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PART 5: COMMON ACADEMIC WORDS FOR WRITING doubtful = urcertain (adj) khéng chic chin - with certainty = for sure = (phrase) che chén « certainly = surely = undoubtedly = no doubt (adv) chic chan = convinced (that) (adi) chdc chan (ring) undisputed = indisputable = undeniable = unquestionable (adj) khéng phi nhn due ~ Inherent (in) [ad)) vin gan lid vei, c6 hu (e.g these isstes are inherent in the system) - inherenth jthout doubt jaturally (adv) von da (e.g. an inherently dangerous activity) -do more harm than good: 66 hal nhiéu hon c6 loi -do more good than harm: ¢6 loi nhiéu hon chai - uniformity = sameness = homogeneity (u) su déng nhit, sy giéng nhau - uniform = homogeneous ng nhat, gldng nhau ~ adapt (to) = adjust (to) ()thich nghi (véi) adaptable (tc) (adi) c6 thé thich nghi (véi) ~ adjustable (adj) c6 thé diéu chinh duvoe identical (adj) «tailor = adjus:(t) make adjustments: diéu hint adaptation (c/s) su diéu chinh, surthay 46} « discrepancy = divergence = difference (u) surkhde bigt « distinction (cfu) su khac biét, diém khic biet = disparity (/u) su chénh lech, su kha biét - universal (adi) chung, phé bién, toan thé prevalent = common = prevailing (adi) phé bign, thinh hanh = prevail()thinh han = popular = favoured = preferred (adi) duoc vachuéng ~ apreferred/favoured option (s) mét iva chon dug wa chung = preference (u) su a thich (hom) +a common sight (n) mét cénh phd bién ~ commonplace (adj) binh thutng, ph bién = ubiquity (u) sy €5 6 khép nei, phé bign = ubiquitous (ad) e6 & khép not - shortlived = transient = temporary = passing (ad) tam thoi, thong qua, ngén neti = lengthy = prolonged (a) long: kéo dai = decades-long (ad) dai nhiéu thap kj ~ truly = genuinely = really (adv) thue, the se = pop larity = currency (u) su ua chung = gain/growincrease in popularity = gain renén dugc wa chung = do sth in preparation for sth = do sth in corderto prepare for sth lim gi dé chudin bl cho cig a6 - worsen = exacerbate = compound (t) im choté hon = deteriorate (i become worse: tré nén t8 hom, suy glém - ameliorate (t di thign (mot tinh hudng du) ~ enhance = increase (t) nang cao ~ enhancement (c/u) su nng cao = boost = give a boost to: thie day ~ be an the rise = increase = rise: ting ~ exponential growth (c/u) stag theo s6 speed up = accelerate (t) thie dy, im inhanh thém (thurang néiv tc d6 xiy a) ~decelerate (t} ham lai - proliferate (i)tng nhanh vé sé long, sinh 861 niy ne « proliferation (u) su tang nhanh vé s6 Iwong, sinh sdinéy né = multiply (i/t) ting én nhiu fan, sinh s6i rayne be on the declin giam - dwindle = diminish = decrease = fall= drop (gam reduce = diminish = lower = decrease (t) lam gidm = dwindling = diminishing glam ~curtall lecline: idm, suy Shrinking (ad) ‘urb(t) edt elm, giéi han, khéng \inder = restrain = suppress (t)kiém ham, ngan edn expend sth 02 (doing) sth: ding cai gi vao aig) pros and cons (plr) nhimg wu diém vi nhuec diém ~atan advantege: c6 oi thé ata disadvantage: gap bit loi benefit sb = be useful/benefical for sb = in b's favour = stand sb in good stead: c6 ich cho ai dé - for somebodi’s interest: lot ich cha ai -ontrol = govern (t) quan ly, sngagement = involvement (u)sutham gia vio quality = higt-quality = high-grade superior (adj) chit long cao low-quality = low-grade = inferior (ad) chat Iuomg kém mediocre (ag) xoang apply sth= implement st effect = put sth into practic ut sth into 46, lam cho cai gi 46 xay ra (mét y twéne, mt ké hoach..) carry out = conduct = perform (t)tién han, the hién = Inthe long/medium/short term: trong. dai/trung/ngan han - long-term = long-run (ad)) dai han « short-term = short-run (adj) ngin han = mecium-term (ad) trung han ~ distant future (u) tuong lai xa - these days = nowadays = in this age and day: ngay nay «at present = currently = at the present time = at the moment: hign tai - for the moment = for the time being: trongthd' éiém hin tal = to date = up tonow = until now = so far (phrase) cho dén hign tal - Inthe years ahead: trong nhiing nam t6i redundant (adj) du, thira (néivé lao déng) ~ redundaney (¢/u) layoff (usually plr) sy dur thira ao déng + in equal measure (phr) equally: ngang inhau, bang nhau ~ corresponding (adi) tuong img correspondingly (adv) mét céch turong imme. - the chance/possibility/likelihood/odds of sth: kh& ning xy ra cia cdi g ~ potential (of/for)(u/adi)tiém nang - embedded = imbedde deep-rooted (adi) 8n siu + escalate (i) leo thang (gid c4, chi phi, chién tanh...) «constrain entrenched = restriction (c) su han ché be restricted to= be limited to = be confined to: bi giéi han vio ~contemporary (ad)) hién dai, duvone dai (eg. contemporary art/music/dance) - mocern = present-day = up-to-date = state-of-the-art (adj) hign dai - famous = wel-known = noted = renowned rominent (adj) nditiéng + distinguished ad}) successful and respected: xuit sic, I6ilac - distinguish/differentiate (sth from sth else) (between sth and sth else): phan biét cil gi vi cai gh khdc = very = extremely = highly = immensely = incredibly = exceedingly = desperately (adv) rit, v6 cing speculate (or/about/that) (i/t) guess: dy oan + speculation (c/u) guess: su’ dur don give way to sth = be replaced by: bi thay thé bai cai gi db replace sth =take the place of sth = supersede sth:thay thé cai gi dé ~asan alternative to = as a replacement of: inhu mét sy thay thé cho - substitution = substitute = replacement (c} su thay thé In exchange for = in return for: 46i cho, i ché cho pay the way for: mé durbng cho - subsequent (adj) following, next: sau dé - face sth = confront sth= be faced with sth = be confronted with sth: di mat vét cai gi - foretell = predict = forecast (t) du doan reach a conclusion (that) = come toa conclusion (that): di dén mét két lun (rang) + accidentally (adv) by accident, by chance: mét céch tinh cer unintentional (adj) vé tinh liberate (ad) c6 tinh, e6 - Intentionally = deliberately = purposely {adv) on purpese, with deliberation: mét cach 6 ¥/6 tinh, In the absence of sth: khithiéu cai gi «in sb's absence: khi thiéu ai overt = public = open (adj) cng khal - overtly = publicly = openly (adv) céng khat joticeable = striking = marked (adj) dé thay outstanding (ad)) xuit sic, néi bat, ding chiy noteworthy (adj) déng chai y «remarkable = surprising (adi) lam siing st, gay ngac nhién remarkably = surprisingly (adv) lam slg sét, giy ngac nhién - Incredible = unbelievable = extraordinary (adj) khéng thé tin duoc, tuyét vei be a foregone conclusion: ré rang (di chia xay ra) - unambiguous = evident = self-eviden clear = clear-cut = definite = obvious = apparent = manifest (adj) 6 rang ~ ambiguous = obscur indefinite (adj) khéng r6 rang - most likely (phr) probably, very likely: rat cb thé - fortify = strengthen = reinforce = consolidate (t) cling c6, gia cé - underpin = reinforce (t) lam nn tang cho (mgt j twéng, mét phuzong phép...) embark on (a plan/a career/a project/a ccampaign..): bat du lam gi dé find out (t) tim ra inclear = vague = VB ban chat ma néi be conducive to sth = be favourable for/to: thudr lol cho = quest (for) (c) su tim kigm - In search for= in quest of/for: tim kiém ci aide - the contrary = the opposite = the reverse = the converse (n) diéu trdi nguge lai give sb a new perspective on sth: cho ai dé mt gc nhin moi vé van dé ndo 46 