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Αριθμός ωρών διδασκαλίας της μαθησιακής ενότητας ανά εβδομάδα

(Θ, Ε, Σ): 0, 3, 3

Περίληψη της μαθησιακής ενότητας

Σκοπός της μαθησιακής ενότητας είναι να αναπτύξουν οι καταρτιζόμενοι τις κατάλληλες
επαγγελματικές ικανότητες και δεξιότητες σχετικά με τον τομέα της ταξιδιωτικής

και να είναι σε θέση να λειτουργούν ομαδικά, συνεργατικά, με υπευθυνότητα και

ευγένεια, στον τομέα του τουρισμού.

Η πρακτική εφαρμογή θα υλοποιηθεί σε τουριστικές επιχειρήσεις, λαμβάνοντας υπόψη ότι

οι καταρτιζόμενοι θα πρέπει, ολοκληρώνοντας την κατάρτισή τους, να έχουν γνωρίσει από
κοντά τις λειτουργίες τόσο των γραφείων τουρισμού και των ταξιδιωτικών επιχειρήσεων
όσο και των τουριστικών μονάδων.

Το μάθημα θα πρέπει να διεξαχθεί με τέτοιο τρόπο, ώστε οι καταρτιζόμενοι να

εξοικειωθούν και να εφαρμόσουν τις γνώσεις και τις δεξιότητες που έχουν αποκτήσει από
τα υπόλοιπα μαθήματα του εξαμήνου. Ενδείκνυται η διεξαγωγή του μαθήματος σε
τουριστικά γραφεία προκειμένου να αποκτήσουν εμπειρία από πραγματικές συνθήκες
λειτουργίας του γραφείου. Ιδιαίτερη έμφαση πρέπει να δοθεί και στον τρόπο επικοινωνίας
τόσο μεταξύ του προσωπικού της επιχείρησης όσο και με τους πελάτες, καθώς και στη
χρήση της ψηφιακής τεχνολογίας.

Προσδοκώμενα μαθησιακά αποτελέσματα

Όταν ολοκληρωθεί η μαθησιακή ενότητα, οι καταρτιζόμενοι θα είναι σε θέση να:

Κατανοούν τις λειτουργίες όλων των δομών που έχουν σχέση με την τουριστική βιομηχανία.

 Τις λειτουργίες των ξενοδοχειακών μονάδων, την οργάνωση τουριστικών εκθέσεων-

 Τη λειτουργία τουριστικών κρατήσεων.
 Τις λειτουργίες εταιρειών διοργανώσεων εκδηλώσεων (events management).
 Τις συμβουλευτικές υπηρεσίες του τομέα φιλοξενίας και τουρισμού.
 Τις λειτουργίες των διεθνών tour operators.
 Τις διοργανώσεις συνεδριακών κέντρων, θεματικών πάρκων και τους πόλους έλξης

Δραστηριοποιηθούν ως ελεύθεροι επαγγελματίες, δημιουργώντας και αναπτύσσοντας τη

δική τους τουριστική επιχείρηση.

Κατανοήσουν τις λειτουργίες οργάνωσης των βραχυπρόθεσμων τουριστικών δομών (π.χ.


Αναλαμβάνουν και να υλοποιούν τουριστικά project και τουριστικά πακέτα.

Αντιλαμβάνονται και να κατανοούν την ψηφιακή τεχνολογία στο travel industry (e-

Χρησιμοποιούν τις ψηφιακές πλατφόρμες κράτησης-διαχείρισης και οργάνωσης που

σχετίζονται με την ταξιδιωτική βιομηχανία και τις υπηρεσίες που παρέχουν.

