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University of Cebu

Department of the Allied Courses

Cebu City
Date: Dec. 12, 2022
Subject: Philo 101—Ethics Subject Time/Days: FS 1:30-2:30 pm
School Year/Semester: 2022-23/1 st Semester Term: Semi-Final—Final Period

Individual Activity 5
(On Understanding and Relating Basic Values into One’s Self and Identity)

Name: _Jeo P. Legitimas__ Course/Year: ___BSN 2H EDP No: 76229

I. Instructions:

- Refer to and read the article “An Overview of the Schwartz Theory of Basic Values.”
- Use this paper format for the output.
- Use Verdana as font type with 12 font size (strictly required)
- Submit your output into your correct LMS.
- Submit on: December 12, 2022/11:59 PM.
- Be on time in the submission.
- 40 point all.

- Based on the reading, do the following things below…

 Out from the list of values provided below, choose one of which.
 According to the reading, provide the exact definition or description of which.
 Determine the chosen value as to whether it is “very important,” “moderately
important,” or “unimportant.”
 Provide the reason vis-à-vis the designation referred to above.
 How does such value practically and concretely guide you in your moral way of
 From the list of values, what one specific other value that contradicts or opposes
your chosen value then? How does such contradict your preferred value? Cite
situational example where contradiction is manifested.

Lists of Values:
a. Self-Direction
b. Stimulation
c. Hedonism
d. Achievement
e. Power
f. Security
g. Conformity
h. Tradition
i. Benevolence
j. Universalism

o The over-all output of this activity consists of 15 sentences only.

II. Output:

- Starts here below…

Self-Direction is “independent thought and action--choosing, creating,

exploring”. It is the “organismic needs for control and mastery and
interactional requirements of autonomy and independence”. Self-Direction is
being independent and at the same time learn and master new things while
being creative.
I chose Self-Direction as my chosen value. I believe it is very
important in living a moral life. Self-direction is being to rely on yourself
without help from others. It is choosing to act rather than using words to
make a difference. It is where we create things that makes living easier. It is
also exploring new ideas and looking for change that could benefit the
community aside from ourselves. The value that opposes my chosen value
tradition. Tradition might prevent us from growing and learning. It should be
valued but should not be an obstacle of change.

Self-Direction, for me, guides me in living a moral life. It gave strength

and intelligence to handle problems. It has helped me strive the hardships of

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