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Internal Threat

History Shorter experimenting time

Maturation 1 / 6use
Testing Use different but equivalent forms of pre-
test and post test
Participant selection Utilize random selection and random
assignment of subjects
Attrition Recruit a large group of participants or more
than needed for statistical analyses. try to
include appropriate incentives and
Regression towards mean Avoid assigning subjects to
groups based on their extreme scores
Instrumentation Careful specification and experimenting
procedures can eliminate most
instrumentation threat. Standardized data
collection procedure and thoroughly trained
personnel can minimize the instrumentation
Social interaction Isolating the tested groups from each other
but this way might reduce generalizability
Avoid upsetting testing subjects
Give compensation and incentive on equal

External Threat Solution

Testing effect Use different but equivalent forms of pre-
test and post test
Sampling bias Avoid convenience sampling , only testing
on the subjects we choose.
Make questionaires precise and accessible
Match the sampling frame to the target
population as much as possible
Hawthorne effect Use deception to prevent participants from
recognizing what is being studied so that
they are less likely to influence their
behavior with their expectations. To achieve
we can either withhold critical information
or provide misleading information.

Sitation effect Make use of field experiement by using

natural contexts

Threat Solution
Participant error Avoid
Bias Make use of a variety of question to keep
the responders engaged.ensure participant
anonymity. Avoiding influencing the
responders questions and remain radical and
open minded
Researcher error Record each participant interview to double
check. Limiting maximum amount of
participant testing per day. Carefully
training personnel
bias Get multiple personnel to assess the same
data. Show the responder the result to check
whether we have interpreted precisely what
they meant. Maintain all the records of the
data and summaries

một số threat các cách sampling của mình ko bị, sẽ check lại sau

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