soon (adv) before long: sém :khat khao diu gi dé ~aspire/desireto do sth: khét khao lam gi 6 have an appetite/desire for: 6 khat Khao gids ~ desperate (te do sth) (ad) r&t muén, khat khao lam gi dé - force = compel = oblige (sb to do sth) (t) épailim ghd5 an urgent need = a pressing need: mét nhu cu cép bach « static (adj) unchanging, unvarying: tinh, khéng thay 46, a bygone age/era: mot thai ky d& qua réi unaware (of)= unconscious (of) = oblivious (of) (adj) khéng nhan thc duoc a worrying problem =a troubling issue: mot vin 8 gay lo ling +a topical issue: mot van d& thai su concern = preoceupy (t) gay lo Hing, lam ban tam ai dé a call for= an appeal for: sy kéu goi cho refute = reject = deny = disprove (t) bac b6 (y/Kién, quan diém..) - Incorporate (sth into sth) = integrate (sth into sth) = include (t) bao gdm vao, hop nhit vio ~ integrate (into) (i) hda nhp v0 an integral part of sth: mét phn quan trong cia cai § 45 - emerging = emergent (adj) méi néi {(khuynh huréng, thi trang...) - devise = think up = formulate (t) nghtra, phat minh ra (mét phuong php, ké hoach..) -use = employ= utilise (t) sirdung make use of:ding, sir dung, tan dung to capitalise on sth = take advantage of sth: tan dung cal gl - utlisation dung - over-utilisation (u) su’ sir dung qué mize « bridge (sth and sth) (t) am cu néi cho be rooted in the fact that = tole in the fact that: bat ngubn tirthyc té ring be derived from = stem from = be sourced riginate from: xust phat tir, bat nnguin tir + assumption = (pre)supposition (c) gia dinh - hypothesis (c) (pir: hypotheses) gis thuyét upsurge = surge = jump = leap (c) su ting vot - fast-changing society (c/u) x4 héi thay 461 ‘nhanh trigger (sth) (t) cause: gay ra « trigger (for) = cause (of) (c) nguyén nhan (gay ra van a xu) ~ culprit (c) thi pham «be tre primary cause of sth: la nguyén inhan chinh ca root cause (c) nguyén nhan géc ré « the driving force behind sth = the force that drives sth (n) nguyén nhin, dng ive dangsau cai gi d6 be attributed to = be attributable to: doc cho ld (c6 kha nding) gay ra bai + attrbbute/owe sth to sth/sb: cho rng cdi ela ket qua cia cai gi hdc hoc la no ai 6 (eg. owe success to non-stop effort) give impetus (to/for|: tao déng lu cho «inducement (to do sth) (c) incentive: su hich - prompt/induce/cause/persuade sb to do sth: xu, khién, thuyét phuc ai lam gi dé a contributing factor: yéu t& déng gép vio - tempting = enticing (ad) I6i cub, 6 site cam dB = tempt/entice sb to do sth: du ai lim gi dé temptation = enticement (c) cém dB, sy I6i kéo/dy d& ployment = use (u) su sir from n account of = ‘owing to (pre) boi vi Justification (for) (c) ly do bao chita, bién hé cho justify (1) gidithich, bao chita « justified = justifiable = reasonable = sensible = rational = sound (adj) hop Iv, chap nhan duoc - unjustified = unjustifiable = unreasonable = Irrational = unsound (ad) khéng hop ly ~ cast/throw doubt on sth: lam day lén sur nghi nge ve cai gh - bring together = unite hop nhat - decisive factor = determinant = determining factor (c) yéu t6 quyét dinh = ban = prohibit = forbid (t) cim plain (ad}) simple: don glin, méc mac = continue to do sth = not cease/stop to do sth: tiép tuc lam gi dd nity (t) gan ket, -to need sth =to be in need of sth: cin céi ado, supplement (c) complement: sy’ bé sung, i b6 sung. «supplement (t) complement: bé sung, phu them = complementary (adj) bé sung qua Iai cho nnhau (e.g. complementary abilities) - supplementary = additional (adj) thém vio, 6 sung (e.g. supplementary information) take up sth: bit du am gi dé (e.g take up English, take up smoking, take up jogging ) as the representative of = on behalf of: dai