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Subject verb Agreement

Sentence Subject Ges verb Gi g‡a¨ Number Ges Person Abyqvqx †h wgj ev
mv`„k¨ cvIqv hvq Zv‡K Subject verb Agreement e‡j|A_©vr Subject Gi Number I
Person Abyhvqx verb emv‡Z n‡e|
Avkv KiwQ GB Ava¨vqwU fv‡jv fv‡e AvqZ¡ K‡i Practice Ki‡j Subject verb
Agreement Gi mgq †Kvb Problem n‡e bv|

Rule- 1
Simple present tense Gi Subject hw` GKwU nq Ges Zv hw` 3rd person singular
number nq Zv n‡j verb Gi mv‡_ number ev person Abyhvqx s ev es ‡hvM Ki‡Z

 Reni loves cake.

 My mother calls me sometimes.

Rule- 2
hLb GKwU Sentence G Subject `ywU A_ev GKvwaK nouns ev pronouns and
Øviv hy³ nq ZLb verb wU memgq plural n‡e|
 She and her friends are at the fair.

Rule- 3
`yBwU Subject and Øviv h³ n‡jI Zv verb Gi Dci †Kvb cªfve †d‡j bv|A_vr verb wU
memgq singular n‡e|
 Bread and butter tastes good.
 The director and founder of Lodestsr (be) trying his level best to make the
student understand.
GLv‡b Bread and butter `ywU GKB mv‡_ LvIqv nq GB sense ‡_‡K|

Rule- 4
hw` subject `ywUi GKwU singular Ges AvciwU hw` plural nq A_ev `ywU ev
Z‡ZvwaK subject or ev nor Øviv hy³ _v‡K Zvn‡j verb wU memgq KvQvKvwQ
subject Abyhvqx n‡e|
 The boy or his friends (run) everyday.
 The boy or his friends run everyday.

 His friends or the boy (run) everyday.

 His friends or the boy runs everyday.
Rule- 5
hLb †Kvb subject Ges verb Gi wfZ‡i phrase Avm‡e ZLb weåvšÍ nIqv hv‡e bv|
verb wU memgq subject Gi mv‡_ agree Ki‡e GwU KL‡bvB phrase Gi wfZ‡ii noun
ev pronoun Gi agree Ki‡e bv|
 One of the boxes is open
 The team captain, as well his players,(be) anxious.
 The team captain, as well as his players, is anxious.
 The woman with all the boys (walk) down my street.

Rule- 6
Each,each one, either, neither, everyone, everybody, anybody, anyone, anything,
someone, somebody, something, no one ,no body, nothing, G¸‡jv memgq subject
Ges G¸‡jv memgq GKwU singular verb wb‡e|
 Eaeh of these hot dogs is guiey.
 Is there anything wrong.
 Either (be) Correct.
 _____there anybody alive?
 Either of the girls (be) coming.

Rule- 7
wb‡gœ cÖ`Ë Expression ¸‡jv w`‡q †h mKj noun ev pronoun hy³ nq †m¸‡jv verb Gi
Dci †Kvb cÖfve †d‡j bv, verb wU memgq g~j subject A_©vr G¸‡jvi c~e©eZx
noun ev pronoun Avbyhvqx nq|
Together with, accompanied by, and not, along with ,accompanied with ,among, as
will as, In addition to ,with.
 The president, accompanied by his wife, is traveling to India.
 He as well as his two brothers(be) fluent speaker.
 All the books, including yours (be) in that box.

Rule- 8
Infinitive ev Gerund w`‡q hw` †Kvb Verb Gi Subject kyi“ nq Zvn‡j Verb wU
memgqB Singular n‡e|
 Climbing mountains (be) a challenge many enjoy.

 Climbing mountains is a challenge many enjoy.

Practice :
 Managing restaurants(be)many different climates.
 Freezing tomatoes (be)my mother’s work.

