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TOPIC 2: TRANSPORT - time-conscious (adj) y thic vé thdi gian - time-consuming (adj) t6n thoi gian ~ bypass (t) di vong qua ~ bypass = ring road = detour (c) dong vong ~ accident rate (c) ty é tai nan = road accident (c) tai nan duéng bd - traffic accident (c) tai nan giao théng - automobile accident (c) tai nan xe hoi - traffic crash = traffic collision (c) va cham giao thong - road safety measure (c) bién phap an toan dung bo - stop sign (c) bign bao dir - danger warning sign (c) bién bao nguy hiém ~ stoplight = traffic light (c) dén giao théng - air travel (u) suv di chuyén bang durong hang khéng - air transport (u) su van chuyén bang durong hang khong - civil aviation (u) hang khéng dan dung - means of transport = mode of transport = form of transport = means of travel (c) phrong tién di chuyén, hinh thire di chuyén - plane = aircraft = airplane = aeroplane (c) may bay - safe driving course = defensive driving course (c) khéa hoc lai xe an toan - driving school (c) triréng Idi - driving training course (c) khéa dao tao lai xe - driving test (c) bai kiém tra lai xe - driving license = driver's license (c) bang tai = road condition (c) digu kién duong - defensive driving skills (pir) kj nding Idi xe antoin - road safety (u) an toan dung bé - traffic volume (u) luru long giao thang road user (c) ngudi sir dung dudng bé ~ pedestrian (c) nguéi di bé - motorist (c) ngudi di xe motor ~ cyclist = biker = bicyclist (¢) nguai dap xe - car user = car occupant (c) ngurdi sir dung xe hoi road infrastructure (u) co's ha tang duong bd - transportation system (c) hé théng giao thong - public transport = public transportation (u) phuong tign giao théng céng cong - inland waterway (c) dung thiy néi dia - transport network (c) mang lui giao théng = railroad = railway (c) dung sat, dong ray fuel tax (c) thué nhién ligu ~ car manufacturer (c) nha sin xuat xe hoi fuel-efficient car (c) xe hoi it tiéu tn nnhién tigu - petrol use (u) petrol consumption: su str dung xang, sy tiéu thy xing ~ car use (u) vige sit dung xe hoi = flight path (c) duréng bay long-haul flight (c) chuyén bay dai - long-distance (adj) khong cach dai lengthy commute (c) quaing duéng di chuyén di hode dén trerdng) ~ hands-free system (c) hé théng ty dong - speedy movement (u) su di chuyén, van chuyén nhanh - air freight (u) sy van chuyén hang hoa bing dung hang khéng sea freight (u) suv van chuyén hang héa bing dung thuy - driving/traffic offence = driving/traffic Violation (c) sur vi pham giao thong - driverless = self-driving (adj) ty Iai Jing nay (dén noi lam vie

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