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The LUMUN Spirit was first introduced as a concept at LUMUN XV. It sought to
reintroduce a recognition of the most essential components of MUN culture; imparting a
sense of responsibility accepting that the onus is on us to be the forerunners of change. The
fundamental premise of a Model UN is to develop our understanding of the issues and
conflicts in the world as a collective, and to connect individuals with vastly differing life
experiences with each other. The pursuit of quantitative success and accolades has fermented
a tradition of MUN being a space mired in hostility and distrust. The LUMUN Spirit is our
continuing effort to inculcate empathy, compassion, understanding and diplomacy within this
competitive activity.
As we proceed on our journey of revamping Model UN, the LUMUN Spirit is an idea
that we aspire to incorporate in the entire LUMUN experience: from the Host Team, to an
expectation that we will have from the delegates as well. It is not an abstract concept – it is a
vision that should embody the behavior of every delegate in every committee. Inside the
committee or out; the enthusiasm to meet other people, present arguments in a true
ambassadorial manner and the idea to enjoy LUMUN should never be forgotten. In this very
essence we will be able to represent what it means to simulate a true world model; an actual
representation of the United Nations. We continue to strive and ensure that the outlook of
LUMUN XVIII is to not be an average Model UN conference anymore.
And so, leadership and prowess within a committee is not characterized by exerting
one’s overbearing presence on others or by alienating and excluding others from discussion.
They manifest in a delegate’s ability to engage with others, help them play their part in the
committee, and to facilitate the committee as a whole to engage in a fruitful and informative
debate. This includes actions as simple as maintaining a moderate temperament, inviting
others’ input and operating with honesty and respect. The LUMUN Society invites you to
understand what it means to be an ambassador of a country and represent its foreign policy
means to employ collaboration alongside reasoned argumentation to press forward with that
actor’s policy agenda.
Dear Delegates, Coaches, and Faculty Advisors,
After two years of persevering behind laptop screens, it gives me immense pleasure to
welcome you all to the 19th iteration of the Annual LUMS Model United Nations
This year, LUMUN is simulating eleven exciting committees- including General
Assemblies, ECOSOCs, Specialized Bodies and Crisis Committees- with unique mandates
and structures that cover a wide range of international issues. Delegates will debate over the
most pressing global concerns, ranging from frozen conflicts to femicide- as they strive to
faithfully represent their country’s positions. In their struggles to arrive at a common
solution, delegates will learn the art of negotiation and compromise. But through it all, the
delegates can be assured of the LUMUN spirit, which endeavours to prioritize inclusivity and
civility so that both novices and veterans feel at home. And above all, delegates can look
forward to making life-long friendships and networking with the most resourceful individuals
from across the country.
LUMUN is scheduled to take place from 29th December, 2022 to 2nd January, 2023
at the lively LUMS campus. This year marks a new beginning for LUMUN as we return to
welcome you all in person with warm hugs, exhilarating real-time debates, exciting social
events and delicious meals. We are bracing ourselves for an unprecedented level of intellect
expressed through meaningful discussions, based on the unique lived experiences over the
past 2 years. Simultaneously, we hope to rejuvenate long-established traditions that have
whittled down through online conferences. We are excited to hand out lanyards to familiar
and new faces at the registration desk, see you laughing at the delegate lounge, counting
down at New Year’s Eve, and for so much more. This sentiment is captured in the theme for
LUMUN this year- ‘Tales of Survival, Hopes for Revival’.
As we meticulously prepare with each passing day, our hearts grow more eager to
welcome you all to LUMUN again!

