i quen soso «get acquainted with: lim quen véi ai, ci gi ~onlooker = bystander (c) ngudi duing xem + outsider (c) ngudi ngoai + social circle (¢) nhém quan hé x8 héi social network (c) mang lui quan hé x3 hai social relationship (c) mdi quan he x8 hoi superficial relationship (c) méi quan hé qua loa, xa giao la chinh = Interpersonal (ad) gitta nguéi voi neue emotional support (u) su ting hé tinh than environmental fa:tor (c) yéu t6 méi trang - Individual characteristic (c) dc dim ci sahin = demanding (adj) 481 hoi (ndi v8 tinh chat cng vigc, tinh cach. + aspiring (adi) kha: khao hard-working (ad) studious, industrious, diligent: cham chi, cin ci - good-hearted (ad)) kind-hearted: tét bung « self-centred (adj) egoistic: tu cho minh Ia trung tam, TOPIC 6: MEDIA/ADVERTISING mislead = misguide (t) lim lac I, ia di (dan ching, khach hang.) misleading information (u) thang tin sai lech ~ exposure to violent sceneson TV: sy tiép xc, sy xem nhing canh bgo lye trén tv high media exposure (u) sy xem/tiép xic nhigu véi cac phurong tién tuyén théng (tiv, bio dai.) expose the audience to: co khan gid xem (mdt ndi dung gi dé) ~censor (t)kiém duyét censorship (u) su kiém duyét crime scene (c) cénh phamtdi - violent content (u) néi dung bao lc - obscene picture = sexual image (c) hinh nh tuc tiu, khiéu dam ~ offensive image (c) hinh arh phan céim - unwelcome news (u) tin tie gay khé chiu, khéng hay - objectionable content (u) néi dung xdu va bi phan ai «celebrity = personality (c) ngurdi néi ting - be bombarded with: bitin céng din dp bb (tin nhdn rc, cue gol, théng tin...) + elicit (sth from sb/sth) (ty duoc (théng tin, phn ting) ti ai, ei gh - grab (the) headlines: tré thanh tm diém - word-of-mouth marketing (u) quaing c40 truyén migng - to bulld up word-of-mouth reputation: lam tang danh tiéng truyén miéng - advertising message (c) thong diép quing cho - marketing information (u) théng tin quang cho - advertiser = marketer (c) nha quang co advertise = market = promote (t) quéng. advertising quang co newly marketed product (c) sin phéim méi duge quing cio ‘marketing = promotion (u) heavily advertised product(c) sin phim duge quang céo qua nhigu Information provider (c) den vi cung cp théng tin messenger = courier (c) ngydi dua tin {information sender), ngui dua thu. = firsthand information (u) tin tize tru tig, tir thign trong current affair (c) vin d8, sv viéc hién nay topical (ad)) mang tinh that su” receive alot of publicity: nhan direc nhieu su quan tm, cha y + spread/circulate rumors: lam truyén tin on - fabricate (t) bia dt, lam gid (ching cf, tin tise) = commentator (c) binh lun vién - disclose =reveal = publicise t)tlét 6, cng khal - Journalism (u) nghé/céng viéc lam bdo - dramatise = sensationalise(t) kich héa, lam cdi gl tra nén giat gan - dramatic = sensational (ad) gist gin (tiéu 48, n6i dung.) -TV programme producer (¢) nha sin xuat cchuong trinh tiv newspaper editor (c) nha tién tap bso newspaper reporter (c) phing vién bio «high audience rating (c) ty lé ngu’i xem war documentary (c) phim ta igu chin tran periodically (adv) dinh ky broadcast (c/t) chuzong trinh phat thanh/truyén hinh, phat than, teuyén hinh - radio broadcasting (u) phat thanh radio + quiz show (c) chutong trinh dé vui =TV viewer (c) ngu xem tivi = moviegoer (c) film-goer: nguéi di xem phim thing xuyén + fashion show (c) show thai trang. advertisement = commercial c) quang céo + audience (c) khan thinh gia - media programme (c} chyong trinh truyén hinh, phat thanh. - media owner (c) kénh truyn théng, - transnational media corporation (c) tép doan truyén théng xuyén quéc gia entertainment company (c) céng ty gi tri - the mainstream media (n) phuong tién truyén théng chink théng « the mass