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Learning Area English

Learning Delivery Modality Online Distance Learning-Synchronous

School Alapan I Elementary School Grade Level Grade Four

LESSON Teacher Helen Grace T. Bunagan Learning Area English
EXEMPL Teaching Date Sept. 27-Oct. 1, 2021 Quarter First Quarter
AR Teaching Time No. of Days
1:30-2:10 PM 5 days

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to:

A. Note significant details of various text types;
B. Write significant details of the texts read;
C. Show willingness and enthusiasm in listening
and reading various texts.
D. Content Standard The learner demonstrates an understanding of various
linguistics nodes to comprehend various texts.
B. Performance Standard The learner uses linguistic cues to appropriately
construct meaning from a variety of texts for a variety
of purpose.
C. Most Essential Learning Competencies Note significant details of various text types (MELC
(MELC) # 3)
(if available write the indicated MELC)
D. Enabling Competencies Note details in a selection listened to
(if available write the attached enabling competencies)
A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages Pages 34-43
b. Learner’s Guide Pages Pages 23-30
c. Textbook Pages Books: Communicating Is Fun 2, pp. 70-74, 209-210
by Yvonne Kathleen Sahagun
Christian Publishing, 1998
Basics and Beyond pp. 276-278
by Dolor Sim Garcia, Josefina C. Reyes
FNB Educational Inc., 1991
d. Additional Materials from Learning
B. List of Learning Resources for Development
Engagement Activities noting-details-in-a-selection-heard.html
A. Introduction What I need to know?
In this lesson, you will learn how to note significant
details of various texts.

After going through this lesson, you are expected to:

 Note significant details of various text types;
 Write significant details of the texts read;
 Show willingness and enthusiasm in listening
and reading various texts.

 The learners will show from the map the

places they want to visit. The will name the
place guided by this statement.

I want to visit ___________________ because


What is new?

Listening comprehension is the precursor to

reading comprehension. Good listening
comprehension skill enables you to understand the
story, remember it, discuss it, and even retell it in your
own words.

Listen to the story and note important details to

answer the questions about it.


As the alarm clock started with a loud ring,

Katrina got out of her bed excitedly. They were
going to the beach today and she didn’t want to be
When Katrina went down for breakfast,
Mother had already prepared a big picnic basket
filled with all kinds of food.
“Do you have your things ready?” Mother
“Yes, Mother. I packed my red bathing suit,
my yellow pail and pink spade.”
After a hearty breakfast, Katrina and her
parents piled into their car and headed for the
Katrina watched as the scenery rushed by.
She saw many things. She saw houses, rice fields
and a funny scarecrow. She waved at some
children playing by the roadside.
Finally, they reached the beach. Katrina
excitedly ran to the water. The golden sand felt soft
and warm at her feet. She saw many things at the
beach. She saw different kinds of shells - long and
short shells, fat and thin shells, even a shell shaped
like a fan. She also saw a starfish and a crab
digging in the sand.
Katrina swam all day. She also built a
beautiful sand castle with her yellow pail and pink
At the end of the day, when the sun was like
an orange ball in the sky, and all of her mother’s
delicious food was gone, Katrina and her family
went home. This time, Katrina didn’t even see the
funny scarecrow. Katrina was fast asleep dreaming
of her day at the ocean.

1. Who is the main character in the story?
2. Where did Katrina go?
3. What did she bring?
4. What did she see on the way to
the ocean?
5. What did she see at the beach?
6. What time did Katrina go home?
7. How did Katrina feel about going to
the beach?
8. Did she have a happy time during her
trip to the beach? Give sentences that
show she was happy.
9. Which part of the story do you like best?
10. How do you feel when going to places
like the beach? What other places
do you enjoy going to?

B. Development
What I know?
Your knowledge about the elements of the literary
text will help you gain greater understanding
about noting details.

Characters- A person or animal or really anything

personified. There can be one main character or
many, and often there are secondary characters,
but not always.

Setting-Where and when the story is set. Setting

represents not only the physical location but also
the time.

Events/ Plot- These are the events that happen in a


Character/s Setting Events

Identify the following details as to character,

setting or event.

1. Katrina got out of her bed excitedly.

2. They were going to the beach today and she didn’t
want to be late.
3. At the end of the day, when the sun was
like an orange ball in the sky, and all of her
mother’s delicious food was gone.
Katrina and her family went home.

What is in?

