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A.Background of the Problem

Humans as social creatures need a way to interact with others in socially

both verbally and in writing. Language is very important to communicate with
others in social environmen,Language is one of the important elements of
communication in society.To be able to interact with other social networks ,
humans need a tool called in language. while giving an overview of some of the
characteristics of language pointed out that Language is the basic tool of
effective communication and this is reinforced when users of language have a
shared meaning which transcends the literal meaning of words . with language
they can express their opinions, their ideas,feelings, using language as a means of
communication allows people to communicate more easily adapt to the
environment.So language and humans are not two key pints break up,because
humans intimately associated with language because they have a more
sophisticated way of communicating with one another. According
Silaban&Marpaung Language is also the most important aspect in the life of all
being because it can be uses to communicate to each other. A human can’t
communicate in any real sense without language(Silaban & Marpaung, 2020). The
complex relationship between words cannot be found in others species so,
language is a unique of human inheritance that plays the very important role in
human’s life, such as in thinking, communicating ideas, and negotiating with the

a person will always need other people in his life and this is also related to
the field of social psychology. In addition to fostering a sense of personal identity,
language also helps develop a sense of social identity, a sense of belonging to a
particular group, and marks different levels of closeness and social distance. We
are all members of a social group that speaks the same language.

Kemajuan teknologi yang pesat membuat orang harus mampu memahami

bahasa inggris dikarenakan bahasa inggris adalah bahasa internasional yang
artinya banya negara yang menggunakan bahasa inggris saat
berkomunikasi,bahkan di Indonesia bahasa inggris menjadi bahasa yang di
pelajari di sekolah maupun di universitas dan menjadi bahasa asing,fenomena ini
menjadikan beberapa orang mencampurkan satu bahasa dengan bahasa lainya
pada saat berkomunikasi, And also, the development of various cultures have
spread widely in society slowly affects language style used by the speaker in
communication. more languages variations from different regions with the
characteristics of each. survival foreign culture and development language
globalization affects the way the speaker communicates by language with
different linguistic styles, especially indonesians,sometimes use english as their
own second or third language. because of the fact that english is internationally
recognized. English is one of several languages that has become a vital demand as
a task of international languages throughout the world (Cindy Nabila&Andi
Idayani, 2022 Cited Sutrismi).The appearance of influences from foreign culture
makes indonesian people start to adapt and learn about foreigners language, such
as english. language variations began to develop rapidly from the globalization of
culture and language has important role and influence communication methods.
This allows languages develop in certain places and affect other languages, such
as english in indonesia. It affects national and regional languages among
Indonesians. It creates degrade the originality of the language when two different
languages are mixed. Unfortunately,english becomes very difficult for Indonesian.
Indonesian is not easy to speak English fluently because english is foreign to
Indonesian,so don't be surprised when an almost normal Indonesian makes
mistakes using english both in writing and speaking due to the mixing of local
languages (local languages and foreign languages).

In the field of linguistics, one phenomenon of language combining is

called code mixing. Code mixing is occurs when conversants use both languages
together to the extent that they change from one language to the other in the
course of single utterance and code mixing occurs when during conversation,
speakers use both languages together to the extent that they shift from one
language to the other in the course of the single utterance(Sutrisno & Ariesta,
2019 Cited In Wardaugh).Someone usually combines two languages in
communication due to several factors; The ability of speakers to use more than
one language is the basis of bilingualism, According to Hoffman, there are seven
reasons for bilinguals to switch their languages. The seven reasons are: (1) talking
about a particular topic, (2) quoting somebody else (3) being emphatic about
something, (4) interjection, (5) repitition used for claification, (6) intention of
clarifying the speech content for the interlocutor, and (7) expressing group
identity(Urrahmah, 2019 Cited Hoffman).

According Aurima&Windyawati bilingualisme is a people who are fluent

in two or more languages, a bilingual individuals as the one who speaks equally
two languages, who also acts appropriately in a sociocultural way in both
languages(Aurima&Windyawati,2018).In Speech and communication,code
mixing ia also necessary to make the other person understand what we say.In
communication when we use two language or more we do not have to divert our
topic talks, Code mixing takes place without a change of topic and can involve
various levels of language such as phonology, morphology, grammatical
structures or lexical items.

We cannot avoid that the first language has a great influence on the
second. Interaction and the mixing of languages leads to different languages. Most
people in society mix their language with another by borrowing or using foreign
language parts sometimes they are still influenced by their mother tongue.And
also someone who mixes their language with another language(mixing
code)usually they use a dominant language and insert one or two foreign
language. .

In modern times the phenomenom of code mixing also occurs in some

social media, with the existence of social media people will be easier to
communicate directly or indirectly, In this digital era, communication does not
only occur in face-to-face moment but also in many platforms, such as social
media(Khairil, 2012). YouTube is one of the biggest platforms where people all
over the world can share video information. On YouTube, we can easily see code
mixing.Youtube is a person who has his own YouTube channel by making videos.
The types of videos on YouTube are very diverse. There's about daily life,
education, pranks, mukbang, makeup tutorials, music, game videos and more.
Having social media makes it easier for people to get information because people
can use social media to share information, activities, opinions or feelings.

In Indonesia, there are many famous YouTubers, one of whom is Channel

YouTube Arnold Poernomo.It starts the video in 2013, and has 2.82 millions
subscribers.The reason he named her youtobe channel with Arnold
Poernomo ,because her name is Arnold Poernomo. he becomes a famous Youtuber
in Indonesia since 2013,he created content cooking tutorials on his youtube
channel,in explaining his tutorials he occasionally insert a number a foreign
languages into his words. The researcher found the phenomenon of bilingual such as
code mixing at Arnold Poernomo Youtube Channel.

Based on the facts above, in this study, the researcher is interested to conduct a
research about the analysis of code-mixing used in Arnold Poernomo video
YouTube channel. The researcher’s aim is to introduce and educate indonesians
that sociolinguistics phenomena like code mixing are still existed and used by
many people in various types and reasons.

There was some previous that related with this study,the fisrt study
conducted by Nurul (2020) . She use descriptive qualitatative design. The aims of
this study are to describe 1).type of word of level code mixig 2).How types of
level are realized 3) The reasons for use type level of code mixing. The second

B. Problem Statement

Based on the description above, the researcher formulated the problem

statement as follows:

1. What type code mixing is used by Arnold Poernomo on his youtube

channel ?
2. Why are codes mixing used in Arnold Poeernomo YouTube channel?
3. What influence does the use of a code mixing on Arnold Poernomo
Youtube Channel have on english learning

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