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Inc: He had a hat on his head. †hgb- English, Mathematics.

Con: He had a hat on the head.

Rule- 16 : ‘hZ-ZZÕ Gfv‡e e¨eüZ n‡q kã mgwó hw` mgvbycvwZK e„w× ev
n«vm eySvq Zvn‡j GiKg ev‡K¨i Comparative adjective `ywUi Av‡M
the e‡m|
The more man gets, the more he wants.

‡Kv_vq The Gi e¨envi nq Ges †Kv_vq The Gi e¨envi nq bv

‡hLv‡b The Gi e¨envi nq ‡hLv‡b The Gi e¨envi nq bv

1. Oceans (mgy`ª), River (b`x), Seas 1. hw` Singular lakes †evSvq Z‡e †m‡¶‡Î the
gulf (DcmvMi), Plural lakes Gi e¨envi n‡e bv| ‡hgb:- Lake Geneva, Lake
2. Mountains
The Rockey Mountains, the Ander.
3. Earth, Moon
2. Mounts
Mount Vesuvius, Mount Mckinly
3. Plants, Constellations (b¶ÎcyÄ mg~n)
‡hgb- the earth, the moon †hgbt Venus, Mars, Earth, Orion.
4. hw` †Kvb schools, colleges, 4. hw` †Kvb schools, colleges, universities A/An Gi e¨envi
universities bvg w`‡q ïiy nq Zvn‡j bvg mg~n Proper Noun w`‡q ïiy nq Zvn‡j
The em‡e| The em‡e bf| Rule- 01 : mvaviYZ †Kvb word Gi cÖ_‡g Consonant _vK‡j (†hgb- bird), Zvi Av‡M a
‡hgb: the university of Florida, the ‡hgb: Rampura Ideal School, North South e‡m (†hgb, a bat) Ges Vowel (a, e, I, O, U) _vK‡j (†hgb- an ant) Zvi Av‡M
college of Arts and sciences. University an e‡m (†hgb- an ant)
5. Noun Gi Av‡M hw` Ordinal 5. Noun Gi c‡i hw` Cardinal Number _v‡K 1g A¶i Consonant Consonant 1g A¶i Vowel Vowel
Number _v‡K Zvn‡j the em‡e| Zvn‡j the em‡e bv| 1. I see a bat. b 1. They have an ass. a
The first world war, the third World War one, chapter three. 2. This is a pen. p 2. I have an umbrella u
chapter. 3. Bring me a stick. s 3. Do not move an inch. i
6. hy‡×i bv‡gi c~‡e© (e¨wZµg 6. QzwUi bv‡gi c~‡e© the em‡e bv| †hgb- 4. She bought a radio. r 4. He saw an otten. o
World War) the Korean war, the Christmas, Thanksgiving, Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul- 5. This is a tree. t 5. We saw an elephant. e
Crimean war. Adha.
7. hw` †Kvb †`‡ki bvg A_ev group 7. hw` †Kvb †`‡ki bvg new w`‡q ïi“ nq Rule- 02 : Singular countable noun Gi Av‡M a/an e¨eüZ nq hw` Zvi ¯^vfvweK msL¨v
GKwU k‡ãi PvB‡Z †ewk nq Zvn‡j A_ev hw` †mB †`‡ki bvgwU †Kvb w`‡Ki gvÎ GKwU GiKg bv nq|
the em‡e| wb‡`©k K‡i Z‡e the em‡e bv| He lives in a flat.
‡hgb- the United states, the United ‡hgb- New Zealand, South Africa, North She is an actress.
Kingdom, the central African Korea. Rule- 02 : ‡Kvb Singular noun Gi Av‡M a/an e‡m hw` Zv w`‡q GKB RvZxq A‡bK¨
Republic. hw` †Kvb †`‡ki bvg GKwU nq Z‡e the em‡e e¨w³ ev e¯‘ †evSvq| †hgb-