Noting details is a reading comprehension skill that

involves picking out, from a piece of text, the
particular piece or pieces of information to achieve a
given purpose such as answering a question in a test.
In noting details, we should be able to answer the WH
and HOW questions like

These questions answer the following:

Who- pertains or refers to the characters (person,
animal or anything personified
Where- refers to the place where something happened
When- refers to time
What- refers to the events that happened
Why- this question type gets you to the reason or

How- in what way or manner; by what means? How

did something happen?

Read the following texts. Note significant details by

answering the WH-questions. Write your answer
on your notebook.

1. The majestic humpback whales are another

hapless breed. They dwell in the shores of
Dominican Republic and Brazil. They are
hunted and subjected to continuous threat
from pollutants in their breeding areas.

Where can you find the majestic humpback whales?

2. The Mediterranean monk seal is found in the

waters of Greece and is considered Europe's
most endangered animal. Marine pollution in
its natural habitat are threatening the lives of
these furry white seals.

What is considered as Europe's most endangered


3. These cute looking creatures have webbed

feet, strong tails and they also possess very
precious pelts that fetch a high price in the
market. The poor giant otters live in the
narrow creeks of South America and are fast
dwindling in number because of pollution.

What is the main reason why the giant otters in South

America are becoming extinct?

4. Sea cows are the only herbivorous mammals

left that have a torpedo shaped body with short
flippers and whale-like flukes. Same with
dolphins, sea cows or "dugongs" can live on
for seventy years, however, their reproduction
rates are very slow. It takes three to five years
after giving birth to a single calf, before one
can reproduce again. Add to this, the ongoing
pollution and the hunting of these helpless
creatures by people interested in its meat as a
delicacy and what we have is a continuing
decline in its number.

How long does it take for a sea cow to reproduce


5. The earth is composed of 30% land and 70%

water. We are surrounded by bodies of water
and most of our needs are connected to these
waters - our life source. The sea is a vast
resource of food, medicines and minerals. We
fish here for sustenance, for marine species
that yield chemical cures for cancer and other
diseases and even obtain oil and natural gas
from the seabed.

What are the resources that you could get from the

What is it?

Details from the text are the ones that good readers
notice and authors use to emphasize the events and the

Example: Mario defeated the dragon to save the


1. Who defeated the dragon?

2. Why does he have to defeat the dragon?
3. What do you think is the reason behind Mario’s
saving the princess?
4. If you were Mario, will you do the same thing?
5. Why do you say so?

Read the selection, then answer the questions

that follow.
Black, White, Brown

by Nemah N. Hermosa
(Adapted from a Philippine folktale)
Once upon a time, there were no people. There
was only the earth and the god Kabunian. He said,
“The earth is a beautiful place. But who will take
care of it? I will make people.”In the afternoon,
Kabunian got some clay.

‘‘How do you think Kabunian will make


He worked for a long time. When he finished

making a man, it was night. The color of the
night became the color of the man. “He is too dark,”
Kabunian said.

Do you think Kabunian liked the black man he

What do you think will he do next?’’

The next morning, Kabunian woke up before

sunrise. He got some clay. He made a man. When
the sun came up, Kabunian saw the man. “He is too
white,” Kabunian said. So Kabunian got more clay.
He made another man. It was noon. The hot sun
made the man brown. “I like this brown man,” said

Who do you think are these brown people? What

made you say so?

Kabunian sent the men to different parts of the

Earth. That is why there are black people and white
people. That is why Filipinos are brown.

C. Engagement
What is more?

Read the passage below. Answer the questions using

the graphic organizer that follows
The Singing Snake
A large colorful snake wanted to join a singing
contest. He knew he did not have a good chance to
win because he had only an average singing voice.
As he listened to the other contestants, The judge
finally decided that Lark had the most beautiful
singing voice. He got very jealous of Lark.
“Hmmm,” He was getting an idea.
“If I swallow Lark whole and was careful not
to harm her and hold her just at the back of my
throat, I’m sure I could borrow her voice for the
song festival,” Snake had thought. Once Snake had
made up his mind, he quickly swallowed Lark.
-Stefan Czerneck and Timothy Rhodes

Guide Questions:
1. What is the story about?
2. Who is the main character in the story?
3. What is Snake’s problem?
4. What does Snake do to solve the problem?
5. How is the problem solved?

What I can do?

Read the story and answer the questions that follow.


