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Lesson 6.2.


People created measurement systems to satisfy practical needs such as

finding the distances between places, the height of animals and the weight of some

foods. They develop calendars to keep track of days, seasons and years.

TIME MEASUREMENT is very important for us to learn because we are using

it almost the whole day every day.

1 min (minute) = 60 s (seconds)

1 h (hour) = 60 min
1 day = 24 hours
1 week = 7 days
1 month(mo) = 30 days
28 days (February on Regular Year)
29 days (February on a Leap year
1 y (year) = 365 regular days (366 days on a leap
1 decade = 10 y
1 score = 20 years
1 century = 100 y
1 fortnight(f) = 2 weeks (wk)
4 weeks = 1 month
1 quarter = 3 months (mo)
52 weeks = 1 year(yr)

In converting from one unit to another, the rule is: From bigger to smaller

unit (multiply), from smaller to bigger unit (divide).

Example 1: How many minutes are in 3 hours? (Since 1 h = 60 minutes, then we

multiply 60 x 3 = 180. So, 3 h is equal to 180 min.)

Example 2: How many hours are in one-half day? (There are 24 h in 1 day. For ½

day, multiply ½ x 24 or divide 24 by 2 to get 12 hours)

Example 3: Myraflor started doing her project at 5:40 p.m. and finished it at 7:45

p.m. How long did she do her project? (To find the time spent for the project, use the

formula below:)

Amount of Time Spent = Time Finished – Time Started

Hour minute
Time Finished 7 45
Time Started 5 40
Time Spent 2 5

Therefore, the amount of time spent doing the project is 2 h 5 min.

Activity 6.2.1
Solve the following problems:
1. A pet dog is now 1 year and 4 months old. How many months old is it now?

2. One morning, the girl scouts started hiking at 5:50. They arrived at the camp
site at 8:20, how long did they hike?

3. Alvin was able to run a race in 147 minutes. How many hours and minutes did
he run the race?

4. Cocoy was born on May 16, 1970. How old was he on August 8, 2004?

5. Miss Go works in the office starting 8:45 AM up to 6:50 PM. How long does
she work?


For this lesson, we will only learn the units presented on the table below.

Study the table and the examples that follow:

Length Mass Volume

1m= 100 cm 1 kg = 1 000g IL= 1 000 mL
1 km = 1 000 cm
To review, when converting from one unit to another, the rules are:
From bigger to smaller unit – multiply/From smaller to bigger unit - divide
Example 1: How many meters are in 4 kilometers? (1 km = 1 000 m;
So, 4 km = 4 x 1 000 = 4 000 m)

Example 2: How many centimeters are in ½ meter? (Since, 1 m = 100 cm,

then ½ m = ½ x 100 = 50 cm)

Example 3: How many grams are in 3 ¼ kg? (Since, 1 kg = 1 000 g; then, 3 ¼ kg =

3 ¼ x 1 000 = 3 250 g)

Example 4: How many liters are in 2 500 milliliters? (Since, 1 L = 1 000 mL;
then, 2 500 ÷ 1 000 = 2 ½ L)

Example 5: Analyn filled three containers with different amounts of water using
different units. In container A, she placed 1 250 mL; in container B, she poured 1 ½
L, while in container C, she poured 1 L 400 mL. Arrange the containers from the
most to the least amount of water they contain.
Container A = 1 250 mL
Container B = 1 ½ L or 1 500 mL
Container C = 1 L 400 mL or 1 400 mL
Therefore, the order of the containers from the most to the least amount of
water content is: Container B, Container C, and Container A.

Activity 6.2.2
Read, analyze and solve the given problem. Show your solution. Label it.
1. How many 250 mL of oil is needed to fill a bottle with a capacity of 5 L?

2. Anna won the 5 000 m run during the university sportsfest. How many
kilometers did she run?

3. Roger was able to sell five bottles of 350 mL perfume and three bottles of 750
mL perfume. How many litres of perfume did she sell in all?

4. If one pack of sugar weighs 1.5 kg, how many kilograms will 25 packs weigh?

5. Carlos bought fish and paid P315 for 3 000 g. How much did a kilogram of fish

PERIMETER - came from the Greek word perimetros which is a combination of the

terms – peri which means “around” and metron meaning ‘measure’. Perimeter
therefore, is the distance around the figure or the sum of all the side lengths of the

figure. To find the perimeter of a figure, simply add all its side lengths.

Example 1: What is the perimeter of a triangle with sides measures 15cm, 10cm and

8 cm?

Answer: 15cm + 10cm + 8cm = 33cm

Example 2: The perimeter of a rectangle is 48dm while its length is 13 dm. How

wide is it?

Answer: 48dm= 2(13 dm) + 2N; 48dm – 26dm = 2N; 22=2N; 22÷2 =


AREA – the number of square units contained in a figure. The formula for the area of

a square and rectangle are:

1.) Area of Square = side x side;

2.) Area of Rectangle = length x width

Example 1: What is the area of a square whose side is 8dm?

Answer: A = s x s = 8 x 8 = 64dm2

Example 2: The perimeter of a square lawn is 36m. What is its area?

Answer: 36 ÷ 4 (# of sides of a square) = 9m each side. A = 9m x 9m =


Example 3: The top face of a box is rectangular with a width of 50 cm and a length

of 65 cm. Bebeth wants to cover it with plastic. How many square centimeters of

plastic will she need?

Answer: Area of rectangle = length x width; A = 50 cm x 65 cm = 3 250cm2

Activity 6.2.3
Solve the following problems:
1. The perimeter of a rectangle is 48 dm while its length is 13 dm. How wide is

2. How long is one side of the square if its perimeter is 60 cm?

3. A rectangle has a perimeter of 70 cm. Its length is 3 cm more than its width.
Find its dimensions (length and width).

4. A square handkerchief measures 36 cm on one side. What is its area?

5. A kitchen is 4.2m by 6.3m. What is its area in square centimeter?

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