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Shkalla e dytë

35 JAVË x 3 ORË =105 ORË

Formimi kulturor Formimi gjuhesor Puna me portofolin Totali i

Gjuhe e huaj e (PEGJ) oreve
pare Gramatika Funksionet 105
Klasa III gjuhesore ore
40% 30% 20% 10 %
42 ore 32 ore 21 ore 10 ore


Njohuri te reja 70 67 %
Perpunim i njohurive: 35 33%

Projekt 6 17%
Test/detyre permbledhese 3 9%
Ushtrime 26 74%

Total 105 100%

Annual plan Class III

Nr Module September-December January-March April-June

39 hours 36 hours 30hours
1 Introduction -introduce alphabet letters, letter blends

2 Starter -be reunited with the characters,

introduce themselves and greet one
another, practise spelling their names,
practice the colours and numbers 1-10
3 Module 1 -learn and read about school items,
School again people and countries
-identify school items
-practise a, an, the verb to be
-write about your school things
4 Module 2 -learn and read about toys, belongings,
everyday expressions
Come and play -talk about toys and say whose things are
-practise possessive case, plurals,
-write about toys
5 Module 3 -learn and read numbers 11-20, family
members, cartoon families
Family and -count up to 20, say the age, talk about
numbers family
-practise the verb to be, possessive
-write about his family
6 Module 4 -learn and read about rooms,
My house things in a house, living and
non living things
-say what there is in a room,
talk about his house and where
the things are
-practice there is/there are,
plurals, prepositions of places
-write about his house
7 Module 5 -read about activities and
I can famous people
-talk about abilities
--practice the verb can and
plurals of irregular nouns
-write about what they can/can’t
8 Module 6 -read about animals, body parts
-say what they have/haven’t got
Body parts -identify parts of the body and
describe his appearance
-practise the verb have got
-write about a farm
9 Module 7 -read about weather, clothes,
weather in differennt places
weather -describe the weather, talk
about clothes
-practise present continuous
-write about they are wearing
10 Module 8 -read about seasons, actions, an
apple tree around a year
Seasons -say what is happening
-practise present continuous
-write an entry in a diary
11 Module 9 -read about food and food from
Food different countries
-say which food they like/don’t
-practise present simple
-write a note
12 Module 10 -read about daily routines, days of
Daily routine the week, time, daytime and night
time animals
-talk about everyday activities,
tell the time
-practice some/any
-write about favourite day
Fusha: Gjuha dhe komunikimi
Lenda:Gjuha angleze
Klasa : III

Viti shkollor: 2022-2023

Indira Krymi Genti Pjetri
Njohuri te reja 29
Perpunim i njohurive: 10

Projekt 2
Test/detyre permbledhese 1
Ushtrime 9

Total 39

Learning outcomes of key competencies

Communication and expression competence:

Students know each other and Ss introduce themselves.

Students revise and practice dialogues for introducing themselves, numbers, alphabet and colours.
Students are able to utter simple and short sentences including basic vocabulary and grammar.
Students develop pronunciation paying attention to phonics.
Students make short sentences and show personal belongings using the pattern “This is my(object)”.
Students memorize words better through pantomimes.
Students develop vocabulary on school subjects.

Thinking competence:

Students understand and remember a story.

Students identify story’s characters and main events.
Students explore character and actions using a sequence of related pictures.
Students enhance listening and thinking skills by paying close attention to visual.
Learning competence:

Students comprehend through games, role plays.

Students tell the difference between primary and secondary colours.
Students present their individual work through poster, drawings made by them.
Students gather all necessary materials to complete a task, such as a project.
Students lean and identify objects by using the appropriate grammatical structures.
Students realize what can be created by different shapes.
Students describe objects using adjectives in the right order.
Life, entrepreneurship and environment competence:

Students identify the necessary sources of information (materials, tools etc) and use them in an effective way to make a poster,
task at school and home.
Students get involve in real life situations and get to know each other.
Students explore the meaning of the word “camouflage” in the natural world.
Students get to know some common greetings for Christmas through songs and write a wish letter.
Students realize what is healthy and unhealthy for them.
Personal competence:

Students develop vocabulary and make logical connections between pictures and sounds.
Students bring meaning to what is heard and realize people’s mood.
Civil competence:

Students learn social values and that cheating is wrong.

Students discover human values and how a friend should behave.
Digital competence

Students listen to songs and watch videos which they discuss later.
Students use computers and the internet as a source of information to provide original work and to enhance learning.
Subject Competences Learning Outcomes



 gain knowledge,
 learn values and apply the skills acquired through listening to a variety of passages
 distinguish the information, pitch, rhythm, accent of the speaker which helps them improving their pronunciation
 identify the main idea of the listening passage, story, key phrases, and previous vocabulary and reflect about them.



 use correctly standard simple language to communicate preferences

 pronounce correctly and with the appropriate intonation
 ask and answer simple questions through pair and group work.



 learn to read fluently short passages, songs’ lyrics, poems and comprehend them.



 write short sentences showing preferences

 use acquired vocabulary and simple grammatical structures,

The correct use of language


 in order to write and speak appropriately should gain the language skills, structures and values of the native language and the
foreign languages as well
 identify the kind of sentences the use in simple dialogues while asking and answering their peers.

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