“I am going to the market,” Mother said. “Can
we go, too?” asked Tina and Shiela. “Yes, you
may,” Mother answered.
Mother, Tina and Shiela rode the jeepney.
Tina saw a girl selling plastic bags as they entered
the market. Mother bought meat from the meat
Shiela saw all kinds of fishes at the fish stall.
There were bangus, dalagang bukid, tilapia and
“Mother, let’s buy some watermelon,” Tina
said. So, they went to the fruit stand and bought
fruits. “Oh! I almost forgot to buy vegetables,”
Mother said. The two girls and their mother went to
the vegetable section.
Shiela said, “Mother, I’m hungry. Can we
eat now?” Mother took them to an eatery and
bought halo-halo. They all enjoyed the halo-halo!
1. Who are the characters in the story?
2. Where did the story happen?
3. What did Shiela see at the fish stall?
4. Where did Mother, Tina and Shiela go after
the fish stall?
5. After the vegetables section, where did they

Activity 2

Read the story and answer the questions that follow:


Once there was a cruel king. He was King

Crab. All small creatures and insects were under
When he was asleep, he wanted everybody
to keep quiet.
One day while he was asleep, frogs croaked
and laughed very loudly.

The king was awakened. He called for the biggest

“Why were you laughing so loudly?” he
“We were laughing because we saw the
turtle carrying his house on his back,” answered the
The king called for the turtle.
“Why do you carry your house on your
back?” he asked.
“I carry it on my back because I am afraid
the firefly might burn it,” the turtle replied.
“Why do you carry fire with you?” the king
asked the firefly.

“To protect myself from the mosquito who

likes to bite me.”

The king asked the mosquito why he liked to

bite the firefly. The mosquito did not answer, but
flew straight to the king and stung him. The king
got angry and killed the mosquito.

When the other mosquitoes heard what

happened, they started looking for the king. King
Crab hid in a hole in the ground.

Do you hear mosquitoes buzzing near your

ears? That is because they are still looking for King
Crab in every hole they see.

Let the pupils answer the following questions:

1. Write the characters of the story.

2. What happened while King Crab was asleep?
3. Who did King Crab call for after he talked to the
4. Why did King Crab call for the turtle?
5. What was the answer of the firefly when King Crab
called him?
6. Where did King Crab hide when he heard that the
other mosquitoes were looking for him?
7. Based on the story, why do you hear mosquitoes
buzz near your ears?

D. Assimilation
What I have learned?
What is the importance of noting details in reading
various texts?

Read the paragraphs from Sea Creatures Trivia by
Marie Christine Sipin. Then answer the questions that

1. Today, overharvesting of marine life,

destructive fishing methods, oil and garbage
pollution and overexploitation threaten our
seas. We are in danger of losing a huge
number of marine species. This means the
future generation will not be able to experience
the same vastness of sea creatures and marine
ecosystem if we keep going at this rate. The
dying breed will fail to regenerate, reproduce
and become extinct.

What are some of the factors which threaten our


2. Sea turtles are giant turtles that have been

around since the dinosaur age! Yes! They are
unusual looking creatures which are able to
thrive both in land and in water. They live in
the sea but they lay their eggs on the beach.
People want these poor turtles for their meat
and shells! Due to this hunting and other factor
like pollution, the estimated ratio of baby
turtles' survival is only one in 1,000!

Where do the sea turtles lay their eggs?

3. Even as the largest animal in the world, the

blue whale still cannot protect itself from
being extinct! There used to be 250,000 in the
1990's and now they number no more than
5,000! Sadly, marine pollution and the people's
need for its meat, oil and whalebone are still
threatening to decrease this number.

What is the largest sea animal in the world?

4. Sea cows are the only herbivorous mammal

left that have a torpedo shaped body with short
flippers and whale-like flukes. Same with
dolphins, sea cows or "dugongs" can live on
for seventy years, however, their reproduction
rates are very slow. It takes three to five years
after giving birth to a single calf, before one
can reproduce again. Add to this, the ongoing
pollution and the hunting of these helpless
creatures by people interested in its meat as a
delicacy and what we have is a continuing
decline in its number.

How long can a sea cow live?

5. The earth is composed of 30% land and 70%

water. We are surrounded by bodies of water
and most of our needs are connected to these
waters - our life source. The sea is a vast
resource of food, medicines, and minerals. We
fish here for sustenance, for marine species
that yield chemical cures for cancer and other
diseases and even obtain oil and natural gas
from the seabed.

What part of the earth is composed of water?

Additional Activity

A. The teacher allows the learners to perform

another activity based on
Write simple sentences answering wh and how
questions based on the sample stories played on the

B. Note details about the image below by

answering WH and How questions about it.

Example: What is the name of the virus going around


V. REFLECTION The learners will write their personal insights about

the lesson using the prompts below.
I learned that __________________.
I realized that ____________________.

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