Yours truly,
Sakina Zulfiqar Ali | Secretary-General 2022-2023
Dear Delegates,
It is my immense pleasure to welcome you to the 19th edition of LUMUN. The
LUMUN society and this conference have an exact purpose: to shed light on important issues
around the world, and engage in intellectual discussions, in hopes of broadening our
understanding of the world. This conference is also significant as it marks the return to the
traditions of in-person Model UNs, after the last two years in which debating from the
screens of laptops had become somewhat normal. Both of these concepts are perfectly
summarized in the theme for LUMUN: Tales of Survival, Hopes for Revival.
I will be serving as the Under Secretary-General for the Crisis Committees, which
include the United Nations Security Council, and the Crisis Committee. I am a sophomore,
majoring in Electrical Engineering. I am an avid football fan, being a die-hard Manchester
United fan, and you can always strike a conversation with me over any football related topic,
or challenge me to a game of FIFA.
MUNs have played a major part in shaping my personality and way of thinking. My
own journey at LUMUN dates back to my days as a delegate, so I understand the excitement
and nervousness that you all experience when you first enter committee at this conference.
Crisis committees are unique in the sense that they test something beyond the scope of
ordinary speaking and diplomatic skills, which is the ability to adapt to changing
circumstances and tilting the balance in your favour via your private directives. While this
may seem intimidating to many delegates, I assure you that is very intellectually stimulating
and enjoyable, and you will learn and grow during the five days you participate in this
committee, no matter how experienced you are.
We are very excited to welcome you on campus after so long. Although your primary
focus is the proceedings of the committee, I encourage you to also focus on making new
friends, attending socials, and making core memories; the LUMUN experience is incomplete
without them!!! All in all, I hope that LUMUN will be an enriching experience for you, and
you will enjoy attending it as much as we will enjoy hosting you. Best of luck!!!

Best Regards,
Raafay Saeed Kazmi | Under Secretary-General Crisis Committees LUMUN XIX
I’m Rohail and I’ll be one of your chairs for crisis this year. When I entered my first
crisis, Ammar Aamir (Security Council chair) came and told me “welcome to the dark side”.
Ever since then I have never looked back. This letter is really random and has no structure
because it was due a week ago. I finally got down to writing this because the under Secretary-
General keeps calling me. I love cricket. Islam is awesome. I really feel like eating KFC right
now. In case you guys actually care, I’m a junior here studying Management sciences. Don’t
ask me what the degree means, I honestly don’t know. This is probably the last time I’m
entering a crisis committee, so I’m a bit emo about it. I would like to call it my last dance, but
I can’t dance. What I can do is write really weird crisis notes that mess up committee. So
that’s definitely what I want to see you guys do. My advice to you before committee is to
pray namaz 5 times a day, trust me it’s the only way to win in crisis and life. If this letter
doesn’t get censored and reaches you, I’d call it a win. In case you haven’t figured crisis
delegates need to be a tad bit of a psychopath. If this address seems crazy to you, just wait till
what we have prepared for you guys for committee.
See you! And remember… once you go Crisis, there is no going back
Rohail Hasan Siddiqui | Committee Director 2080 LUMUN XIX
Dear Delegates,
My name is Sairam H. Miran and I welcome you all to LUMUN 19 as the Chair for
this year’s Crisis Committee. I hope you are as excited to attend this conference as we are to
be hosting it!
I’m a sophomore at the LUMS Law School and plan on practicing law in Pakistan
when I graduate. Outside of academics, I enjoy reading history, talking politics and writing
non-fiction! (At this point, it would have been appropriate to reveal my favourite football
club as well, were they not in such an abysmal state…).
This year’s Crisis Committee is like no other. You have probably heard that before,
but you will most certainly believe it by the end of your committee sessions. This Committee
will be twice as competitive and fast-paced as past Crises have been at LUMUN. Hint: the
word twice.
But that should not worry you. Like all other Committees at LUMUN, we value your
experience as a delegate more than anything else. Therefore, we have made this Committee
learning intensive, beginner friendly and inclusive for all.
My LUMUN journey started 4 years ago as a delegate, and it was one of the best
experiences of my life. I hope I can pass on the baton and ensure that you have an even better
time than I did.
While it is in an honour to be hosting you, let me also take this privilege to say thank
you: you make LUMUN special.

