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GROUP NAME: MAGIS DATE: September 17, 2022

GROUP ACTIVITY: My Class Priest/Brother/Saint

1. What qualities does my class Jesuit/priest possess that I have?

The quality that our class Jesuit has we have is the capacity to listen. We are people who know
what it means to listen. To listen is not just to hear the words, it is also about understanding what
it means, and knowing how to respond. Most of us are very good at that.

2. What qualities does my class Jesuit/priest possess that I don’t have?

The quality that Father Barcelon has that we do not possess is that we are not at all positive.
Whenever we have problems, it tends to always get in our heads, and it is very hard for us to
think since the negative thoughts are really weighing on us.

3. In what way am I related to the Jesuit/priest assigned to my class?

We are related to him in a way that he is into business stuff and as ABM students, we are
mesmerized by that as most of us love economics.

4. What struggles did my class Jesuit/priest face in his life? How did he overcome them?

His struggle is his physical faculties are not in as tip-top shape as before and he struggles with
being old because his body is not the same as in his younger years. But even with that struggle,
he is positive, and he still thinks that he is young and well. Every week, he meets with his friend
and then they talk about contemporary issues. He continues to be cheerful and positive about
their life.

5. Based on how my class Jesuit/priest dealt with his struggles, am I, in any way, similar to
how I deal with my personal struggles?

Even if we don’t have positive qualities, we always try our best to look seem positive as that
helps us a little bit. For a moment, it makes us forget our problems and makes us calm.

-I'm really trying to be positive because I believe it will help me develop the resilience to deal
with problems more easily.

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