Both, Few, Many, Others, Several-GB Word ¸‡jv Subject Gi mv‡_ _vKzK A_ev
wb‡RivB Subject wn‡m‡e _vKzK bv †Kb Verb wU memgqB Plural n‡e|

+ Plural Ex:
verb  Many students were called for viva voce but few
Several are selected.
Practice :
 Several people are not interested to work hard but others are interested.

mgq(Time), `~iZ¡ (distance), IRb (weight), A_© (money)-GB noun ¸‡jvi ci singular
verb nq|
Distance Singular
Weight verb

 Three dollars is in my pocket.

 Twenty miles is a long.

Rule- 11.
Book, Magazine, movie, newspaper, country G m‡ei bvg plural _vK‡jI verb
singular nq|
The Greek Islands is a historical movie.

Practice :
 Economics (be) a famous journal.

 The Arabian Nights---------still a great favorite.



Gme k‡ãi c‡i Plural Countable Noun e¨eüZ nq|

Many,few,a few,fewer,fewest,the Plural

few,very few,many of,several of + Countable Noun

Inc: I am facing a little problems.

Cor: I am facing a few problems.

Inc: I don’t have many spare time these days.

Gme k‡ãi c‡i UnCountable Noun e¨eüZ nq|
Much,much of,little,less,least,a
little,the little,amount of + UnCountable Noun

Inc: He has a few suger to make tea.

Cor: He has little suger to make tea.

Inc: There is few water in the glass.

Rule- 14
wb‡Pi kã ¸wj Uncountable noun wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq ZvB G‡`i c~‡e© A A_ev an
emv‡bv hv‡e bv Ges kã ¸wji mv‡_ s ev es †hvM Kiv hv‡e bv|

Advice Poverty
Anger information
Accommodation leisure
Bread luck
Baggage jewellery
Behaviour knowledge
Courage luggage
Fun Money
Furniture Music
Corn Mail
Homework Expenditure
progress Permission
Poverty Poetry
News Traffic
scenery Weather

Inc: The teacher has many knowledge.

Cor: The teacher has much knowledge.

 There is many traffic on the street.
 I have a few homework today.
Rule- 15.
wKQz Collective noun Av‡Q hvi c‡i Singular Ges plural Dfq Verb B n‡Z cv‡i|

Public + Singular
Majority or
Staff Plural verb

 he people are looking into the case.

 The Police man is going there.

Rule- 16.
Here wKsev There w`‡q hw` †Kvb Sentence †`Lv hvq †m‡¶‡Î Verb Gi cieZ©x †h
Noun ev Pronoun _v‡K †mwU Abyhvqx memgq Verb nq| KviY Here wKsev There
w`‡q hw`I Sentence ïi“ nq wKš‘ Giv KL‡bvB †Kvb Sentence Gi Subject nq bv|

Here/there Singular Singular

verb noun
Here/there is my address

Here/there plural plural

verb noun
Here/there are my books
Rule- 17.
It w`‡qI hw` †Kvb Sentence ïi“ nq, †m‡¶‡Î hw`I It †Kvb Sentence Gi Subject nq
bv, ZeyI Verb wU memgq Singular n‡e|

It is who am responsible.

Rule- 18.
wKQz Noun i‡q‡Q †m¸‡jv memgqB plural Ges GKwU plural verb MÖnY K‡i|

Scissors Tongs
Shorts Trousers
Jeans Glasses + Plural Verb
Pliers (প্লাস/সাঁড়াশি) Tweezers (সন্না)
Pants Shoes

 The jeans are beautiful to see.

Rule- 19.

Preposition w`‡q hw` †Kvb word ev group of words hy³ n‡j Zv KL‡bv Verb Gi
Dc‡i cÖfve †d‡jbv| Verb wU memgq g~j subject Abym‡i e‡m|

Materials Writer
S.M.Al Bayezid
BA(Hons)in English
Cell#01915 380415

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