Warm regards
Sairam H. Miran | Committee Director 2080 LUMUN XIX
Table of Contents
1. Timeline------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1
a. Geo-Political Background------------------------------------------------------------- 1
b. Scientific Background------------------------------------------------------------------4
2. The Earth in 2080--------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
a. Overview---------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
b. Challenges faced by settlers-----------------------------------------------------------7
c. Atmosphere------------------------------------------------------------------------------8
d. The Political Landscape---------------------------------------------------------------8
e. The Problem-----------------------------------------------------------------------------8
3. Privatization of Mars----------------------------------------------------------------------------8
a. Overview---------------------------------------------------------------------------------8
b. Design, Housing and Infrastructure---------------------------------------------------9
c. Industrial Sector----------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
d. Agricultural Sector-------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
i. Aquaponics------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
ii. Zeoponics--------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
iii. Aeroponics---------------------------------------------------------------------11
e. Research and Development-------------------------------------------------------- 12
f. Communication----------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
g. Power Generation----------------------------------------------------------------------12
i. Solar Power--------------------------------------------------------------------12
ii. Kinetic Energy or Mechanical Pressure---------------------------------- 13
h. Atmosphere-----------------------------------------------------------------------------13
i. Using Carbon Dioxide for Water and Oxygen Production-----------------------14
i. Sabatier Reaction (A Carbon Dioxide Reduction System)--------------14
ii. Haber-Bosch Reaction (A Carbon Dioxide Reduction System)--------14
j. Oxygen Production--------------------------------------------------------------------14


Geo-Political Background
During the decades that followed the end of the Cold War in 1991, the world changed
considerably, and for the best - but not for long. From the breakup of the Soviet Union in
1991 up until the year 2022, the global world order remained comparatively stagnant with the
United States of America remaining as the most powerful State in a unipolar world.
In the years following up to 2022, U.S-China relations continued to deteriorate due to
competing economic policies, contrasting foreign worldviews and socio-political matters.
The most pressing issue, however, was Taiwan. Since 1949, the People’s Republic of China
had a pressing claim over Taiwan and continued to promote efforts aimed at reunification.
The United States, since it finally shifted diplomatic relations from the Republic of China
(Taiwan) to the People’s Republic of China in 1979, has tried to not press too hard on
Chinese sentiment with regards to Taiwan. All of that was soon to change.
In 2022, as U.S-China tensions continued in the Asia-Pacific region, the Biden
administration started to take a more aggressive approach against China. In August, Speaker
of the House Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan in an unprecedented unilateral move almost
directly aimed at offending the People’s Republic of China. A move that was largely
supported by Congress, it was the highest-level State visit to Taiwan in the past 30 years.
Although President Biden reiterated his ‘One-China’ policy was clear, Pelosi’s visit to China
still implied an unspoken recognition of the island as a sovereign State. The Chinese, having
always considered Taiwan as part of Mainland China, reacted to the visit with “strong and
resolute measures” including the firing of long range ammunition in the Taiwan Strait.
China expressed its anger through close fly-bys and firing of heavy artillery, but was
not reckless enough to yet engage in armed conflict with the United States. The visit to
Taiwan, however, changed U.S-China relations forever
For the first time in decades, the U.S administration started to proactively take a firm
stance against China. When asked in a press conference if US troops would defend Taiwan,
President Biden remarked, "Yes, if in fact, there was an unprecedented attack."

On the other hand, China fiercely insisted that Taiwan, Tibet and Xinjiang were all internal
matters which required no intervention from the West, and did not deserve public attention in
international media.
Increasing tensions between the United States and the People’s Republic of China on
the political and economic fronts gave rise to a threat of military confrontation between the
two States.
Between 2025 and 2039, President Xi Jinping extended his term to remain in power
and the Americans elected a President who would be more stringent against Chinese military,
economic and land expansion aims. A bi-polar world once again came to existence.
Starting in 2035, both states started rallying up other States to engulf them into this
modern-day Cold War. And this time, non-alignment was not an option. Chinese foreign
policy was attractive because it preached Zhou Enlai’s age-old principle of ‘peaceful co-
existence’: which meant China would not interfere in the internal affairs of any State that
chooses to align itself with China, as long as they agreed on the foreign policy front. To make
matters worse, the traditionally liberal (and unhappy) State of California in the United States
was hit with its worst earthquake to date, leading to the swift success of the California
Independence Movement. This meant that the U.S. economy suffered a blow of $6 trillion
while it struggled to compete with a booming, more open Chinese economy.
On the contrary, the U.S. continuously failed to project influence on Eastern-
European, African or Asian states due to its long history of imperialism and interventionism.
The Chinese simply provided a better alternative, and had been in positive contact with the
side of the world that the United States always considered ‘inferior’ and ‘not ready for
For the next 30 years, China injected cash in developing nations such as Pakistan,
Cambodia, Brunei, Indonesia, Laos, South Korea and large parts of Africa. While States such
as Pakistan progressed rapidly under Chinese influence to become rising economies, already
developed economies such as Indonesia and Malaysia further benefited from Chinese money
to become nuclear and economic superpowers. Traditional allies of the United States, such as
the United Kingdom, Japan, Thailand and several other States, found themselves too busy
fighting climate change crises to participate in a Cold War to establish visibly diminishing
U.S. dominance.

