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Interview 1

+Hello, can you introduce us?

-Hello, I'm Yüksel Alev, I'm an Orthodontist.

+Have you experienced Covid-19 during the pandemic process, and if so, how did
you get over it?
-Yes, I have had the Covid-19 disease. I had a hard time because you got sick in the
early days of the pandemic. My sense of smell was almost completely gone. I still
have a slight decrease in my sense of smell, despite my recovery now.

+How did you approach your family and close circle in this process?
-At the beginning of the pandemic, I had to distance myself from my family. Since I
got sick afterwards, I did not infect my family with the virus.

+To what extent did you find it difficult to treat your own patients?
-When the pandemic started, we had to close the clinics completely at first. Then we
opened it gradually, but we experienced serious disruptions in the treatment
processes of people. Even now, before we see each patient, we make mouthwashes
with oxygenated water.

+What upset you the most during this process?

-Definitely being away from my family was the situation that upset me the most.

+What lessons should we learn from this pandemic as a society?

-Unfortunately, our people could not show the necessary sensitivity. There were
many who resisted and misused the mask. With the discovery of the vaccine, there is
a group of people who are prejudiced against the vaccine, but we should definitely
have the vaccine.

+Lastly, do you have anything you want to add?

-I think this disease has taught people a lot in general, and I hope people will use the
lessons learned from it in the future.

+Thank you for the interview.

-I thank you.

Interview 2

+Hello, can you introduce us?

-Hello, I am Erol Kocatürk, I am a water seller in Izmir.

+Have you experienced Covid-19 during the pandemic process, and if so, how did
you get over it?
-Yes, I got the disease too. I was caught when the vaccine first came to Turkey. I got
this disease because of my prejudice against the vaccine. I couldn't trust vaccines
and it cost me dearly.

+How did you approach your family and close circle in this process?
-I couldn't stay away from my family so they became Covid too. Unfortunately, I also
lost my father. My son had been vaccinated, so my son did not experience the

+What upset you the most during this process?

-Losing my father made me very sad. I still haven't been able to forgive myself.

+What lessons should we learn from this pandemic as a society?

-Vaccines are definitely our greatest weapon. The sooner we get vaccinated, the

+Lastly, do you have anything you want to add?

-Even if we don't think about ourselves, please let's get vaccinated for our loved

+Thank you for the interview.

-You're welcome.

Interview 3

+Hello, can you introduce us?

-Hello, I am Hasan, I am a courier in a restaurant.

+Have you experienced Covid-19 during the pandemic process, and if so, how did
you get over it?
-I caught Covid. It infected me from someone sending orders to customers.

+How did you approach your family and close circle in this process?
-I couldn't go home, I had to stay in a hotel. I used the money I saved before the
pandemic here, but all my savings melted in the process. I'm sorry about this.

+What upset you the most during this process?

-I definitely couldn't talk to my family, I could only call on the phone. One day, my
voice was not being heard, I did not call at all that day.

+What lessons should we learn from this pandemic as a society?

-We must be more sensitive and strictly follow the advice of experts.

+Lastly, do you have anything you want to add?

-We are doing our best in this process to serve people. Therefore, we expect the
same understanding from people

+Thank you for the interview.

-You're welcome.

Song-Interview Commentary
Although Tarkan wrote his song "Geççek" as a political message, this song is very
compatible with the pandemic. People were forced, they got sick, they lost loved
ones. However, the pandemic will eventually end and the good days will return.
Tarkan also aims to give morale to people by working on this theme.

Metin Suat Alp - 180101091

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