media (a) phuong tién truyén théng dai ching ~ the news media (3) truyén théng tin tire - the news business (n) nganh tin tc ~ creative industry c) nganh céng nghigp sing tao « the media market (n) thi trong truyén thong. «Internet-based media (n) phurong tién truyén théng trén Internet entertainment media (n) phurong tién truyén th6ng gisi tf «print media (n) bio va tap chi « the press (n) béo chi - freedom of the press (u) tudo bdo chi - the diversity/variety of programmes (u) su dda dang chwong trnh TOPIC 7: BUSINESS/ECONOMY/SHOPPING ~ Insensible buying decision (c) quyét dinh mua sim khéng hop ly make a buying/purchase decision: duva ra quyét inh mua sim make a purchase: mua «buying decision (c} quyét dinh mua =a buying craze (n) mét trae lu mua sm fad = trend (c) traoluu, trend = shopping trip (c)chuyén dimua sim Impulsive purchase = unplanned purchase (c)sut mua hang bc dng Impulsive buyer/purchaser = unintended shopper (c) ngu®i mua hang khéng du dinh true online shopping (u) mua sém online online shopper (c) nguréi mua sm online grocery shopping (u) sy’ mua hang tap héa - food shopping (u) sy mua thite an business transaction (c)gizo dich kinh doanh multinational corporation {c) tap doan da quéc gia - operator = business organisation (c) doanh nnghigp kinh doanh - target customer = target buyer (c) khich hang myc tiéu + give products an exaggerated account: néi qua v8 cdc sin phim non-commercial (adi) phi throng mai non-economic benefit (c Iai ich khong. phai kinh té = profit-oriented = money-oriented = ‘commercial (adj) vi lol nhusn, bi chi phéi baitién - tangible benefit (c) lot ich hiru hin (tri nghiia intangible benefit) economic benefit (c) la ich kinh té revenue (u) doanh thu entrepreneur (c) doanh nhin, chi doanh nghigp «the domestic market (n) thi trudng néi dia = the oversea market (a) thi truéng nude goat - volatile = erratic= irregular (adj) khéng én dink, that thu@ng - volatility (u) irregularity: tinh d8 bién déng - Income-generatirg activity (c) hoat dong tg0 ralol nhusn - profit-making act ity (c) hoat dng kiém replicate = duplicate (t) bit churée, copy, 20 la, lap lat = replica (c) bin sao, bin copy « business fraud (cju) su lira do, gian lan trong kinh doanh « tax fraud (u) sy gaan lin thud - fraud (u/c) sy lirado, ké lira 430 economic prospe‘ty (u) sy thinh vwong kin té - prosper = thrive= flourish () phat dat, thinh vege, - prosperous = thriving phat dat, thinh vuong, economic status ju) diéu kién kinh té economic condition (c) diéu kién kinh té - the commodity rarket (n) thi trréng hang. hea «business investor (nha dau turkinh doanh «financial resource (c) ngun lye tai chin «financial crisis (c)cubc khiing hodng tai chin economic recession (c/u) gl hhodng kinh té + branded product(c) sin pham cé thong higu « the business world = the corporate world (n) 61 doanh nghigp «Inflate (t) théi phing, bom phéng. = Inflated (ad}) duoc théi phn. = Inflation (u) sy’lam phat «inflation rate (c) ty 1é lam phat lourishing (adj) doan khing, the real estate market (n) thi truréng bat ong sin + status symbol (c) biéu ttzong cia dia vi «affluence = richness = wealthiness (u) suv glau cd, sung tac «affluent = rich = wealthy (adj) giau c6, sung tie economies of scale (pir lo thé kinh t& theo quy mé the cosmetic industry (n) nganh céng. nghigp lam dep ~ cosmetics (pir) my phim - tolift the country out of poverty: dura ra ‘que gla thost khdi déo nghéo - to shake off poverty: thodt khdi nghéo khd Job source (c) ngun céng viée «Job creation (u) su’ tg0 céng dn viéc lam + Industrialisation (u) su’ céng nghiép hoa + Industrial revolution (c/u) céch mang cone nghigp to invest in research and development:

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