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Course No. Title: CPE 109/Building and Enhancing New Literacies across the Curriculum
Course Credit: 3 units
Duration: 9 weeks
Effort: 6 hours per week
Delivery Mode: Flexible Learning – Online and offline modes of delivery will be used depending on the students’ access to needed technology. The online mode will
include synchronous and asynchronous teaching and learning activities.
Course Description: This course introduces the concepts of new literacies in the 21st century as an evolving social phenomena and shared cultural practices across learning areas.
The 21st century literacies shall include (a) globalization and multicultural literacy, (b) social literacy, (c) media literacy, (d) financial literacy, (e) cyber
literacy/digital literacy, (f) eco-literacy, and (g) arts and creativity literacy. Field-based interdisciplinary explorations and other teaching strategies shall be
used in this course.
Learning Culminating Outcome: At the end of this course, the students are expected to clearly communicate through their course portfolio an understanding of the different
forms of literacies in the 21st century, assessments of their own level of literacies, and an awareness of the significance of these literacies both in their
personal and professional lives.
Prerequisite: none
Co-requisite: none

Course Developers/Instructors:
Name: Raul A. Yapac Jr.Office Location:
Email Address:
Consultation hour:

Program Outcomes (Higher Education Institution)

A. To keep abreast of latest developments in the specific field of practice;
B. Effectively communicate using English and Filipino, orally and in writing;
C. Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multicultural teams;
D. Exemplify professional, social, ethical, and environmental responsibility;
E. Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage” (based on RA 7722); and
F. Advocate for peace in multi-cultural settings.
Program Outcomes (Teacher Education)
J. Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multicultural teams
K. develop alternative teaching approaches for diverse learners
L. Apply skills in curriculum development, lesson planning, materials development, instructional delivery and educational assessment
M. Pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional growth
N. Demonstrate broad, meaningful and coherent knowledge and skills in Home Economics and Industrial Arts in Technology and Livelihood Education
O. Apply a wide range of teaching process skills (including curriculum development, lesson planning, materials development, educational assessment, and teaching approaches)
P. Exercise varied skills, knowledge and attitude pertaining to family and home management.

Program Outcomes (Elementary Education)

a. Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the diversity of learners in various learning areas
b. Manifest meaningful and comprehensive pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of the different subject areas.
c. Utilize appropriate assessment and evaluation tools to measure learning outcomes.
d. Manifest skills in communication, higher order thinking and use of tools and technology to accelerate learning and teaching.
e. Demonstrate positive attributes of a model teacher, both as an individual and as a professional.
f. Manifest a desire to continuously pursue personal and professional development.

Higher Education Program Outcome Course Outcome


A B C D E F G J K L M N O P a b c d e f g

Develop a clear and practical understanding of the different types of 21st century          
literacies 

Reflect on the level of their personal literacies and how they can further improve them     

Show understanding and appreciation of the importance of the 21st century literacies        

Discuss instructional issues related to the development of the different 21st century         
literacies among learners

Propose possible solutions to the issues and challenges that concern the teaching of the           
21st century literacies in school
Course Schedule of Course Requirements
Week Topic Intended Learning Teaching and Learning Activities Learning Resources Assessment Evidence of Outcome Due
Outcome Task/Tools Date

1st Unit 1: At the end of the Online Mode: MOLE Online video: Task: Reflection Paper 2nd
Introduction to 21st unit, the students are 20th versus 21st century Reflection week
Century Literacies expected to reflect Start-up: teacher writing
A. Traditional or on (a) how literate Introductory video viewing
Conventional they are based on the (comparison between traditional h?v=7dnwCLIkxbg Tool:
Literacy traditional or and 21st century classrooms) Reflection
B. Expanded Views conventional Introduction to 21st Century Rubric
of Literacy concepts of literacy Explore: Literacies:
C. The New and on (b) how they  Lecture presentation of the
Literacies or The could improve or topics ch?v=UvPB4lWQ1h4
21st Century enrich their current  Video clip viewing
Literacies level of literacy Lecture notes
Questions to ponder on will be Slide presentation
given to students
Course guide

Offline Mode
The sequence of teaching and
learning activities is indicated in the
Learning Guide or Module.