Tensions reached an all-time high in 2070 when the People’s Republic of China
moved the People’s Liberation Army into Taiwan for reunification. In an unprecedented,
clear move, the United States officially shifted away from its ‘one-China’ policy to come to
Taiwan’s assistance.
The United States of America and the People’s Republic of China found themselves
in a direct military confrontation over an island of 13,892 square miles. With Indonesia,
Malaysia, Pakistan rapidly stepping in for Chinese assistance, as a result of years’ worth of
successful Chinese diplomacy, the United States’ defeat was imminent by 2073, particularly
when India refused to step in for the U.S.
Before the war came to a close in 2076, it must be noted that the age-old movement to
populate and occupy Mars for permanent habitation had largely succeeded. Led by private
sector businessmen concerned about climate change and U.S-China relations, the movement
to move to Mars permanently has gained much traction, and millions, including pioneers
Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos have moved to Mars to save themselves. It is not yet cheap to
move to Mars, and the debate looms over public figures: should they work towards
establishing peace, climate security to stay on Earth or move to Mars by making the process
By 2076, the U.S was cornered, and used its massive nuclear weapons arsenal and
hydrogen bombs indiscriminately in Mainland China to cause mass destruction. In response,
China, Indonesia and Malaysia combined their larger nuclear capacity against the United
States of America. Mutual destruction was finally assured, and spillovers in other land
territories were not insignificant.
‘Nuclear powers as a deterrence’ and ‘Mutually assured destruction’, were always
rejected as arguments used by frightened International Lawyers who knew the truth all along;
the Planet Earth never could afford nuclear weapons, especially not in the hands of the
vindictive nations who narrated nuclear non-proliferation policies for everyone else.

But unlike the mutual destruction which was predicted, not every nation was
‘mutually’ and ‘equally’ destroyed. Like all other injustices, the nuclear war impacted some
nations more than others. Now, decades later, in a post-apocalyptic world, only a handful of
nations remain, with the United States, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Canada wiped
off the face of Earth. Much of Latin America and Asia remains devastated as well. Few

countries remain, and power dynamics have changed considerably. For the first time, ‘war’
has benefitted poorer countries.

Peru, Chile, Niger, Chad, Madagascar, Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Morocco,
Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan are some countries that have fared better than
other countries. These countries, coupled with others which survived, now compete to save
Earth through methods such as finding valuable resources from nuclear wastelands.

The nations have come together in a third – and equally weak – rendition of the
League of Nations and United Nations, called the ‘Greater Nations Alliance’ to decide the
future of the planet Earth.

The Greater Nations Alliance on Earth is unlike the failed U.N and League of
Nations, because it attempts to act as a World Government with a full cabinet at its behest,
which represents all remaining nations.

Scientific background
Note by Chairs: A series of scientific and technological advancements take place over the
course of the 60 years between 2020 and 2080. The following section provides a non-
exhaustive list of developments that take place in each timeframe to provide delegates with a
more pragmatic worldview before they step into the committee. These developments are
based on scientific data available as of now, and must be considered true for the purpose of
this Conference. However, some developments are much more significant than others, and
delegates are encouraged to bring these up during their speeches and crisis notes. Be wary
that although some developments could skip your attention due to their seemingly
insignificant nature, each one of these developments can be experimented with and
consequently be increased manifold.