Βασικές έννοιες-λέξεις κλειδιά

o E-tourism

o Ψηφιακή τεχνολογία

o Τουριστικά γραφεία

o Τουριστικές μονάδες

o Τουριστικές επιχειρήσεις

o Tουριστικά πακέτα

o Κοινωνικά δίκτυα και προβολή

o Διαχωρισμός στα είδη τουρισμού

o Airbnb

Κατανομή σε μαθησιακές υποενότητες

Τίτλοι μαθησιακών υποενοτήτων

1 Ταξιδιωτική βιομηχανία

2 Ελληνικοί και διεθνείς τουριστικοί οργανισμοί-φορείς

3 Νέες τεχνολογίες και τουρισμός

4 Ε-tourism

5 Αirbnb

6 Tρόποι προώθησης τουριστικού προϊόντος

7 Προσημειώσεις συνθηκών εργασίας στην ταξιδιωτική βιομηχανία

8 Τεχνικές μελέτες περίπτωσης σε τουριστικές επιχειρήσεις (case studies)

9 Ανάληψη και υλοποίηση εικονικών project( υλοποίηση/ καταχώρηση/ διαχείριση channel

manger, Booking κλπ)

Σύνολο: 9

Προτεινόμενες πηγές μελέτης


1. Καταραχιάς, Λ. (1998). Οργάνωση και λειτουργία του τμήματος υποδοχής των

Ξενοδοχειακών Επιχειρήσεων, Αθήνα: Eκδόσεις Έλλην.
2. Πρωτοπαπαδάκης, Ι. (2007). Ε-Tourisme, Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Ίων.

3. Ιστότοπος ΕΟΤ (

4. Ιστότοπος GTP Travel (


1. Κομίνης, Γ. N. (2004). Εφαρμογές Η/Υ στον τουρισμό: Τήρηση λογαριασμών

πελάτες, χρεώσεις, Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Ιnterbooks.

Η ταχύτατη διείσδυση του διαδικτύου και των «έξυπνων» κινητών τηλεφώνων

Smartphones έχει αλλάξει άρδην τις ισορροπίες στον τουρισμό.

Πλέον μία τουριστική επιχείρηση ανεξαρτήτως μεγέθους δεν αρκεί να προσφέρει

ικανοποιητικό value for money, αλλά θα πρέπει, αν επιθυμεί να επιβιώσει και να
παραμείνει ανταγωνιστική, να αποκτήσει ισχυρή παρουσία στο διαδίκτυο.

Σήμερα απαιτούνται βασικές γνώσεις e-tourism προκειμένου μία τουριστική μονάδα να

βρεθεί εκεί που βρίσκεται το κοινό της, στο διαδίκτυο δηλαδή.

Γνώσεις σχετικά με:

• Το σχεδιασμό ιστοσελίδας.
• Την παρουσία και την αξιοποίηση των online travel agents.
• Το search engine optimization (SEO Marketing).
• Την ανάρτηση πολύτιμου περιεχομένου.
• Τα δωρεάν εργαλεία που μας παρέχει η Google και όχι μόνο.
• Τις online διαφημιστικές καμπάνιες.
• Τη σημασία και την ορθή διαχείριση των κριτικών.
• Το e-mail marketing.
• To social media marketing.
Ορισμός e-tourism

Ο ηλεκτρονικός τουρισμός(e-tourism) ορίζεται ως

η χρήση των τεχνολογιών της πληροφορίας και των επικοινωνιών (ΤΠΕ) στον τουριστικό

Περιλαμβάνει την αγορά και πώληση τουριστικών προϊόντων και υπηρεσιών μέσω
ηλεκτρονικών καναλιών, όπως το Διαδίκτυο (κινητά τηλέφωνα, μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης

eTourism is defined as 

the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the tourism
What is e-tourism and
how is it changing travel?
(Last updated on: 22/03/2022)

We live in a digital world nowadays, or an ‘e’ world as some

may like to put in. We have concepts such as ‘e-business’, ‘e-
commerce’, ‘e-marketing’ and ‘e-service’, so it seems it was
only time before the idea of ‘e-tourism’ emerged. But what
exactly is e-tourism, how does it work and why is it important?
Read on to find out…
 What is e-tourism?
 Examples of e-tourism
 Research and development
 Reservation and bookings
 Marketing and promotion
 Travel
 The tourist experience
 Paying for aspects of your trip
 Checking the weather
 E-tourism when you arrive home
 Leaving reviews or feedback
 Virtual tourism
 How is e-tourism changing travel
What is e-tourism?