2nd to 3rd Unit 2: At the end of the Online Mode: MOLE Task: Students Expository Essay 4th
Globalization and unit, the students are will read and week
Cultural and expected to generate Start-up: Images/pictures analyze
Multicultural ways of promoting Show images of people from scenarios on
Literacies multicultural various nationalities or ethnic Lecture notes cultural and
A. Globalization and awareness and backgrounds. Ask students to multicultural
Its Effects to inclusivity in the identify them and share about what Slide presentation issues in the
People and classroom they know about them. classroom
Society Written cases settings and
B. Cultural Literacy Explore: think about
C. Multicultural  Lecture presentation of the Course guide how they can
Literacy topics address them.
D. Issues in  Sharing of cultural identities
Teaching and (e.g. specific to the Tool:
Learning community they are living in) Expository
Multicultural Essay Rubric
Literacy in the
Philippines Reflect:
 (Oral activity) Ask students to
do a quick sharing of
experiences based on two
prompts: (1) Recall a time
from your own schooling when
you felt especially included,
engaged, appreciated, and
validated in the learning
process; and (2) Recall a
situation when you felt
especially excluded, alienated,
and invalidated from the
learning process.
 Reading and analyzing
classroom scenarios that tackle
cultural and multicultural issues

Offline Mode
The sequence of teaching and
learning activities is indicated in the
Learning Guide or Module.
4th Unit 3: Social At the end of the Online Mode: MOLE Task: Students “Social” Rules 5th
Literacy unit, the students are Online video: (in groups of 5) (maybe designed as an week
expected to Start-up: Soft skills in the workplace will formulate a e-poster)
A. Social Literacy formulate rules Students will watch a short video set of rules (e.g.
B. The Role of which can be clip (showing someone’s h?v=-vk- Dos and
Parents and implemented at a inappropriate action or conduct in a 99seC_I&list=PLrWoooavead- Don’ts) at a
Teachers in particular social particular setting) and share their jZLvupzZHDqtUwOG1tWkv given social
Teaching Social context (e.g. home, thoughts about it. context in
Skills to Children workplace, Lecture notes relation to
C. Issues in classroom) in Explore: social literacy
Teaching Social relation to social  Lecture presentation of the Slide presentation
Literacy literacy topics Tools: Group
 Collaborative discussion Course guide Collaboration
Reflect: Activity
Questions to ponder on will be Checklist
given to students. The students will
share about their thoughts

Offline Mode
The sequence of teaching and
learning activities is indicated in the
Learning Guide or Module.

5th to 6th Unit 4: Media and At the end of the Online Mode: MOLE Task: Students Answered or 7th
Cyber or Digital unit, the students are Multimedia presentation will write about accomplished reflection week
Literacies expected to assess Start-up: their skills and prompts
their own skills and Ask the students to name or write as Lecture notes competencies in
A. Media Literacy competency in many media or digital tools that relation to
B. What Media performing certain they know. You may also ask them Course guide media and
Literacy is Not tasks in relation to the uses or functions of each. digital
C. Challenges to media and digital Online videos: literacies.
Media Literacy literacies Explore: 21 century literacy skills
st Questions will
Education  Lecture presentation of the be provided to
topics guide them in
D. Digital Literacy ch?v=ZODddxLQhy4
 Viewing/listening to related assessing their
E. Socio-Emotional
online resources own skills and
Literacy within Responsible Use of
 Discussion/sharing of insights competencies
Digital Literacy Technology Tools and Online
of sample cases among students
F. Digital Natives
or teachers in relation to media Resources Tool:
G. Challenges to  Reflection
and digital literacies
Digital Literacy watch?v=sNu30Ibn6G8 Writing Rubric
Education Reflect:  https://www.oercommons.or
Self-assessment of one’s media and g/courses/21st-century-skills-
digital literacies digital-fluency
 https://www.oercommons.or
Offline Mode information-literacy-tutorial
The sequence of teaching and
learning activities is indicated in the
Learning Guide or Module.

