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PSY 1A: Understanding the Self

Psychological Perspective: Freud

Identify experience(s) that he/she would like to know during the period of childhood amnesia.

1. Select a family member whom you could talk to about your childhood experiences.
For me, my mom, because when we have a free time we talk a lot about my childhood experiences.

2. Which of your childhood experiences you can relate to Freud’s Psychosexual Stages of
Development? Why did you choose that stage and ere you able to resolve them?
For me, my oral stage because my habit is I suck my thumb to able to sleep, and when I grew up I still do it
and I am able to resolve it.

3. Do you believe that your personality is influenced by Freud’s Psychosexual Stages of Development?
Yes, it influenced my personality because every age and every stage have different developmental
task that is capable on developing character traits and it able us to identify those traits with regards to
our age.

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