bv| †hgb- France, Sweden, Bangladesh. A man must be educated.
hw` †Kvb Dcgnv‡`k †evSvq Z‡e the em‡e A child needs milk, or All cheldren need mil.
bv| †hgb- Africa, South America. Rule- 04 : Half Gi Av‡M a e‡m hLb half ‡Kvb c~Y© msL¨vi (whole number) c‡i e‡m|
hw` †Kvb A½ivR¨ (State) †evSvq Zvn‡j the Inc: Kilogram = one and half kilograms.
em‡e bv| Con: Kilograms = one and a half Kilograms.
‡hgb- Florida, Ohio, California. Inc. We want half holiday.
8. hw` †Kvb HwZnvwmK 8. ‡Ljvayjvi bvg Gi c~‡e© the em‡e bv| Con. We want a half-holiday.
Documents †evSvq Zvn‡j the em‡e| ‡hgb- Cricket, Basketball. Rule- 05 : cwigvb (quantity) wb‡`©kK wee„wZ‡Z a/an e¨eüZ nq:
the constitution, the Magna Corta. a lot of (cÖPzi cwigv‡b)
9. hw` RvwZ †evSvq Zvn‡j the 9. Abstract Nouns Gi c~‡e© the em‡e bv| a great many (A‡bK)
em‡e| Freedom, Happiness. a great deal of (A‡bK, cÖPzi)
the Indian, the Aztecs Rule- 06 : `i (Price), AbycvZ (ratio), MwZ‡eM (Speed) BZ¨vw` cÖKvk Ki‡Z a/an e¨eüZ
10. ‡Kvb wel‡qi bv‡gi c~‡e© the em‡e bv| nq|
The car run eighty kilometers and hour. Indefinite Definite
Rice sells five taka a seer. 1. Do a Works. (†Kvb wKQz Ki) 1. Do the work. (KvRwU Ki)
Rule- 07 : Exclamatory Sentence (we¯§qm~PK evK¨)-G Singular Countable 2. Buy a pen. (†h †Kvb GKwU Kjg 2. Buy the pen. (GB KjgwU
Noun (hv MYbv Kiv hvq) Gi Av‡M a/an e‡m: †Kb)| †Kb)
What a fool you are! 3. Eat a Mango. 3. Eat the mango.
Such a fine picture!
Rule- 08 : a+Mr/Mrs/Miss+Surname- Giæ‡c Rule- 06 : AwØZxq ev AZzjbxq e‡j g‡b Kiv nq Ggb †Kvb e¯‘ ev e¯‘ mgwói bv‡gi
Av‡M the e‡m| †hgb:
A Mr. Rob came here. (Mr Rob bv‡g GKRb GLv‡b G‡mwQ‡jb). The earth the moon
The sky the stars
Where ‘a’ is used iustead of ‘an’ Rule- 07 : Phrase ev Clause †hvM Kivi Kvi‡Y †Kvb noun ‡K wbw`©ó e‡j wPwýZ Kiv
n‡j Zvi Av‡M:
Rule- 01 : ‘O’ Gi gZ D”Pvib ‘wa’ ev ‘IqvÕ Gi gZ n‡j (Vowel nIqv ¯^‡Ë¡I) Zvi The bird that I caught was blue.
Av‡M an bv e‡m Ôa’ e‡m| The girl in blue was very beautiful.
Inc: I saw an one-eyed man. Rule- 08 : ‰bKU¨ ev cwiwPwZi Kvi‡Y †Kvb wKQz wbw`©óZv jvf Ki‡j Zvi Av‡M
Con: I saw a one-eyed man. the e‡m| †hgb:
Rule- 02 : Word Gi cÖ_‡g U ev eu ev ew _vK‡j Zvi D”PviY ÔBDÕ ev ew Gi She is in the garden.
gZ nq Zvn‡j (Vowel nIqv ¯^‡Ë¡I) Zvi Av‡M an bv e‡m a e‡m| The doctor came today.
He is a university student. Rule- 09 : Superlative degree I Ordinal numeral adjective Gi Av‡M the e‡m|
The cow is a useful animal. He is the best boy in the class
They have a ewe. She is the first girl.
