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Advanced - 纳米技术(E2127)

A: 这次真是人品大爆发,居然给我抢到前排的票子。要知道,许教授的讲

zhècì zhēn shì rénpǐn dà bàofā, jūrángěi wǒ qiǎngdào qiánpái de

piàozi。 yào zhīdào, Xǔ jiàoshòu de jiǎngzuò kěshì jīngpǐn zhōng de
jīngpǐn, yīpiàonánqiú a, tài xīngfèn la!

Man, things are really going my way right now that I've got ticket in
the front row. You should know, Professor Xu's lectures are truly the
best of the best. A ticket is hard to come by! I'm so excited!

B: 有什么兴奋的,要不是为了陪你我才懒得来呢。今天到底是要讲什么呀

yǒu shénme xīngfèn de, yàobùshì wèile péi nǐ wǒ cái lǎnde lái ne。
jīntiān dàodǐ shì yào jiǎng shénme ya?

What is there to be excited about? I wouldn't bother to do it if it

weren't for you. What's he talking about today anyway?

A: 是纳米!这是未来科技啊。嘘,开始了,开始了!

shì nàmǐ! zhè shì wèilái kējì a。 xū, kāishǐ le, kāishǐ le!

Nanotech! It's a future technology. Shh! He's starting! He's starting!

C: 今天我们要讨论的题目是纳米。大家可能会问,到底什么是纳米?纳米

jīntiān wǒmen yào tǎolùn de tímù shì nàmǐ。 dàjiā kěnéng huì wèn,
dàodǐ shénme shì nàmǐ? nàmǐ, qíshí shì yīzhǒng chángdù
dānwèi, yī nàmǐ yuē wéi shí gè yuánzǐ de chángdù。

Today the topic we will be discussing is nanotech. Everyone probably

wants to ask, "What is nanotech anyway?" Nanotech, in fact refers to
nanometer, a measurement of length. One nanometer is
approximately the length of 10 atoms.

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B: 果然听不懂。

guǒrán tīngbùdǒng。

I really don't understand.

C: 直观地说,就是五万分之一的头发丝大小。所以纳米科学简单地说就是

zhíguān de shuō, jiùshì wǔ wànfēnzhīyī de tóufasī dàxiǎo。 suǒyǐ

nàmǐkēxué jiǎndāndeshuō jiùshì yīzhǒng wēixiǎokēxué。 wǒmen dōu
zhīdào, shìjiè wànwù dōu yóu yuánzǐ zǔchéng。 xiǎngxiàng yīxià
rúguǒ wǒmen kěyǐ suíyì páiliè yuánzǐ huì fāshēng shénme ne?

To put it in more familiar terms, it's 1/50,000th of the size of a strand

of hair. So nanoscience can simply be said to be a kind of
microscience. We all know that the universe is composed of atoms.
Imagine if we could arrange those atoms however we wished. What
would happen then?

A: 那有可能会创造出全新的物质!

nà yǒu kěnéng huì chuàngzàochū quánxīn de wùzhì!

Then it would be possible to create entirely new substances!

C: 完全正确。但是原子并不会如你所愿,你必须知道它的特性,驯服它按

wánquán zhèngquè。 dànshì yuánzǐ bìng bùhuì rúnǐsuǒyuàn, nǐ

bìxū zhīdào tā de tèxìng, xùnfú tā ànzhào nǐ de yìyuàn xíngdòng。
ér nàmǐjìshù jiù wèi zhè ge tígōng le tiáojiàn。 nà yòng nàmǐjìshù
dàodǐ néng zhìzào chū shénme dōngxi ne? zhè wèi tóngxué, nǐ lái
shuōshuo kàn。

Absolutely right. But an atom just won't do whatever you want, you
must understand its inner workings to control it for your own
purposes. So nanotechnology has provided conditions for this. And
what exactly can nanotechnology be used to make? You there, let's

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hear what you think.

B: 我?我怎么知道。这个太高科技了!

wǒ? wǒ zěnme zhīdào。 zhè ge tài gāokējì le!

Me? How do I know? This is so high-tech!

C: 同学,你今天用防晒霜了吗?

tóngxué, nǐ jīntiān yòng fángshàishuāng le ma?

Did you use sunscreen today?

B: 啊?用了。这,这有什么关系?

ǎ? yòng le。 zhè, zhè yǒu shénme guānxi?

Huh? I did. This- What does that have to do with it?