7th to 9th Unit 5: Other 21st At the end of the Online Mode: MOLE Tasks:  Financial behavior end
Century Literacies unit, the students are Written text 1. Students will inforgraphic, lesson of 9th
expected to present Start-up: be grouped in plan, or a written week
A. Financial effective and Share an interesting anecdote or Lecture notes 5s and each report of a
Literacy practical activities images to introduce the topics. group will be community eco
(Benefits of and practices that Film/video clips assigned to do project or initiative
Financial promote other 21st Explore: one of the  Course Portfolio
Literacy, century literacies.  Lecture presentation Course guide following tasks:
Financial  Film/video showing a. Present the
Literacy in the  Web activity data that
Philippines, represent
Developing Reflect: your current
Personal Students will assess their level of financial
Financial literacies and ponder on ways to behavior or
Literacy) sustain or improve them. They may spending
B. Ecological be asked to share their thoughts in and saving
Literacy class. behavior
(Environmental versus your
Literacy, ideal
Ecological Offline Mode financial
Literacy, and The sequence of teaching and behavior
Ecoliteracy, learning activities is indicated in the through an
Greening Learning Guide or Module. infographic
Initiatives in b. Create an
Colleges and instructional
Universities) plan that
C. Artistic and promote
Creative Literacy creativity
(Characterizing among
Artistically learners
Literate c. Write about
Individuals, on-going
Issues in initiatives or
Teaching project that
Creativity) has
something to
do with
in your city,
barangay, or
in your

2. Course
Students will
compile all
their outputs
from week 1
through 8 in a
digital or non-
Guidelines and
format will be
provided by the

Rubric, Lesson
Plan Rubric,
Written Report

Alata, E. L. P. & Ignacio, E. J. T. (2019). Building and Enhancing New Literacies across the Curriculum, 1st edition. Rex Book Store.
Doyle, K. O. (2019). Financial Literacy for Generation Z: A Practical Guide to Managing Your Financial Life. Praeger.
Guro 21: Gearing Up Responsible and Outstanding Teachers in Southeast Asia for the 21st Century, Module 1 (2012). Flexible Learning Solutions Unit.
Jones, R. H. & Hafner, C. A. (2012). Understanding Digital Literacies: A practical introduction. Routledge.
Ryan, J. S. (2008). Personal Financial Literacy. Thomson South-Western.
Scheibe, C. & Rogow, F. (2012). The Teacher’s Guide to Media Literacy: Critical Thinking in a Multimedia World. Corwin, A Sage Company.

Grading System
Graded Tasks Possible
Reflection 50
Expository 50
Reflection 50
Group Task 1 50
Group Task 2 50
Class 50
and Interaction

Course 100
Total 400
Grade Equivalent
The final scale will be used to obtain the final grade
Points Grade
381-400 1.00
361-380 1.25
341-360 1.50
321-340 1.75
297-320 2.00
273-296 2.25
249-272 2.50
225-248 2.75
200-224 3.00
175-199 warning
< 175 5.00
Classroom Reminders:

1. Be responsible. Attend classes and do assigned task/s.

2. Be respectful. Your instructor and your classmates deserve your respect and support.
3. When you have problems or difficulties encountered in our class, seek assistance. Your instructor and classmates would be glad to help you.
4. Be open-minded and be not afraid to try new ways of doing things especially with our new mode of teaching and learning.
5. Be kind to your classmates and instructor.
6. Do not ever cheat. It’s not a big deal to fail at times but succeeding by cheating is never rewarding and tolerable. Choose to be HONEST.
7. Take time to read and understand announcements or instructions in your MOLE classroom or in the learning guide.
8. Observe proper behavior in using online tools and resources.

Prepared by: Raul A. Yapac Jr. Recommending Approval: Prof. Josephine Dela Torre Approved by: Dr. Eliza E. Redondo
Instructor DepartmentChairperson Dean, CED

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