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1. Communication challenges and barriers faced by Barry

The following are the communication challenges faced by Barry;

a) Language barrier: Not all staff speak English as their first language, which
sometimes makes verbal communication difficult.

b) Generation Barriers (Age): Having employees of different ages can pose a

unique set of challenges. While the younger generation is used to texting and
using short messages, their vocabulary may not be as consistent as that of
older employees. Work values and attitudes can also influence communication
between younger and older employees.

c) Cultural and ethnic barriers: Cultural differences in food safety practices

among employees can be a challenge that Barry must overcome. He must try
to effectively encourage the employees to embrace standard food safety

d) Nonverbal Challenge: Barry’s body language (appearance) tells others that he

doesn’t care about his personal appearance and cleanliness. This therefore
cause a reciprocating effect on the hygiene food practice by the employees
since he is not a man of his word.

e) Emotional Barriers: Emotional barriers can hinder effective communication.

Barry arrives at work after a rough start at home. These negative emotions
affect the way he communicates with employees therefore making his
communication ineffective.

2. Solutions should Barry consider in addressing each of these challenges

Barry should consider the following solutions to the identified barriers and ;
a) Language barrier: Several potential solutions can be discussed here, including
posting signs in the employee’s primary language. Set up visual signage, not
just text. Barry can learn a few simple words in the employee’s primary
language to help show interest in employees.

b) Generational Barriers (Age): There are currently 4 generations in the

workforce and each generation is likely to have a different preferred
communication method. While the younger generation may prefer to receive
text messages as their preferred means of communication, older employees
may not find this method of communication acceptable. Consider employee
preferences and be prepared to communicate your message in a variety of

c) Cultural and ethnic barriers: Barry may need to identify cultural beliefs and
work to understand ethnic barriers related to food security. For example, two
employees would are from the same country and they commented that
temperature checks in their country are not preferred; food can stay at room
temperature for a long time and nothing will happen.

d) Nonverbal Challenges: Barry’s arrival is a nonverbal sign to employees.

Barry’s presence is important because he is a role model for the staff. His
actions and behavior must be in line with what he expects of them. For
example, because he expects employees to follow proper hand washing
procedures, he must also use proper hand washing procedures.

e) Emotional Barriers: Emotional barriers can hinder effective communication.

It is important for Barry to control his emotions before starting work. Self-
awareness and the ability to seek outside help (i.e. employee assistance
programs) may be possible solutions here.
3. Communication flow I suggest to Barry to Implement in his workplace.

The communication flow I would suggest Barry to Implement in his workplace is the
Upward Communication flow. The Communication that flows to a higher level in an
organization is called upward communication. It provides feedback on how well the
organization is functioning. The subordinates use upward communication to convey
their problems and performances to their superiors.

The subordinates also use upward communication to tell how well they have
understood the downward communication. It can also be used by the employees to
share their views and ideas and to participate in the decision-making process.

Upward communication leads to a more committed and loyal workforce in an

organization because the employees are given a chance to raise and speak
dissatisfaction issues to the higher levels. The managers get to know about the
employees feelings towards their jobs, peers, supervisor and organization in general.
Managers can thus accordingly take actions for improving things.

Grievance address System, Complaint and Suggestion Box, Job Satisfaction surveys
etc all help in improving upward communication. Other examples of Upward
Communication are -performance reports made by low level management for
reviewing by higher level management, employee attitude surveys, letters from
employees, employee-manager discussions etc.

4. Organizational structure I would suggest to Barry and why.

The organizational structure I would suggest to Barry is the Functional organization
structure. A functional organizational structure is a company structure that groups
employees according to related expertise, skills, or roles. It is based on hierarchical
levels consisting of different departments, under the leadership of designated
managers. Businesses generally operate under a functional structure because it brings
together people with similar knowledge and, when used in a team environment, helps
the business achieve its goals.
Barry should consider this approach because Functional organization structure helps
in bringing about the following in an organization;
a) Increased Productivity: People in a functional structure have specialized skills
that allow them to work faster and more efficiently than people who may not
be familiar with specific topics, leading to greater productivity. In addition,
their level of confidence allows them to complete tasks with minimal
supervision. Employees in this hierarchy who demonstrate high levels of
productivity are often promoted to other positions.

b) Skill development:. Functional organizations have several departments

consisting of small teams. Within each team, experienced managers have the
opportunity to teach their team members the same skills as themselves,
resulting in enhanced skill sets for everyone involved. Soft (interpersonal) and
hard (technical) skills can develop over time as people work together to find
unique solutions and overcome work-related challenges .

c) Clarity: When companies bring together people with similar expertise, it

creates a clear environment. Whenever someone in the company needs high-
level information related to marketing, human resources, customer service, or
operations, they know where to go. This also applies to people outside the
company who may contact the company with a special request. In addition,
the hierarchical nature of the functional structure clarifies the specific roles
and responsibilities of each person in a department.

d) Minimized cost of operation: Organizational structure helps businesses save

money in many ways. By organizing employees by business function,
departments can reduce the chances of having multiple departments doing the
same job. Delegating tasks to people with the right skills also saves money
because the work is done more efficiently.


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