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TOPIC 3: POLITICS/LAW/CRIME/THE ARMY/WAR/GOVERNMENT FUNDING = powerlessness = lack of authority (u) sy’ khéng c6 quyén hanh - be powerless to do sth: khéng cé quyén lam gi dé = criminal record (c) tiéu si pham tdi ~ self-destruction (u) sy tu hiy hoai ban than ruthless (adj) brutal, cruel, merciless: tan nhan - rule setting (u) viéc dura ra quy dinh/luat 6 - aid money (u) tién vién tro - the path to the top of the chain of command: con dung dé ding dau hé théng quyén Ic ~ chain of command = command (n) hé théng quyén Ic - settle (t) hoa gi - Prime Minister = the head/leader of the government (n) ngudi dimng dau chinh phi rarchy ~ sovereignty (over) (u) chu quyén - territorial integrity (u) sy toan ven lanh thé ~ power struggle (c) cuéc chién, sy tranh chp quyén luc - combative (adj) hiéu chién (ndi vé tinh khi) - nonviolent (adi) khéng ding bao luc ~ colony (c) thudc dia colonise (t) chiém lam thuéc dia ~ coloniser (c) thyc dan ~slave (t) nd 18 - the electorate (n) electors, voters: ctf tri - decree (c) sac lénh - autocrat = dictator (c) ké déc tai ~ autocratic regime (c) ché d6 dc tai - government policy (c) chinh sch cua chinh phi - to take office: nam quyén (trong chinh phi) - govern (t) cai tri, théng tri, inh dao - to enlist in the army = to join the army: tong quin, di nghia vu (military) conscription (u) sy goi nhap ned - humanitarian aid = humanitarian relief (u) vign tro nhan dao - government spending (u) chi tiéu cua chinh phi - public purse (s) ngan séch chinh phit ~ private financing (u) vén tu nhan - public funding = government funding (u) quY céng, tai tro céng - public funds (plr) quy tro’ cp céng give the green light to sth/sb = permit: cho phép, bat dén xanh cho cai gi ~ non-government (adj) phi chinh pha - the logistics department (n) bd phn hau an - military task (c) nhiém vu quan sur - military conflict (c) cuéc xung dét quan su = military attack (c) sy tan céng quan su lian (c) thuréng dan (khéng phai binh linh) lian life (u) cudc s6ng binh thyong (khéng lién quan dén quan adi) = serviceman (c) (plural: servicemen) quan nan - warplane = military airplane (c) may bay chién dau = missile (c) tén liva - amour (c) 40 gidp, xe boc thép - warfare = military fighting (u) chién tranh (quan su) - peacetime (u) théi binh - concealed surveillance camera (c) camera gidm sdt gidu kin ~indoor surveillance system (c) hé théng gidm sat & trong nha - security system (c) hé théng an ninh - be/fall prey to = fall victim to = become victims of: tré thanh nan nhan, con mai cha - penalise = punish (t) phat = task force (on) (c) luc lugng dac nhiém - police force (c) lyc long cénh sat - crime reduction (c/u) sy giam t6i pham ~crime prevention (u) su phong chéng ti pham - conscript sb into the army: goi (ai d6) nhap ned military service (u) military training: sy phuc vy, dao tao trong quan nga - the army = the military (u) quan déi serve the nation: phuc vu quéc gia ~ serve (in) the army: phuc vu trong quan ngii ~ army hospital (¢) bénh vién quan sur - victimize (t) 461 xir khong céng bang, tan nhan, ngugc dai ai dé - to curb violence: ngan chan/kiém ché bao luc - media watchdog (¢) co quan giém sat truyén thong -violent crime (c/u) tdi pham bao lyre - violent act = act of violence (c) hanh vi bao lue - violent movie (c) phim bao lure - resolve conflicts through violence: giai quyét xung dét bang bao Ic - televised violence (u) bao lyc trén ti vi - repeated acts of violence (n) hanh vi bao luc lap di lap lai ~ post-release employment = employment after release (u) céng viée sau khira td - work release (u) su’ tha ti: nhan ra khdi ti dé lam viéc ion (u) su cai tao - correction = rehabili (tu nhan) - antisocial and criminal behaviour (u) hanh vixdu, vi pham phap luat - criminality (u) hoat déng hoc hanh vi pham toi - criminal tendency = criminal disposition (c) khuynh huéng pham téi ~ habitual criminal (c) ké thuréng xuyén pham toi - repeatedly (adv) Ip di lap lai - commit a crime: pham téi -recommit (t) tai pham - re-offend (i) tai pham re-offending = recidivism (u) sy tai pham ~ anti-crime campaign (c) chién dich chéng t6i pham - anti-crime device (c) anti-crime equipment: thiét bj chéng téi pham - launch = issue (t) tung ra, dura ra (chinh sich, chién dich....) - put forward (phrasal verb) suggest, advance: dé ra (mét y kién, ké hoach...) - victimisation (u) sur déi xtr bat cng, tan nhan, ngugc dai ai dé - delinquent = juvenile delinquent (c) thanh thiéu nién cé hanh vi pham téi - delinquent behaviour (u) hanh vi pham tdi (thuéng la cua thiéu nién) - violent juvenile crime (u) tdi pham bao lure vithanh nién - wrongdoing (c/u) hanh vi sai trai/pham phap - wrongdoer (c) nguéi lam diéu sai trai ~ aggressive behaviour (u) hanh vi hung hang, gay 86 -violent theme (c) chii dé bao lure - contaminate (t) lam hur hong, anh huéng xdu dén (ngudi khdc) - prisoner (c) tu nhan - imprisonment = confinement = captivity (u) su giam git imprison (t) bé tu, tng giam - keep sb in captivity: giam gitt ai dé - send sb to jail/prison = put sb in jail/prison: bat ai dé vao th - confrontation (with/between) (c) cudc tram chan - deter (sb from doing sth) (t) prevent, discourage: ngan chan, ran de - deterrent (to/for/against) (c) cdi ngin chan -have a deterrent effect: cé tac dung ran de ~ hardened criminal/police officer (c) tdi pham/canh sat chai li, nhan tam - motive (for doing sth) (c) d6ng co - primary motive (behind/for) (¢) déng co chinh - repeat offender = recidivist (c) ké tai pham - reintegrate (sb into) (t) giup ai dé nhap ~ reintegration (into) (u) sy’ tai hoa nhap - juvenile delinquency = juvenile crime (u) sy pham t6i 6 thiéu nién jihoa = gun ownership rate (c) ty Ié so hitu sting - private gun ownership (u) su’ sé hitu sting canhan. - death = fatality (c) loss of life: cai chét ~ casualty (¢) victim: nan nhan, ngudi thuong vong = security measure (c) bién phap an ninh self-defense = self-protection (u) sy ty vé ~ self-defense technique (c) ky thuat ty vé -self-protective measure (c) cach thirc ty vé - defensive device (c) thiét bj bao vé ~ arrest (t) bat gitr ~ cruel treatment (u) sy déi xir tan nhan torture (t/u) tra tn, sy tra tn = legislation (u) law, a set of law: luat, bé tat - the legal system (n) hé théng luat php - legitimate = legal = lawful (adj) hop phép - legitimacy (u) sy hop phap - illegitimate = illegal = unlawful (adj) bat hop phap illegitimacy (u) sy bat hop phap = illegal activity = unlawful act (c) hoat déng pham phap = innocent (adj) vé téi = miscarriage of justice (c) su thyrc thi cng Wsai - be brought to justice: bj dua ra truéc céng ly, bi xdr tdi = law-abiding ci luat phap - to abide by sth: tudn theo (luat, quy dinh, théa thuan...) = armed conflict (c/u) cuéc xung dét vi trang, su xung dét vi trang ~ armed/unarmed police (pir) canh sat co/khéng co vii khi - armed crime (c/u) su pham t6i cé vii trang ~arm (i/t) trang bi vo khi in (c) c6ng dan tuan thi - intimidating (adj) ham doa, dang sg, gay sg hai - intimidate (t) frighten or threaten: de dea, gay so hai - intimidation (u) sy ham dao - under threat (phr) bi de doa = minar crime Ir) ti he = to carry guns: mang sting - firearm = gun (c) sing cam tay (sing truong, sting luc...) - tighten (t) siét chat (luat Ié..) - tight regulation (c) luat 1é nghiém khac - control = regulate (t) kiém soat - patrol (c) déi tuan tra - authority (c, usually plr) quan chitc, nguéi 6 quyén = government official (c) quan chic chinh pha ~ government leader (c) ngurdi anh dao chinh phi - world leader (c) lanh dao thé giéi ~ policy maker (c) ngudi lam chinh