2020-2025__Gene therapy for deafness | Progress with longevity extension | First high-
altitude test flight of the SpaceX Starship | Mercury pollution has been greatly reduced | The
first Arabian mission to Mars | China's first mission to Mars | A major earthquake hits
California |China's first space station is complete | The X-59 Quiet SuperSonic Transport is

tested over U.S. cities |The first legged robot is on the Moon | Qatar hosts the FIFA World
Cup | Germany phases out nuclear energy |Croatia adopts the euro | Xi Jinping extends his
presidency | The Dark Ages Radio Explorer (DARE) is launched | Brain implants to restore
lost memories | Launch of China's Xuntian space telescope | IBM debuts a 1,000+ qubit
quantum computer |A global agreement on plastic pollution | First crewed flight of NASA's
Orion spacecraft | Euro 2024 is hosted by Germany | Carsharing has exploded in popularity
|Open-source, 3D printed clothes at near-zero cost | The first probe to fly into the Sun's outer
atmosphere |

2025-2050___ Small modular nuclear reactors gain widespread adoption | Many cities are
banning fossil fuel-powered vehicles | The threat of bioterrorism is increasing |A billion
human genomes have been sequenced | Human brain simulations are becoming possible |
High speed rail networks are being expanded in many countries | A comprehensive overhaul
of the U.S. airspace system is complete | Direct flights from Sydney to London and New
York | India's reusable launch vehicle is operational |Youthful regeneration of ageing heart
muscle via GDF-11 | Russia debuts its first reusable rocket | The FIFA World Cup is hosted
jointly in Canada, Mexico and the United States | The EU ends all energy imports from
Russia | India becomes the most populous country | The BRICs overtake the G7 nations |
Light-duty hydrogen fuel cell vehicles reach 1 million in annual sales | China's economy
surpasses that of the U.S. | Resurrection of several extinct species has been achieved
|Increased automation of banking |Global warming continues to increase | China's Long
March 9 rocket begins lunar missions |Coal power is phased out by Germany | Half of
America's shopping malls have closed | Completion of Saudi Vision 2030 | The entire ocean
floor is mapped |The International Space Station is deorbited | Much of Bangkok is being
abandoned due to flooding | China's space station is deorbited | One-third of Saudi Arabia's
electricity comes from solar | Britain upgrades its nuclear-armed submarine fleet | Lung
disease in China has killed over 80 million by now | The Hoover Dam is offline due to low
water levels | The first samples from Mars are returned to Earth | Global warming hits 1.5°C
|Switzerland phases out nuclear energy | Caribbean coral reefs are in danger of being wiped

2035-2060___ The first definitive evidence of life beyond Earth |Russia is a global food
superpower |Millennials are enjoying an inheritance boom| Trans human sports competitors
|In-vitro meat is a mature industry |China's first mission to Neptune | The U.S. Air Force
introduces a new stealth bomber | Two-thirds of UN member states have abolished the death
penalty |The FIFA World Cup trophy is replaced | The space industry exceeds $1tn
worldwide |
The world's first trillionaire | Manufacturing jobs have largely disappeared in the West
|Extreme heatwaves are commonplace in the U.S. |China's space program is rivalling NASA
|India's economy is rivalling that of China and the U.S. | Fusion power is nearing commercial
availability | Completion of the Helsinki–Tallinn Tunnel | A pan-European hydrogen network
has emerged | Japan experiences a major volcanic eruption |Global average temperatures have
risen by 2°C | | Oil spills in the Niger Delta have been cleaned up | Orbital solar power is
commercially feasible |Global population reaches 9 billion | White people are a minority in
the USA | The Diary of Anne Frank enters the U.S. public domain | The last veterans of
WW2 are passing away | A trans global highway and rail network has emerged |Gulf Coast
cities are being abandoned due to super hurricanes | Apollo 12's third stage returns to Earth |
Japan's population falls below 100 million | Unmanned probe to 2060 Chiron | Glacier
volume in the Everest region has declined by half |The Antarctic Treaty comes up for review |
King crabs are infesting Antarctic marine ecosystems | Bionic eyes are perfected |Completion
of China's Belt and Road Initiative | The Dead Sea is drying up | The effects of heat stress on
labor capacity have doubled | The Boeing 747 is retired from service | The Fukushima
disaster is cleaned up |Humanity is at a crossroads | Nearly half of the Amazon rainforest has
been deforested | Wildfires have tripled in some regions | Traditional wine industries have
been severely altered by climate change | Fish body size has declined by nearly a quarter | Hi-
tech, intelligent buildings are revolutionizing the urban landscape |China completes the
largest water diversion project in history |Genetically engineered "designer babies" for the
rich| Rainfall intensity has increased by 20% |Global average temperatures have risen by 3°C
|Smart clothing is a trillion-dollar industry | Handheld MRI scanners |The Beatles' music
catalogue enters the public domain | A radio telescope is built on the Moon |The end of the oil
age | Mars has a permanent human presence by now |