C: 很多防晒霜和化妆品其实都运用了纳米技术,因为这样可以使产品更具

hěn duō fángshàishuāng hé huàzhuāngpǐn qíshí dōu yùnyòng le

nàmǐjìshù, yīnwèi zhèyàng kěyǐ shǐ chǎnpǐn gèng jùyǒu fùzhuólì。 nǐ
cái bùhuì tuōzhuāng a。

In fact, many sunscreens and cosmetics make use of

nanotechnology, because this way it's possible to make products
more adhesive. So your makeup doesn't come off!

C: 所以,大家不要以为高科技都是很遥远的东西,它就是我们生活的一部

suǒyǐ, dàjiā bùyào yǐwéi gāokējì dōu shì hěn yáoyuǎn de dōngxi, tā
jiù shì wǒmen shēnghuó de yībùfēn。 bǐrú Máshěnglǐgōng yǐjīng
zhìzào chū yīzhǒng xuèxìbāo dàxiǎo de yíqì, kěyǐ zhíjiē jìnrù réntǐ
jiàndìng ái xìbāo, bìng cuīhuǐ tā。

So, everyone doesn't need to think of high technology as something

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distant. It's a part of our lives. For example, MIT has already created
a machine the size of blood cells. It can enter directly into the body
and identify a cancer cell, then destroy it.

B: 啊,那癌症也不再是绝症啦!

a, nà áizhèng yě bùzài shì juézhèng la!

Oh, then cancer would no longer be a fatal disease!

C: 在不久的将来肯定能实现,但目前还处在实验和构想阶段。而且到底有

zài bùjiǔ de jiānglái kěndìng néng shíxiàn, dàn mùqián hái chǔzài
shíyàn hé gòuxiǎng jiēduàn。 érqiě dàodǐ yǒu méi yǒu fùzuòyòng,
ān bu ānquán dōu shì wèizhīshù。 bùguò zhèng yīn rúcǐ, cái xūyào
gèng duō xiàng nǐmen yīyàng de niánqīngrén jiārù jìnlai, fāhuī
xiǎngxiàng hé cáizhì。

In the foreseeable future we'll definitely be able to achieve this, but

now we're still in the stages of research and planning. Also whatever
the side effects might be, and whether or not it's safe still remains
unknown. However, because of this we need more young people like
to to get involved and bring your imagination and intellect to bear on
the situation.

B: 想不到高科技也不是那么阳春白雪的东西,看来你也不只是个书呆子。

xiǎngbùdào gāokējì yě bù shì nàme yángchūnbáixuě de dōngxi,

kànlai nǐ yě bùzhǐshì gè shūdāizi。

I had no idea that high technology wasn't some elite thing. You're not
just a geek after all.

A: 嘿嘿,有意思吧。这下该对我刮目相看了吧。

hēihēi, yǒu yìsi ba。 zhèxià gāi duì wǒ guāmùxiāngkān le ba。

Haha, it's interesting, right? I bet now you see me in a new light.

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Key Vocabulary

人品 rénpǐn quality of a person's

爆发 bàofā to break out, erupt
讲座 jiǎngzuò lecture
精品 jīngpǐn something refined and
of high quality
一票难求 yīpiàonánqiú tickets are hard to
come by
纳米 nàmǐ nanometer,
原子 yuánzǐ atom
直观 zhíguān straightforward, seen
由 ......组成 yóu......zǔchéng to be composed of
随意 suíyì as one wishes
排列 páiliè to arrange
创造 chuàngzào to create
全新 quánxīn entirely new
如你所愿 rúnǐsuǒyuàn as you wish
特性 tèxìng characteristic
驯服 xùnfú to tame
意愿 yìyuàn wish, aspiration
防晒霜 fángshàishuāng sunscreen
附着力 fùzhuólì adhesive strength,
脱妆 tuōzhuāng to take off make-up
癌症 áizhèng cancer
仪器 yíqì instrument, aparatus

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鉴定 jiàndìng to identify
摧毁 cuīhuǐ to destroy
绝症 juézhèng fatal disease
构想 gòuxiǎng to visualize
副作用 fùzuòyòng side effect
未知数 wèizhīshù unknown
阳春白雪 yángchūnbáixuě elite, rarified
刮目相看 guāmùxiāngkān to regard highly,
consider someone in a
new light

Supplementary Vocabulary

善有善报 shànyǒushànbào good things happen to

good people
毫米 háomǐ millimeter
微米 wēimǐ micrometer
驯悍记 Xùnhànjì The Taming of the
构思 gòusī to compose
无处不在 wúchùbùzài omnipresent, existing

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