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A vasectomy is a quick procedure to prevent pregnancy.

When you ejaculate, it prevents sperm from getting to your

semen. You cannot become pregnant if your sperm are not released from your body. Ejaculate and have orgasms are
still possible.

A vasectomy prevents sperm from entering your semen by blocking or cutting each vas deferens tube. Sperm cells
remain in the testicles before being absorbed by the body. Your semen (cum) won't contain any sperm starting around 3
months after a vasectomy , which can't result in pregnancy. However, the amount of semen you had before will remain
same. Simply said, there won't be any sperm there.

The sensation of having an orgasm or ejaculating (cumming) is unaffected by vasectomies. After a vasectomy, your
semen (cum) will still taste the same, feel the same way, and look the same, but it won't be able to cause pregnancy in


- a vasectomy is more than 99% effective at preventing pregnancy

- long-term effects on your health are rare
- it doesn't affect your hormone levels, sex drive or interfere with sex
- it may be chosen as a simpler and safer alternative to female sterilisation


- a vasectomy can't be easily reversed, and reversals are rarely funded by the NHS
- you need to keep using contraception after the operation until tests show your semen is free of sperm
- possible complications include a collection of blood inside the scrotum (haematoma), hard lumps called sperm
granulomas (caused by sperm leaking from the tubes), an infection, or long-term testicle pain (you may need
further surgery)
- the vas deferens tubes can reconnect, but this is very rare
- vasectomy doesn't protect against STIs, so you may need to use condoms as well

What are the benefits of vasectomy?

Vasectomies are VERY effective.

Vasectomies are permanent and one of the most effective kinds of birth control out there — more than 99% effective at
preventing pregnancy. A vasectomy is effective because it’s designed to be permanent, and there’s no way you can mess
it up or use it the wrong way. Vasectomies prevent pregnancy 24/7 for the rest of your life.

Vasectomies are super convenient.

Once you have a vasectomy and your doctor says there’s no longer any sperm in your semen, that’s pretty much it —
you and your partner don’t have to do anything else to prevent pregnancy. No trips to the pharmacy, nothing to buy or
use, nothing to put in place before sex. Vasectomies are get-it-and-forget-it birth control.

Your vasectomy can make your sex life better.

A vasectomy is birth control that you don’t have to pay attention to during sex, so it won’t interfere with the action. You
can get caught up in the heat of the moment without worrying about pregnancy.

Vasectomy doesn’t mess with your hormones or sex drive. It won’t change the way having an orgasm or ejaculating
(cumming) feels. Your semen (cum) will still look, feel, and taste the same after a vasectomy — it just can’t get anybody

A vasectomy takes the burden of preventing pregnancy off your partner, which can strengthen your relationship and
make intimacy more enjoyable for them, too. Sex can get better and more spontaneous when you and your partner can
focus on each other instead of birth control.

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