2060-2079 ___The next Nankai megathrust earthquake occurs |Flood barriers are erected in
New York | Tropical cyclones are wreaking havoc in the Mediterranean | Global extinction
rates are peaking | An ageing population | The ozone layer has fully recovered | Technology
has transformed modern education |Halley's Comet returns | Nanofabricators are a
mainstream consumer product |China is carbon neutral |Leadbeater's possum is going extinct
in the wild |Longevity treatments able to halt ageing | Self-assembling buildings made 100%
from nanotech | Archival Discs are becoming unreadable | Insurance crisis | Underground
habitats are commonplace | 100th anniversary of Apollo 11 |Islam is the world's dominant
religion | Fusion power is widespread | Fully automated homes | Five-year survival rates for
liver cancer are approaching 100% |Plastic recycling rates are approaching 100% worldwide |
The number of trillionaires in the world now exceeds 10

2080 ___The first space elevator is becoming operational |Total solar eclipse in New York |
SQL Server databases are hit by a major glitch |Some humans are more non-biological than
biological | Construction of a transatlantic tunnel is underway | Many former Winter Games
venues no longer provide snow | Polar bears face extinction | One in five lizard species are
extinct | Deadly heat waves plague Europe


Human beings’ only place of dwelling for as long as the human race has existed,
Earth, is barely recognizable after a series of catastrophic events. The icebergs in the Arctic
and Antarctica have melted due to the poles being nuked. The ocean levels rose drastically
engulfing the land masses and wiping out nations. The world population surged up in the
years leading up to disaster, but then reduced to millions due to an all-encapsulating nuclear
war. As the nukes fell, so did traditional society. Nations collapsed, alliances crumbled and
the UN ceased to exist - it broke down when the world needed it the most, as most such
multilateral organizations do. The unlucky few who survived the tsunamis and nukes now
struggle to survive.

Challenges faced by settlers

The world map in 2080. Regions in blue are either underwater or uninhabitable due to
nuclear disaster. Regions highlighted in red are afloat and are able to habit humans with
the right resources (Source:

The once fertile lands are now barren with the winds carrying radioactive waste to the
last habitable lands we have. The contamination is not just limited to the land but also to our
sources of water. The scarcity of essential resources and food is exasperated even more as
humans can't hunt for food as the wildlife has mutated. These new creatures have unknown
behavioral patterns and pose a large threat to the remaining human settlements as they also
compete for food or hunt the humans as prey. The emergence of these new mutated creatures
with stronger physical capabilities has resulted in humans being replaced as the apex

The usage of nuclear weapons on such a large scale has caused soot to rise up within
the atmosphere blocking out the sun. The widespread fire storms have settled and they have
been replaced with a nuclear winter. The combination of the previously mentioned factors
along with a drop in temperature has made it impossible to set up a human settlement and
farm for food. For the first time in a long time, humanity is at risk of going extinct. For the
first time we aren't fighting to make life better but to ensure that life keeps on going.

The Political Landscape

To ensure that we survive, humanity has gathered one last time under the banner of
the Greater Nation Alliance with the fate of humanity lies within the hands of the few nations

who were lucky (or unlucky) enough to survive. From the ashes of civilization, and for the
first time in human history, a world government has risen up. To survive, humanity
scavenges through the depths of the flooded cities and explores the barren wastelands in
search of the technology that has been lost to destruction to come up with a solution.

The Problem
In search of a solution, the Greater Nation alliance has reached a crossroads. With the
Earth left horribly disfigured, humans are faced with a choice. Is it time for humanity to leave
its place of origin and move to Mars or must humans stay on Earth and rebuild the planet that
has housed them for so long? A question that the Greater Nation Alliance must answer.