wKš‘ ‘U’ Av- Gi gZ D”PvwiZ n‡j Zvi Av‡M an e‡mt Rule- 10 : RvwZ eySv‡Z, A_©¨vr GK RvZxq me¸‡jv‡K eySv‡Z, Singular Common
She is an unknown woman here. noun Gi Av‡M the e¨eüZ nq|
Where ‘an’ is used insted of ‘a’ The cow (all cows) is a useful animal.
wKš‘ man (Singular) Øviv gvbeRvwZ (human race) eySv‡Z Zvi Av‡M †Kvb
Rule- 03 : Word Gi cÖ_‡g h _vK‡j Ges Zvi c‡i Vowel _vK‡j hw` h Aby”PvwiZ article e¨eüZ nq bv|
†_‡K Vowel Gi cÖvavb¨ cvq Zvn‡j Zvi Av‡M a bv e‡m an e‡m| Z‡e †Kvb we‡kl group of people eySv‡Z the e¨eüZ n‡Z cv‡i|
He worked for an hour. G‡¶‡Î the+adj.+noun Giƒ‡c e¨eüZ nq|
He is an honest man The poor rickshaw puller (all poor rickshaw puller) lives a miserable life in
The King left an heir. Dhaka.
wKš‘ h hw` D”PvwiZ nq Zvn‡j Zvi Av‡M a e‡m| Rule- 11 : the + adjective Giƒ‡c e¨eüZ n‡j Zv GK †kªYxi mKj e¨w³‡K (e¯‘ bq) eySvq|
They have a horse. G‡¶‡Î Plural verb e¨eüZ nq|
Rule- 04 : Abbreviation (k‡ãi msw¶ßiƒc) Gi cÖ_g A¶i Consonant n‡jI Zv The rich (all rich people) are not always happy.
D”Pvib Kivi mgq hw` Vowel Sound Av‡m Zvn‡j Zvi Av‡M a bv e‡m The poor (all people who are poor) are always happy.
an e‡m| Rule- 12 : mgy`ª, b`x, ØxccyÄ (GKwU Øxc bq), ce©Z †kªYx (GKwU ce©Z ev
She is an M.A. ce©Zk„½ bq), †`‡ki plural bvg, giƒf~wg, AÂj BZ¨vw` proper noun Gi Av‡M
My uncle is an M.B.B.S the e‡m|
wKš‘ cÖ_g Consonant wUi D”Pvi‡Yi mgq hw` Vowel Sound bv The Atlantic (gnvmvMi) The Sahara (giyf~wg)
Av‡m Zvn‡j Zvi Av‡M a e‡m| The Padma (b`x) TheNetherlands (‡`‡ki plural bvg)
She is a B.A/B.Sc/B.Com The Himalays (ce©Z‡kªYx) The Andaman (ØxccyÄ)
AviI K‡qKwU bv‡gi Av‡M The e‡m:
Uses of the definite article : The The Panjab (†`‡ki bvg) The Sudan
Singular I Plural Dfq noun Gi Av‡M the Gi GKB iƒc _v‡K, The Hague The mall
cwiewZ©Z nq bv| The Yemen The Strad
†hgb: the boy, the boys. Rule- 13 : noun+of+noun Giƒ‡c †Kvb bvg MwVZ n‡j Zvi Av‡M the e‡m| ZLb MVbwU
Rule- 05 : †Kvb wbw`©ó e¨w³, cÖvYx I e¯‘‡K †evSv‡Z Common noun Gi nq:
Av‡M the e‡m: the +noun+of+noun
Thursday he bought a pen; today he given the pen to me. The Noun of Noun Meaning
The Bay of Bengal e‡½vcmvMi
The Cape of Good Hope DËigvkv Aš
The United States of America —iv

Rule-14 : adjective+noun Giƒ‡c †Kvb noun MwVZ n‡j Zvi Av‡M the e‡m|
1. The Arabian Ocean
2. The Carebean Sea
3. The high street

Rule- 15 : Possessive adjective (‡hgb- his, her, my, your) Gi c‡i A½ cÖZ¨‡½i
bvg (†hgb- hand, leg, head) _vK‡j Zvi cwie‡Z© the e¨eüZ nq|
Inc: Pull him here by his ear.
Con: Pull hi here by the ear.

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