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TOPIC 7: BUSINESS/ECONOMY/SHOPPING - insensible buying decision (c) quyét dinh mua sam khéng hgp ly -make a buying/purchase decision: dua ra quyét dinh mua sam make a purchase: mua - buying decision (c) quyét dinh mua ~ a buying craze (n) mét trao lvu mua sam - craze = fad = trend (c) trao Iuu, trend - shopping trip (c) chuyén di mua sam - impulsive purchase = unplanned purchase (c) su mua hang béc déng - impulsive buyer/purchaser = unintended shopper (c) nguéi mua hang khéng du dinh truéc - online shopping (u) mua sam online - online shopper (c) nguoi mua sam online ~ grocery shopping (u) su mua hang tap héa - food shopping (u) sy mua thie an - business transaction (c) giao dich kinh doanh - multinational corporation (c) tap doan da quéc gia - operator = business organisation (c) doanh nghiép kinh doanh - target customer = target buyer (c) khach hang muc tiéu - give products an exaggerated account: ndi qua vé cac san pham - non-commercial (adj) phi thong mai - non-economic benefit (c) Igi ich khong, phai kinh té - profit-oriented = money-oriented = commercial (adj) vi loi nhuan, bi chi phdi boitién - tangible benefit (c) loi ich hiru hinh (tri nghia intangible benefit) - economic benefit (c) Igi ich kinh té ~ revenue (u) doanh thu - the oversea market (n) thi tru@ng nude ngoai - volatile = erratic = irregular (adj) khéng én dinh, that thuong - volatility (u) irregularity: tinh dé bién déng - income-generating activity (c) hoat déng tao ra loi nhuan - profit-making activity (c) hoat dong kiém tién - replicate = duplicate (t) bat chuéc, copy, sao lai, lap lai - replica (c) ban sao, ban copy - business fraud (c/u) su lira dao, gian lan trong kinh doanh - tax fraud (u) su gian ln thué - fraud (u/c) sy’ lira dao, ke lira dao - economic prosperity (u) su’ thinh vuong kinh té - prosper = thrive = flourish (i) phat dat, thinh vwong - prosperous = thriving = flourishing (adj) phat dat, thinh vuong - economic status (u) diéu kién kinh té - economic condition (c) diéu kién kinh té - the commodity market (n) thi trang hang hoa - business investor (c) nha dau tu kinh doanh - financial resource (c) nguén Ic tai chinh - financial crisis (c) cudc khiing hoang tai chinh - economic recession (c/u) giai doan khting hoang kinh té - branded product (c) san phim cé thong higu - the business world = the corporate world (n) gidi doanh nghiép - inflate (t) théi phéng, bom phong - entrepreneur (c) doanh nhan, cht: doanh nghiép - the domestic market (n) thi truéng ndi dia - the real estate market (n) thi truéng bat dong san - status symbol (c) biéu tong cia dia vi - affluence = richness = wealthiness (u) sy giau cd, sung tic - affluent = rich = wealthy (adj) giau cd, sung tuc - economies of scale (pir) Igi thé kinh té theo quy mé - the cosmetic industry (n) nganh céng nghiép lam dep - cosmetics (pIr) my pham - to lift the country out of poverty: dua ra quéc gia thoat khdi déo nghéo - to shake off poverty: thoat khdi nghéo kho - job source (c) nguén céng viée ~ job creation (u) sy tao céng an viéc lam - industrialisation (u) su céng nghiép héa - industrial revolution (c/u) céch mang cong nghigép - to invest in research and development: dau tu vao nghién ctru va phat trién (R&D) - expenditure = spending (u) chi tiéu - fuel price (c) gié nhién liéu - cooperate = collaborate (i) hop téc - alternative livelihood (c) sinh ké thay thé - economically developed country (c) quéc gia phat trién vé kinh té - profitable = money-making = lucrative (adj) tao ra loi nhuan - operating cost (c) chi phi hoat déng - administrative cost (c) chi phi quan tri, diéu hanh - inflated (adj) dugc thdi phéng - inflation (u) sy lam phat - inflation rate (c) ty 1é lam phat - best-seller (c) san pham ban chay nhat - best-selling (adj) ban chay nhat, hot nhat (ndi vé tac gia, san pham) - soaring (adj) tang vit (gid ca, doanh sé...) - customer behaviour (u) hanh vi khach hang - brand recognition (u) su nhan dién thong hiéu - brand loyalty (u) sy trung thanh véi thuong hiéu - branded product (c) hang héa co thuong higu = new entrant (c) ddi thu mdi gia nhap thi trugng - emulate the success of: bat chuéc sy thanh cong cla - manufactured goods (pir) hang héa san xuat - consumer goods (pir) consumer product: hang héa tiéu ding - luxury goods (pir) xa xi pham - luxurious = opulent (adj) xa hoa, xa xi - patron (c) nha tai trg, khach hang quen - sponsor (t) finance, fund: tai tro tién - sponsor (c) patron: nha tai tro - sponsorship (u/plr) su tai tro, khoan tai tro - sustainability (u) sy bén virng - sustainable (adj) bén virng - sustained growth = sustainable development (u) sy phat trién bén ving - economic well-being (u) thinh vrgng kinh té - depreciation rate (c) ty 1é khdu hao - industrialised country (c) quéc gia cong nghiép hoa - low-pricing strategy (c) chién luge gid thdp - warranty (¢/u) su’ bao hanh (e.g a 3-year warranty, under warranty) - after-sales service (c) dich vu sau ban hang - product quality (u) chat lueng san phim - career development (u) phat trién su nghiép - job hopping (u) sy nhdy viée - career move (c) su déi nghé - gains and losses (pir) dugc va mat - balance the budget: can bang ngan sdch - market value (s/u) gid tri trén thi trong - commercial value (c) gid tri thuong mai - marketability (u) economic feasibility: kha nang ban dugc, kha nang tiéu thy duoc - marketable (adj) c6 thé ban dugc (cho ngudi mua, cho nha tuyén dung) - affordability = inexpensiveness= cheapness (u) su’ ré/kh6ng dat - affordable = inexpensive = cheap = reasonably priced (adj) ré - low-cost (adj) chi phi thap, gid ré (e.g low-cost airlines, low-cost apartment) - unaffordable (adj) too expensive: qué dat - reasonable cost = affordable cost (c) chi phiré - cost-saving (u) sy tiét kiém chi phi - extravagant (adj) qua dat, lang phi - exorbitant price (c) gid cat c6 - fierce competition (u) sy canh tranh khéc ligt - business partner (c) déi tac kinh doanh - private property (c) tai san cd nhan (dac biét la nha 6) - asset (c) tai san (v6 hinh hodc hifu hinh) - trade agreement (c) thoa thuan thuong mai - merchant = trader (c) thuong gia - a wasteful use of sth: sir dung lng phi cai ido -a stable job (n) mét cng viéc én dinh - job prospects = career prospects (pir) trién vong nghé nghiép - knowledge-focused economy = knowledge-based economy (c) nén kinh té dya vao kién thie - labour-intensive economy (c) nén kinh té tap trung vao lao déng - weak economy (c) nén kinh té yéu - public/private/state ownership (u) sus héru céng/tu nhan/nha nuéc - the private sector (n) khu vy tu nhan, - the public sector (n) khu vu cong. - business opportunity (c) co hdi kinh doanh - commerce = trade (u) thong mai - international trade (u) thurong mai quéc té - trade activity (c) hoat dong thuong mai - industrial production (u) san xuat céng nghiép - pay off =succeed (i) thanh céng, duoc dén dap (cla mét dy an, né ly...) - economical (adj) tiét kiém - economically (adv) mét cach tiét kiém, vé kinh té - maximisation (u) sy téi da héa - minimisation (u) sy’ cuc tiéu hoa - material wealth (u) su giau cé vé vat chat - fast-growing industry (c) nganh céng nghiép phat trién nhanh chong - economic incentive (c) khich lé kinh té - tax incentive (c) khich Ié vé thué, sy giam thué - financing (u) tién, tai chinh - segment of the market (c) phan khuic thi trong - accelerate (t) boost: thiic day (vé toc dé) - stagnancy (u) sur dinh tré - stagnant (adj) dinh tré - stagnate (i) dinh tré - at the mercy of: bi tac dng béi cai gi dé (vi dy cia cac yéu t6 thi truéng) - profit margin (c) bién Igi nhuan, ty suat loi nhuan - return = profit (c/u) Igi nhuan - industrial product (c) sin phdm céng nghiép - natural resource (c) tai nguyén thién nhién - self-contained = self-sufficient (adj) ty tic, tu’ luc, tu cung tu cdp - skilled workforce (c) luc lugng lao déng tay nghé gidi - import (t/c) nhp khéu, hang nhap khdu - imported product (c) sn phdm nhap khau - export (t/c) xuat khau, hang xuat khdu - demand (u) cau - supply (u) cung - the freight transport industry (n) nganh van chuyén hang héa - agrarian economy (c) nén kinh té néng nghiép, ruéng dat - self-contained economy (c) nén kinh té tu. lye - scarcity = rarity (u) sy khan hiém

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