sach - loophole (c) 15 héng (trong chinh sach, luat) - harsh/severe/rigid/strict/rigorous punishment (c/u) hinh phat nghiém khac - a breach/violation of: sy vi pham (luat, quyén..) - breach = break = violate (t) vi pham, pha v8 (Iuat, hiép wée...) - empower = authorise (sb to do sth) (t) cho auyén ~ enforce a law: bude thi hanb luat ~ eyewitness = witness (c) nhan ching -liable (for) (adj) legally responsible for: chiu tréch nhiém phap ly cho - panic (s/u) su hoang mang, so hai - declare a state of emergency: céng bé tinh ‘trang khan cap. - political party (c) dang chinh tri - surrender (to) = succumb (to) (i) dau hang trudc cdi gi dé (cam dé, dp luc...) - the horrors of sth: su ghé ron cia (chién tranh, t6i pham...) = terrorist (c) khiing b6 - terrorist attack (c) vu tn cng khding b6 ~ bombing (c/u) vu dénh bom, sy dénh bom = shooting (c) vu né suing - shoot-out (c) cudc dau sting = copycat suicide (c/u) vu ty tir bat chuéc ~ be/stay at large: khéng bi bé tu - trace criminals: truy vét t6i pham ~ crime rate (c) ty 1é pham tdi - criminologist (c) nha tdi pham hoc - get involved in/engage in/be engaged in criminal activities: tham gia, dinh liu dén hoat déng pham phap - prospective criminal = potential criminal (c) t6i pham tiém nang - would-be offender (c) ngui muén tre thanh tdi pham - actual offender/criminal (c) ti pham thiét ~ criminal = offender = law-breaker (c) ke pham phap - law-offending practice/behaviour (c) hoat 6ng/hanh vi pham php ~ murder = homicide (c/u) hanh vi giét ngudi, tdi giét neudi ~ burglary (u) su an trom bé khéa ~ burglar (c) ké trdm bé khéa - robbery (u) su An cusp ~ robber (c) n cusp - shoplifting (u) su &n cp & cira hang - shoplifter (c) nguéi an cép & cia hang - shoplift (i) an cp 6 cira hang ~ crime report (c) ban tin ti pham - to evolve into violent acts: dn dan phat trién thanh nhiing hanh vi baolyc - legal consultation (u) sytu van phap ly - consultation service (c) dich vu tu vn ~ heroism (u) sy anh hiing, ding cam - overrule (t) deny, refute: bac bé (mét quyét dinh, mét hoc thuyét, ai dd) - be entitled to (do) sth: durgc quyén lam gi/sé hiru hoac tiép can véi cai gi dé (vi du gido duc, cham séc y té) - prosecute (t) khéi té ~ prosecution (u) sy khdi td = venal = corrupt (adj) tham nhting - the ruling class (n) tng lop thdng tri, cam quyén ~ convict (sb of sth) (t) két dn, tuyén bé cé toigi ~ accuse (sb of sth) (t) budc tdi ai dd restrain = inhibit (t) giéi han, han ché (quyén, su’ ty do, sy phat trién...) - ruin harmony: pha hity sy hda thudn, binh yén - violent protest = violent demonstration (c) cudc biéu tinh bao luc - non-violent protest (c) cudc biéu tinh hoa binh - civil unrest (u) sy’ bat én xa hdi trong nude - social and political unrest (u) sy bat 6n vé x h6i va chinh tri - major/minor disturbance (c) bao déng lgn/nho - deliver/convey/circulate a message: truyén mét théng dip -make a statement/declaration: khang dinh, tuyén bé - public opinion (u) dur luan, ¥ kién cia phn 6ng céng chiing (vé mat van dé nao dé) - freedom of speech (u) tyr do ngén luan - the right to freedom of expression (u) quyén ty do chinh kign ~have the right to (do) sth = have the authority to do sth: cé quy&n (lam) gi dé + tax revenue (u) doanh thu tir thué - taxpayer (c) ngudi tra thué - subsidy (c) tién tro cp ~ subsidise (t) tr cap, hé tre tai chinh (mét 16 chitc, mét finh vue...) - underfunding (u) sy thiéu tr cap = public facilities (pir) tién nghi cng céng = scrutiny (u) sy kiém tra kj lung - scrutinize (t) kiém tra ky luéng ~ regime (c) ché d6 ~ bribe (c) tién héi 16, dut lot - bribe (t) mua chudec, héi 16 - bribery (u) sy héi 16, dut lot - corruption (u) su tham nhiing - government interference = government intervention (u) su can thigp ca chinh pha

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