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Field Work KIMPER Emergency

NO BASIC EXAMINATION Office Work Reponse Health Crew Office Work/Visitor (8-90 days) Remark
Non Tem

Interview about the history of medical illness, lifestyle, family

history, history of occupational exposure / Wawancara
1 V V V V V V V V
mengenai riwayat penyakit medis, gaya hidup, riwayat penyakit
keluarga, riwayat pajanan pekerjaan

2 Examination of vital signs / Pemeriksaan tanda-tanda vital V V V V V V V V

Physical examination of the entire body by doctors

3 V V V V V V V V For KIMPER, if found Partial Color Blind, should check
Pemeriksaan fisik seluruh tubuh oleh dokter
color of traffic sign, indicator etc with KIMPER Trainer /
4 Dental examination / Pemeriksaan gigi V V V V V V V Untuk KIMPER bila ditemukan buta warna partial, harus
Eye examination (visual acuity, colour blindness) / periksa warna rambu dan indikator kendaraan dll dengan
5 V V V V V V V Trainer KIMPER
Pemeriksaan mata (visus, buta warna)
6 Haemoglobin (Hb) V V V V V V V V
7 Haematocrit (Ht) V V V V V V V V
8 Leukocyte (Lc) V V V V V V V V
9 Platelet / Trombosit (Tc) V V V V V V V V for KIMPER, if found Partial Color Blind, should check
color of traffic sign, indicator etc with KIMPER Trainer /
10 Differential Count / Hitung Jenis V V V V V V V V Untuk KIMPER bila ditemukan buta warna partial, harus
11 Blood Types / Golongan Darah V V V V V V V V periksa warna rambu dan indikator kendaraan dll dengan
Trainer KIMPER
Kidney Function Fungsi Ginjal : Ureum, Creatinine, Uric Acid /
12 V V V V V V V
Asam Urat
14 Lipid Profile: Total Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, Trigliseride V V V V V V V
15 Regular Urine Examination / Pemeriksaan Urine Rutin V V V V V V V V
If SGOT/SGPT is more than 2x normal, check HbsAg ,
HAV or other important / Jika hasil SGOT/SGPT lebih dari
16 Liver Function / Fungsi Liver : SGOT, SGPT V V V V V V V
2xnormal, periksa HbsAg , HAV dan pemeriksaan penting
if > 100, continue with 2hPP + HbA1c/ Jika hasil > 100,
17 Fasting Blood Sugar / Gula Darah Puasa V V V V V V V V dilanjutkan pemeriksaan gula 2 jam setelah makan&
The result is read by Radiologist Doctor / Hasil dibaca
18 Chest X-Ray / Pemeriksaan Foto X-Ray Dada V V V V V V V V
oleh Sp.Rad
The result is read by Cardiologist / Hasil dibaca oleh
ECG (Electrocardiography - Heart Function Test) + Treadmill
Sp.JP. Treadmill test should achieve stage 3 complete
for ≥ 35 yo or abnormal ECG results / EKG (Elektrokardiografi
19 V V V V V V V V with negative Ischemic response / Tes treadmill harus
Tes Fungsi Jantung) + Treadmill bila usia ≥ 35 atau ditemukaan
mencapai stage 3 komplit dengan tak ada response
hasil EKG yg abnormal
penyempitan kardiovaskular
20 Framingham Risk Score V V V V V V V V

No Other important examination / Pemeriksaan Penting Lainnya

Esp. for Working at Height / Khususnya untuk Bekerja di

1 Pemeriksaan Fisik : Romberg Test / Balance Test V V
Examination of Low back pain for ERT Team especiallya
who drive Fire Truck
2 Pemeriksaan Low Back Pain (by Neurologist) V V
Pemeriksaan tulang belakang bagi ERT yang mengendarai
truk Pemadaam Kebakaran
Examination of Kampimetri for ERT Team especially who
drive Fire Truck
3 Pemeriksaan Mata : Kampimetri (Luas Lapang Pandang) V V V
Pemeriksaan luas lapang pandang bagi ERT yang
mengendarai truk Pemadaam Kebakaran
If positive, continued with HBeAg test / Jika positif,
4 Hepatitis B (HBsAg) V V V V V V
dilanjutkan dengan test HBeAg
5 Hepatitis A (Ig M Anti HAV & Ig G Anti HAV) V
6 Anti HbsAg (Quantitative) V
Physical Examination and Stool analysis repeat every 6
7 Stool Analysis (including Salmonella, Hep. A, E. coli) v month / Physical Examination dan Stool analysis diulang
setiap 6 bulan
Audiometry (Hearing Tests ) / Audiometri (Tes Pendengaran The result is read by ENT Specialists / Hasil dibaca oleh
8 V V V V
Telinga) Sp.THT
Spirometry (Lungs Function Test ) / Spirometri (Tes Fungsi Paru- The result is read by Pulmonologist / Hasil dibaca oleh
9 V V V V
paru) Sp.P
Drug Test
10 (Amphetamin, Metamphetamin, coccaine, Morphine, V V V V V V V
Benzodiazepine, THC )
11 Alcohol Screening (Breath Test) V V V V V V V

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Document No. PTP-HR-GD-G-0028 Rev. 2 page 1 of 1

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