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Name : Nanny Pratiwi

Study program: str. midwifery

Name : 1915302012

Semesters: seven

1. Mrs. Ganesha, 23 years old, G2P1A0, 40 weeks' gestation, came to the maternity hospital at 08.00
WIB with complaints of loudness since 03.00 WIB accompanied by bloody mucous discharge. The results
of the TFU examination were 29 cm, FHR 132 x/min, his 3 x/10 minutes, duration 40 seconds. Vaginal
examination: Ø 6 cm, eff 80 %, intact membranes, head hodge II

What is the most appropriate diagnosis in this case?

a. G2P1A0 in labor during the 1st latency phase

b. G2P1A0 in labor during the first active phase maximally dilated

c. G2P1A0 in labor during the first active phase of deceleration

d. G2P1A0 in labor during I active accelerated phase

e. G2P1A0 in labor in the first stage of the maximal deceleration phase

Answer : B

2. Mrs. Sasa, 32 years old, G3P2A0, 41 weeks' gestation, came to the mother and child clinic complaining
that her stomach felt more and more frequent, then the midwife did an examination. The results of the
TFU examination were 31 cm, FHR 140 x/min, his 3 x/10 minutes, duration 40 seconds. Vaginal
examination: Ø 4 cm, eff 80 %, intact membranes, head of hodge I.

What midwifery care plan was given in this case?

a. DJJ observation in 1 hour

b. Monitor body temperature for another 4 hours

c. Observe uterine contractions for another 1 hour

d. Do a VT check in 1 hour

e. Doing a VT check in 4 hours

Answer : E
3. Mrs. Krise, 20 years old, G1P0A0, 40 weeks' gestation, came to the Independent Pratek Midwife at
22.00 WIB with complaints of stomach cramps and mucus mixed with blood. From the results of the
examination carried out by the midwife at 04.30, it was obtained Ø 5 cm, eff 75%, intact amniotic fluid,
hodge II head.

When is the estimated time for stage II in this case?

a. At 07.00 hrs

b. At 08.00 hrs

c. At 08.30 hrs

d. At 09.30 hrs

e. At 10.30 hrs

Answer : D

4. Mrs. Denisa, 25 years old, G1P0A0, 42 weeks' gestation, came to the hospital complaining of loud and
bloody mucus coming out of her genitals. When seeing the increase in the patient's weight gain during
pregnancy of 18 kg, the midwife suspected that the baby was large. Based on the results of the
examination: TFU 34 cm, FHR 128x/min, his 3x/10 minutes, duration 40 seconds.

What is the estimated fetal weight in this case?

a. 3340 grams

b. 3410 grams

c. 3565 grams

d. 3670 grams

e. 3850 grams

Answer: C
5. Mrs. Vero, 32 years old, G3P2A0, 41 weeks' gestation, 3 hours ago came to the Independent Practice
Midwife Ø 5 cm, eff 80%, the amniotic fluid has broken and the water in the amniotic fluid is clear, head
hodge II. Midwives always make periodic observations of the patient's condition on the partograph
sheet as documentation in delivery assistance.

What is the symbol for amniotic fluid filling on the partograph sheet in this case?

a. K

b. J

c. u

d. M

e. D

Answer: B

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