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Entrevista laboral cargo prevencionista de riesgos Camila:

¿Buenas tardes, dígame su nombre y al cargo que postula por favor?

- Buenas tardes, mi nombre es Camila Monardez yo postulo al cargo de prevencionista de


Good afternoon, tell me you re name and the position aplying for, please?

- Good afternoon, my name is camila Monardez I am applying for the position of risk of

Cuénteme sobre su experiencia laboral

- Bueno, he trabajado como prevencionista de riesgos para la empresa servimec hace un

año, y actualmente estoy trabajando para la empresa cibrugg como prevencionista de
riesgos a cargo.

Tell me about you re work experience

- Well, i have worked as risk prevention for the company servimec, at one year ago, and
actually and i am currently working for cibrugg company as risk preventionist in charge.

¿Me podría indicar su domicilio actual por favor?

Calle bernal del mercado 764, población francisco de Aguirre

could you please provide me with your current address?

- My adress is 764 bernal del mercado street, town of francisco de Aguirre

Cuénteme más acerca de usted

Soy técnico en prevención de riesgos, realice un curso en neuro prevención y actualmente estoy
estudiando ingeniería en prevención de riesgos, además de un diplomado en manejo de residuos
Tell me more about yourself

I am a risk prevention technician, I took a course in neuro-prevention and I am currently studying

risk prevention engineering, in addition to a diploma in hazardous waste management.

Cuéntame de tus fortalezas y debilidades

- Mis fortalezas, soy una persona que aprende rápido, soy proactiva y trabajo bien en
- Mis debilidades, no manejo bien la frustración y suelo ser demasiado exigente en el orden
en general.

Tell me about you re strengths and weaknesses.

- My strengths, I am a fast learner, I am proactive and work well in a team.

- My weaknesses, I don't handle frustration well and I tend to be too demanding in order in
Interview Carmen Gloria

Camila: Good afternoon, are you coming to the job interview?

Carmen: Good afternoon, that's right

Camila: what is your name

Carmen: My name is Carmen Gloria

Camila: Perfect Carmen Gloria, tell me about your work experience.

Carmen: Well, I have seventeen years of experience in the administrative field in which I have
developed professionally.

Camila: What was the last job you were in and what did you do?

Carmen: I worked for a year at Minera Candelaria, and there I was in charge of accrediting both
the workers and the subcontractors that provide services, as well as accrediting the vehicles,
trucks, etcetera. I also assisted the personnel in the delivery of credentials and unblocking of

Camila: Why do you want to work for us?

Carmen: Because I have the experience and I know that I can contribute with new ideas. I am also
very good with the web control system that you also use and SAP.

Camila: What is your greatest strength?

Carmen: I have creativity, work very well in a team, constant improvement, empathy, attention to
detail and willingness to learn.

Camila: Perfect Carmen, we really liked your C.V, we think you are the perfect candidate for the
position that is vacant.

Carmen: Thank you very much for trusting me.

Camila: Go to Human Resources so they can do all the paperwork for you.

Carmen: Perfect. See you.

Camila: See you and welcome.

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