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Exercise 1: Day 2, Session 1 Module 4: Using the database 1 in

Cross- Tabulation in SPSS
Question 1
Sept 1. Generate cross tabulation between A1 (Geographical regions and A2 (Ownership) in
SPSS taking Column sum as the base to calculate the percent.
Step 2. Export the cross-tabulation from SPSS to excel
Step 3. Edit the table i.e. remove the unnecessary information from the table
Step 4. Generate the side by side bar chart of the cross tabulation in excel
Step 5. Export the table and bar chart in word file
Step 6: Write the title of the table or chart
Step 7. Match the findings of table and bar chart to detect whether or not there is any
discrepancy between bar chart and table.
Step 8. Interpret and summarize the findings one paragraph.

Exercise 2: Day 2, Session 1: Module 4 Using the database 1 in

Cross- Tabulation in SPSS
Question 1
Sept 1. Generate cross tabulation between A1 (Geographical regions and A2 (Ownership) in
SPSS taking row sum as the base to calculate the percent.
Step 2. Export the cross-tabulation from SPSS to excel
Step 3. Edit the table i.e. remove the unnecessary information from the table
Step 4. Generate the side by side bar chart of the cross tabulation in excel
Step 5. Export the table and bar chart in word file
Step 6: Write the title of the table or chart
Step 7. Match the findings of table and bar chart to detect whether or not there is any
discrepancy between bar chart and table.
Step 8. Interpret and summarize the findings one paragraph.

Exercise 3: Day 2, Session 1 Module 4: Using the database 1 in
Cross- Tabulation in SPSS
Question 1
Sept 1. Generate cross tabulation between A1 (Geographical regions and A2 (Ownership) in
SPSS taking grand sum as the base to calculate the percent.
Step 2. Export the cross-tabulation from SPSS to excel
Step 3. Edit the table i.e. remove the unnecessary information from the table
Step 4. Generate the side by side bar chart of the cross tabulation in excel
Step 5. Export the table and bar chart in word file
Step 6: Write the title of the table or chart
Step 7. Match the findings of table and bar chart to detect whether or not there is any
discrepancy between bar chart and table.
Step 8. Interpret and summarize the findings one paragraph.

Exercise 4: Day 2, Session 1 Module 4: Using the database 2 in

Cross tabulation of multiple response question by single response question in SPSS

Question 1
Sept 1. Generate cross tabulation between B2 (Direction of the country) and ecological regions
Step 2. Export the cross-tabulation from SPSS to excel
Step 3. Edit the table i.e. remove the unnecessary information from the table
Step 4. Generate the side by side bar chart of the cross tabulation in excel
Step 5. Export the table and bar chart in word file
Step 6: Write the title of the table or chart
Step 7. Match the findings of table and bar chart to detect whether or not there is any
discrepancy between bar chart and table.
Step 8. Interpret and summarize the findings one paragraph.

Exercise 5: Day 2, Session 1 Module 4: Using the database 1 in
Mean Comparisons in SPSS
Question 1
Sept 1. Compare the mean and Standard deviation of the variable- A4 by A2 using SPSS
Step 2. Export the table from SPSS to excel
Step 3. Edit the table i.e. remove the unnecessary information from the table
Step 4. Export the table word file
Step 5: Write the title of the table
Step 6. Interpret and summarize the findings in one paragraph.

Question 2
Sept 1. Compare the mean and Standard deviation of the variable- A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, and
A10 by A2 using SPSS
Step 2. Export the table from SPSS to excel
Step 3. Edit the table i.e. remove the unnecessary information from the table
Step 4. Export the table word file
Step 5: Write the title of the table
Step 6. Interpret and summarize the findings in one paragraph.

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