E-tourism is all about the introduction of digitalisation into the

tourism industry. This manifests itself in many different ways.
We see e-tourism before, during and after a holiday or trip
itself – and actually there is a lot of e-tourism that goes on
behind the scenes, so we don’t actually ‘see’ it at all!
Dimitrious Buhalis is known as an expert in the field of e-
tourism and he defines it as the digitization of all processes
and value chains in the tourism, travel, hospitality and catering
sectors that allow organizations to maximize their efficiency
and effectiveness.
This digitalization, over the years, has changed the way that
the tourism industry works and in turn has altered the structure
of the tourism industry, often for the better- making it more
efficient and productive. And this is not unique to the tourism
industry by any means, our whole world has been becoming
increasingly digitalised for many years now. In fact, we have
become so reliant on the digital aspects of our lives that the
functioning of the contemporary tourism system and its future
seem unthinkable without the technological innovation that we
have today!
e-tourism is ingrained into the modern day tourism system.
Examples of e-tourism
E-tourism is ingrained throughout the tourism system, from the
booking process right through to the tourist experience and
everywhere in between. It would be impossible to discuss
every way that technology is used in the tourism industry (ok,
well perhaps not impossible, but I would be here a very long
time!). Below I have outlined some of the most common ways
that that e-tourism occurs.
Research and development
E-tourism is used to a large extent during the research and
development stages of a tourism product or service. There are
a wealth of digital resources at the disposal of tourism industry
stakeholders, which enables them to collect large amounts of
data and research their (potential) customers. In turn, this
helps organisations in the travel and tourism industry to better
understand their customers and therefore to better satisfy their
needs and desires.
Likewise, recent years have seen many options for the tourists
themselves to research their travel choices to a greater extent
than they have previously been able to. Reading blogs,
looking at travel pictures on Instagram, scouring Pinterest…
when it comes to heading off on a city break or relaxing beach
vacay, tourists often turn to the internet as a source of location
inspiration- this is also evidence of e-tourism.
Reservation and bookings
Central reservation systems have come a long way in the past
couple of decades. First introduced in the 1960s by airlines,
central reservation systems were quickly adopted by hotels
and other businesses operating in the travel and tourism
industry. Most recently these have been further developed to
allow the tourist to play a key role in the booking process by
linking their reservation systems to popular online booking
platforms such as Expedia or Syscanner as well as in-house
developed booking systems.
Nowadays, pretty much everything can be booked online.
Tourists don’t need to make a trip into town specifically to visit
a travel agent, and sit there while they look through brochures
and databases to find a trip that ticks every box for them-
tourists can do it for themselves! There is far more freedom
and independence now, as consumers are part of the process
from the start. Bookings and changes can be made at the tap
of a button or the click of a link. This not only makes the
process simpler and easier for the tourist, but it also helps the
business to operate faster and more efficiently, reducing
overhead costs and maximising productivity.
Marketing and promotion
Some years ago the likes of travel agencies and tourist boards
would focus their marketing efforts on printed advertising such
as posters, brochures and flyers… but those days are long
gone now. Whilst there will always be a place for physical
advertising of this type, travel and tourism organisations now
have a wealth of valuable data at their fingertips that they can
use to inform their marketing.
As we live more of our lives online (think shopping,
researching, connecting with our friends on social media etc),
the organisations that want to sell us their products and/or
services are more informed to do so than they have ever been
before. Adverts can be targeted to specific customers based
on location, age and other relevant demographics. It can also
be based around the user’s online activity- yes, if you begin to
research ecotourism holidays it is likely that you may begin to
be shown adverts about eco lodges in the
Gambia or ecotourism in Costa Rica! Whilst there are certainly
some ethical questions about how much of our data is used by
organisations for advertising purposes, there is no disputing
that the organisations of today have a big foot up in
comparison to their counterparts from a decade or two ago!
In addition to this, we have new platforms where marketing
can take place. Social media platforms such as Instagram or
Facebook allow for both large companies and individuals to
promote products, services or places. As I explain in my article
about Instatourism, these social media platforms can be
powerful tools for the purposes of marketing. And more and
more people are working in the field too- many argue that the
growth of travel influencers around the world has changed the
marketing industry forever!
Technology has also enhanced the travel sector in many
ways. More efficient aircraft, trains, cars etc have enabled us
to travel further and faster than ever before. They typically
create less damage to the environment too, with more
environmentally friendly initiatives being researched and
implemented such as bio fuels and hybrid models.
Travel is easier for the consumer these days too. No longer do
we need to carry around our pocket-sized road maps, or get
stressed out when we can’t read directions- all we need
nowadays is a 4G connection and a navigation app! There are
plenty of other apps that help us travel too, from train apps
with timetables to flight comparison sites and more.
The tourist experience
There are many ways that e-tourism has helped to enhance
the tourist experience and to make the tourism industry more
efficient. From having your room service brought to you by a
robot, to checking a menu in a restaurant using a QR code, to
downloading an app in a theme park that shows queue times
for the rides to having an audio programme give you
information on your phone as you walk through a museum. E-
tourism is everywhere we look!