dién cho at represent (t) chi, biéu thi «Indicate (t) be the indicator of, sign illustrate () minh hoa + characterise (t) biéu th, la dién - feature (t) include, have: bao gm céi gl (8 mét phn quan trong) «reflect (t) phin anh inh cia be reflected in: duge phin anh be «reflection (of (c) su phan anh notorious (for) (adj) khét tiéng, c6 tiéne. + superficial ad)) hd het, thién can, néng can, qua loa, x8 giao (ndi vé kién thire, méi quan hé...) external disturbance (c) xéo trén, nhigu loan, anh huzéng bén ngoai exclusively (adv) only: chi (cho ai 46, Khu wyenio dé...) exclusive (adj) duy nhat, chi mot (khong sharev6i ai khdc) accustomed (to) = familiar (with) = used {to} = acquainted (with) (ad)) quen véi - familiarity (with) (u) su quen thud - stereotype (of/about) (c) thanh kién, suy ighi sal v8 ai dé protocol = etiquette (u) phép ngoai giao, curt (trong mét dip dac biét) - prototype (c) original model: nguyén mau (cla m6t sin pdm) = lose= suffer a loss of: mat di cai gi = rethink = reconsider (i/t) cin nhc lai, suy rghit - think twice = think carefully: suy nghi cd than proceed (i) tgp tuc lam gi precede (t) xy ra trude, tin taitrrée, dén truée - unprecedented (ad) chura time c6 tién Ie «predecessor (c) nguoi di truéc (trong cong vige) (phrase) mign phi be of great value to society: 6 tri to (en vi x8 hi - priceless = invaluable (adj) v6 gis - worthless = valueless (adj) v6 gl tr - worthless = helpless dung. -worthlessness (u) su v6 dung, su’ v6 gid tr - meaningless = pointless = aimless (adi) vo ghia - worried = anxiou: impotent (adj) vo prehensive = ‘concerned (+a20ut) (adj) Io King ve «sustain = maintain = retain (t) duy tr, gllr - by no means (phr) khéng di nao, khéng hai = consensus (ox/about/that) (s/u) agreement: synhit tri = paradox = irony (c) nghich ly paradoxical =ironic (adj) nghich ly, ngwoc ai paradoxically ironically (adv) nghich ly, nguroc dé + abolish = abandon (t) b6, bai bé (mét hé théng, chinh sich..) + abolishment [u) su bai bo high-risk = risky (adj) mao hiém, nguy hiém (>< low-risk) (e.g. high-risk investments) suppress (t) bring sth toa halt: lam dizng lai make (a/the) difference: tao ra sy khéc biet prerequisite ifor/to) = precondition (of/for) (c)tién a +a last resort: bién php cudi cin ding dén -more often than not = most of the time (phrase) théng thong - for the most aart= in most cases: théng thuing, tronghiu hét cic tering hop usually = customarily = normally (adv) théng thing. routinely = habitually frequently (ad) du din rampant rife = epidemic (ad tran lan exceptional (ad) outstanding, extraordinary: ngoatlé, dic biét regularly = exception (¢/u) sy ngoal Ie «advisable = wise (adj) khén ngoan, sing suét (olén phap..) «inadvisable = unwis khéng khdn ngoan - uncontrolled = uncontrollabh ‘unmanageable (adi) out of control: khang. thé kiém soat duoc «precaution = preventive measure (c) sr phang netra, bién phap phong neva « safety procedure (c) bién phap an toan beware (of) be careful with/about, be cautious about: cin than, cin trong - take precautions: cén trong, phong ngira, dé phong truée with caution: véi sy cén trong - keep a watchful eye on sth = be/stay alert to sth: nh gic, thén trong véi cdi gh countermeasure (against) (c) bién php Gi phé, bién phip chéng = cureall (for) (c) mt gisi php cho tat c& céc vin dB, thuée chira bach bénh iy (for) (c) phuwong thus (cure), céch di quyét (solution) «deal (with) = tack ial quyét (mot van a8) = combat (t) chéng lai, xi, git quyét -wor« out a solution: tim ra mét gidi phép - take actions to do sth: hanh dong dé giai uyét/ lam gi dé - belittle= underrate = underestimate = treat lightly = make light of = play down (t) xem nhe, ddnh gid thap -overrate = overestimate (t) danh gid qua a0 + appreciate (t) have an appreciation for: anh gid cao, hiéu gid tri cua - give weight to sth = attach importance to sth: col trong cdi gi dé lLadvised (adi) dress jemedy (v) - value sth/sb = rate sth/sb highly = hold sth/sb in high regard: col trong, dénh gid a0 ai d6/cdi place sth ahead of sth else: coi trong cdi gi han cai gi khac « lay/place stress/emphasis on sth: chi trong vao cai g! - focus on = concentrate on: tp trung vio have (little) relevance to: 6 (it su) lién quan dén, c6 (t su ¢6) ich di vét, quan trong have a bearirg on sth: llén quan dén, cé {nh huréng dén, quan trong véi magnitude (u) importance, significance: tm quan trong Ina (good) position to do sth: 66 vi tri/aiéu kién thug loi lam gi dé pivotal = core = key (adi) I, rat quan, trong - Itisimperative that/to do sth): ...rét quan trong Important = significant (ad)) quan trong, ritical = essential = vital {ad)) rt quan trong - unimportant = insignificant= trivial = petty {ad)) tam thuzdng, khéng quan trong meagre = scant = insignificant = negligible {adi) nhé, khong dng ké non-essential = unnecessary (adj) khéng thiét yéu = assign (sb sth) (t) giao, phan cho ai (lam gi 48) nominate = appoint (t) chi dinh, bé nhiém « Irreversible (adj) khéng thé do ngyoc - fragile (adi) 68 v8, dB bi tén hai «fragility (u) tinh dv, d& by tén hai dimension = aspect = facet (c) khia canh - with ease (ph) easily, effortlessly: mét cich dB dang. at ease (phr) comfortably: mét céch thodi deprive sb of st knéial dé = result (i) xdy ra nhur mot két qua «lead to = result in: din dén - inapplicable (to) (ad) unsuitable: khéng thichhgp véi, khéng dp dung duoc - applicable (to) (ad)) &p dung due, thich hop + unsuitabl khéng phi hop ake sth away from sb: insuited = inappropriate (adj) jppropriate (adj) phi jppropriateness (u) sy thich hop «be inline with 3 aligned with = matct be consistent with: khép véi, phi hop véi be unaligned with = be inconsistent with: khéng khép/phis hop véi consistency (u) su nhdt quan enormous = tremendous = overwhelming (adj) v6 cing ién - sizeable (adj) fairly large: kha lon - to beg/raise the question of: lam day lén cau hi «necessity (c) iu thiét yéu, nhu yéu phim necessitate (t) cin - counter-argument (c)ludn diém trai gut lai = condemn = criticise (t) chitrich « take sth into account consideration: cin nhac dén cai gi 46 - take sth seriously: cén nhc nghiém tic cai aide + account for = explain (t) gi thich + arise (from) = occur (i) phat sinh « diversify (t) da dang héa = diversity = variety (u) sy'da dang diverse (adi) da dang - unavoidable = inevitable = inescapable (ad}) thdng thé trénh kh, tat yeu «resemble (t) ging voi take sthinto bear close resemblance to: giéng véi «the center of criticism (n) trung tam cua sur chi trich = oppose = objact (to) = resist (v) phan déi, chong lai - opposition (to) = objection (to resistance (to) (u) su phan d6i, sur chéng a opponent = cbjector (c) ngui phan d6i - advocate = support = uphold = defend (t) ng ho - to lend support to sth: ing hé cai gi ~ advocate = proponent = supporter = upholder = defender (c) ngui ing hd In favour of =in support of (phrase) dng he remain neutral: 6 quan diém trung lap «lend sb a helping hand: gidp 46 ai dé put sb/sth on the verge of: lim al dé/cai gi trén bo vue cia - put/place sb/sth at risk of = put/place sb/sth in danger of: lam cho ai 46/cdi gi gép guy hiém, nguy co accumulate (/t)tich lly = from a social/economic/medical(..) perspective: nin tir kia canh x héi/ kink té/y hoe (.) « from my perspective = in my view/opinion:

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