Amidst the ever-growing challenges on post apocalyptic Earth - climate change, rising
sea levels, depleting resources etc. - some began to believe that humanity's only chance at
survival was to evacuate the planet and seek for a new home.
With a new vision for the future, ambitious billionaires all began their individual
space ventures with one target in mind: Mars.
After years of research and development they have finally succeeded and Mars has
now become the second inhabitable planet in the universe, able to sustain human life.
At present Mars is divided into Districts that have similar functions to “countries” on
Earth, and is each owned separately by respective billionaires involved in the space race.
Apart from districts, a large expanse of the planet still remains unexplored, and each district
is avidly expanding research into potential natural resources and water reserves to lay claim
on, especially since the current water generation system will not be sufficient to support an
interplanetary shift in light of the water crisis on Earth. The current primary source of water
is through the reduction of carbon dioxide.

District Design, Housing and Infrastructure

Housing accommodation will be provided in the form of rotating, torus-shaped

structures defined as “Space Hotels,” that have a resultant centripetal force equal to that of
gravity on Earth.

As of yet, two districts have been completely developed - one owned by business
magnate and veteran investor Elon Musk - who has designed his district to look like the most
advanced, futuristic city possible. The second is owned by one of Earth’s oldest surviving
billionaires, Jeff Bezos, who has designed his region to mimic an entirely human resource
independent free world - with rebranded Space Amazon stores, robotic servers and house
help, and automated systems running the entire community from policing to commercial

The picture below shows the interior view of the torus (Source: )

Furthermore, there are also space hotels on Mars which will have extensions that lead
to other similarly designed building structures.

Industrial Sector

The industrial sector is mostly dependent on automated systems with different types
of bots. The only people involved in running the integrated systems are robotic metahumans.
Will mostly carry out functions for food packaging, production, building malls, designing
escape pods, running transportation etc.

Transportation will be through elevators that utilise magnetised cabins that operate on
an electromagnetic stack allowing them to move both vertically and horizontally.

Above picture shows an image of the elevators to be used (Source:
moving-elevator-system-multi/ )

Agricultural Sector

A. Aquaponics
This hybrid system combines hydroponics and aquaculture such that the fish and
plants have a symbiotic relationship. The plants feed off of the fish waste or discharge and by
this cleanse the water that returns back to the fish. This way water is conserved and reused in
an efficient system. In order to ensure that the pH is suitable for all types of organisms within
the system to thrive, compatible pH adjusters will be introduced to maintain a neutral pH.

B. Zeoponics:

Zeolite minerals are natural minerals with properties of Aluminum silicate and high
water and mineral retention due to the continuous gaps present in their hive-like 3D structures
in which mineral ions and water molecules are concentrated. The ratio of soil to zeolites will
be maintained at 1:5 with the help of data loggers and deposition sensors. Farmer bots will be
present in case any major fluctuations occur and will trigger a corrective mechanism.

C. Aeroponics:

In this system, crops are grown in the air or a moist medium in the absence of soil.
Crops can be grown both vertically and horizontally, saving precious space. The plants will
be suspended as either cuttings or seeds and the growing root systems will be grown in
enclosed air spaces and will be regularly misted with a fine, nutrient-rich solution. When the
roots are fully developed the plants can be moved to a medium without the risk of transplant
shock. Different farms will grow different types of crops and the seeds will be treated with
Organic Disease Control liquids to reduce the risks of fungal infections. Farmer bots and
specially designed misting devices will be used to spray the crops with the appropriate
misting solution at regular intervals. To ensure 24- hour growth the crops will be kept in
optimum growing conditions with constant oxygen and carbon dioxide, and be exposed to a
pink light supply that will be made using blue and red LED lights.

