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Determinacy and Stability


• When all the forces in a • A structure having more

structure can be determined unknown forces than available
from the equilibrium equations, equilibrium equations is called
the structure is called statically statically indeterminate
Equations of Equilibrium

• Σ FX = 0

• Σ FY = 0

• ΣM = 0
Determinacy and Stability


A structure is internally stable or rigid if it maintains its shape and remains a

rigid body when detached from the supports.

structure is internally unstable (or nonrigid) if it cannot maintain its shape. It

may undergo large displacements under small disturbances when not
supported externally.
Check for Determinacy and Stability
1. Count the total number of support reactions, r

2. Count the total number of internal forces, fi , that can be transmitted through the
internal hinges and the internal rollers of the structure.

3. Determine the total number of unknowns r + fi.

4. Count the number of rigid members or portions , n , contained in the structure.

5. Each of the rigid members or portions of the structure must satisfy the three
equilibrium equations. Thus, the total number of equations available for the
entire structure is 3 n .
Check for Determinacy and Stability

6. Compare the total number of unknowns, r + fi , versus the total number of

equations 3 n .

r + f < 3n Structure is statically unstable externally

• r + f = 3n Structure is statically determinate externally

• r + f > 3n Structure is statically indeterminate externally

• i = r + f − 3n Degree of indeterminacy
Example 1
 Classify the structure shown as externally unstable, statically determinate, or
statically indeterminate.
• r = 3 + 1 +1 = 5

• f =0

• 3n = 3(1) = 3

• r + f = 5 +0 = 5

• r + f > 3n (statically indeterminate to the

Example 2
 Classify the structure shown as externally unstable, statically determinate, or
statically indeterminate.
• r = 2 + 1 +1 + 1= 5

• f =4

• 3n = 3(3) = 9

• r + f = 5 +0 = 9

• r + f = 3n (statically stable)
Determinacy and Stability for Trusses
1. Count the total number of support reactions, r

2. Count the total number of members, m ,

3. Determine the total number of joints, j.

6. Compare the total number of unknowns, r + m , versus the total number of joints 2 j .

• r + m < 2j Structure is statically unstable externally

• r + m = 2j Structure is statically determinate externally

• r + m > 2j Structure is statically indeterminate externally

• i = r + m − 2j Degree of indeterminacy
Example 3
 Classify the truss shown as externally unstable, statically determinate, or statically
• r = 1+ 1 +1 + 1= 4

• m = 10

• 2j = 2(6) = 12

• r + m = 4 +10 = 14

• r + m > 2j (statically indeterminate 2°)

Example 4
 Classify the truss shown as externally unstable, statically determinate, or statically
• r = 2+2= 4

• m =8

• 2j = 2(6) = 12

• r + m = 4 +8 = 12

• r + m = 2j (statically determinate)

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