Is virtual tourism e-tourism?

Virtual tourism is an example of e-tourism in practice. It is
essentially a hybrid concept- it combines both the notions of
virtual reality and tourism. In essence, virtual tourism
facilitates a tourism experience, without actually having to
travel anywhere. Virtual tourism takes many different forms
and comes in vary degrees of technological capability.
In its simplest form, virtual tourism may comprise of a video of
a tourism destination. The ‘tourist’ watches the video, utilising
their hearing and sight senses. More sophisticated forms of
virtual tourism include being immersed in an environment
through use of a headset or simulator. It may involve use of
various props, users may be required to wear gloves and
there may be additional sensations such as movement (like in
a rollercoaster simulator), feeling (for example if the user is
sprayed with water) and smell. You can read a detailed article
about the virtual tourism industry here.
Is smart tourism e-tourism?
Smart tourism and e-tourism are commonly interlinked,
however smart tourism is not always an example of e-tourism.
Smart tourism is all about tourism that is designed in a ‘smart’
way- the intention is to promote productivity and make the
tourism industry efficient. Oftentimes this does require the use
of digitalisation, or technology, hence making it a form of e-
tourism, but this isn’t always the case 100% of the time. You
can read all about the concept of smart tourism here.
The benefits of e-tourism
Ultimately, e-tourism is a good thing. The use of technology in
the tourism industry has helped to make it more efficient, run
more smoothly (with less risk of human error) and making it
more productive. This generally means that consumers (or
tourists) are more satisfied with their tourism experience and
that the organisations involved have increased profit margins
and lower overheads.
E-tourism has introduced us to a whole new way of thinking
and has helped to expose us to invaluable developments in
the travel and tourism industry- it has helped to make parts of
the industry more environmentally friendly, it has helped to
have more effective marketing and product development and it
has helped us to embrace new forms of tourism too, such as
smart tourism and virtual tourism.
The disadvantages of e-tourism
However, as is the case with any form of tourism, there are
some negative impacts of e-tourism too. The use of
technology sometimes takes away the ‘human’ aspect-
customer service from a robot will never replace the smiles
and conversations that a real person would bring to the
situation. And using technology to a large extent may reduce
the number of jobs in the tourism industry too, which can have
a negative economic impact on the host community.
Furthermore, technology can go wrong- a booking system that
is down or a website that doesn’t work properly can cause loss
of money and business, for example.
How is e-tourism changing travel
Ultimately, e-tourism is all about making the tourism industry
more efficient through the use of technology. As I have
outlined in this article, there are many ways that this can be
done and the benefits of this can be far reaching. From the
perspective of the tourism industry, the digitalisation of travel
and tourism can help to enhance business prospects- income,
productivity, performance etc. And from the perspective of the
tourist it can help to make their tourism experience more
E-tourism- further reading
If you have found this article interesting, then I am sure that
you will enjoy these too!
 What is smart tourism and why is it so BIG?
 Virtual tourism explained: What, why and where
 What is sustainable tourism and why does it matter?
 What is ecotourism and why is it so important?
 Niche tourism: What, why and where

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