Research and Development

Scientists employed by leaders in Mars carry out significant Research to make sure
Mars is as habitable as Earth used to be, as soon as possible.
Rovers designed on Mars are sent out using materials mined from the Moor, Mars, or brought
from Earth, in search of water and soil samples to improve farming. Mini-SMAP satellites are
launched to assess soil conditions and accordingly devise decade-long agricultural programs.
Discussions are also taking place about developing expansion plans for districts


Starlink satellites using laser communication will be able to establish an

interplanetary mode of communication and allow people on Mars to communicate with those
on Earth. Internal LiFi systems for on planet communication within districts (will prevent
other districts from interfering with communication as it is only efficient over a small
expanse of area)

Power Generation

A. Solar Power

Silicon cells covered in thin glass that are quite similar to conventional silicon solar
cells, are designed to withstand the harsh and extreme conditions in space. The thin glass
layer helps avoid degradation by radiation. Multi-junction third generation GaAs cells. These
triple layered cells are grown on germanium substrates with InGaS at the bottom, GaAs in the
middle and the final layer of InGaP at the top. Selenium is used to hold the layers together
and is sandwiched between a thin film multi junction wafer and a silicon junction wafer. The
selenium provides a transparent medium for light of varying wavelengths that is absorbed by
the layers, shorter wavelengths being absorbed by the top layer, and longer ones being
absorbed by the bottom silicon layer, to pass through both the layers. This increases
efficiency to up to over 40 percent. The efficiency can be further improved by converting the
top and bottom layers into multi-junction solar cells with a selenium layer holding them
together. Transparent Photovoltaic cells that are just like conventional solar cells but cannot
be seen by the human eye. This is because though they are able to absorb infrared and
ultraviolet radiation, they are unable to absorb visible light so it simply passes through the
cell uninterrupted. This way the cell becomes transparent and can be used in all glass surfaces
exposed to sunlight hence maximising the use of solar energy while also providing an extra
external radiation protection layer to the settlement. The Alpha solar array joint will be used
to help direct the cells towards where solar rays are most abundant to ensure maximum

B. Kinetic Energy or Mechanical Pressure

This will be done using piezo electronics that include a piezoelectric transducer that
uses pressure or mechanical stress into an electric current. These transducers will be installed
throughout the settlement in the residential and agricultural areas, and the bicycle tracks,
hence electricity will near constantly be being generated and simultaneously stored for later


In order to ensure that all residents can live in the settlement comfortably, the climate
will be maintained at around 22 degrees Celsius. This will be done by placing
thermoregulatory sensors at various vital points throughout the settlement i.e., in houses,
parks, infrastructure, agriculture and commercial areas etc. The sensors in agricultural and
industrial areas will maintain an air temperature appropriate for processes to be properly and
easily carried out, however, general living spaces will have temperature-sensitive sensors
which will register even minute differences in temperature and will activate heating or
cooling agents, to restore the ideal temperature.

Utilizing Carbon Dioxide for Water and Oxygen Production

The most common and efficient way of removing carbon dioxide from
cabin air is through overhead venting and sorbent beds – storage spaces for
synthetic chemicals, such as K CO , which are able to absorb CO2 from the
2 3

ambient atmosphere. Several other ways are labelled below.

A. Sabatier Reaction (A carbon dioxide reduction system)

In which the hydrogen produced by electrolysis and the carbon dioxide
exhaled will be reacted to produce water and methane. The methane will be
redirected to the agricultural department to be used as fertilizer and support plant
growth while the water will be used for either drinking or reused in the
electrolysis reaction to produce oxygen.
4H2(g) + CO2(g) 2H2O(l) + CH4(g)

B. Haber-Bosch Reaction (A carbon dioxide reduction system)
CO2(g) + 2H2(g) → C(s) + 2H2O(g)

Oxygen Production
The primary source of this will be water electrolysis.
2H2O(l) → 2H2(g) + O2(g)
Put simply it will be the reverse of a fuel cell reaction and will allow the
reclamation of hydrogen and oxygen by passing electricity through water. The
hydrogen produced will then be used to stimulate the previously mentioned
Sabatier Reaction.
Additionally, emergency oxygen reserves will also be kept in store in
Composite Overwrapped Pressure Vessels. They are made using a liner, which
usually comprises plastic but some metals/metal alloys may also be used,
securely encased in a high-strength filament wrapping coated in resin. These
vessels are much sturdier than the tanks they replaced, half as heavy, and are
able to hold the same volume of liquid or gas being stored. Hence, they are the
most effective and efficient way to keep emergency reserves.


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