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Student Name: Skyler Gunter

Date: 11/24/22

Write a description of one real-life problem that has to be solved or decision that

has to be made. Describe three obstacles related to solving the problem or making
a decision. Then explain how you overcame those obstacles or will in the future.

I want to be able to go to the movies with my friends on Friday night at 11 p.m. but
my parents don’t want me going out that late. I can either sneak out to go watch the
movie, or listen to my parents and stay in. Some obstacles would be getting
grounded by my parents for sneaking out or missing the movie entirely. The fixation
is my inability to see things from my parent’s point of view. Realistically, they just
want their child to be safe after hours. Overconfidence in this situation would look
like me sneaking out and believing I will not get caught. My friends encouraging me
to sneak out to watch the movie with them is an example of the framing effect. I
ended up staying home to catch up on some overdue work and my friends were
okay with me not being able to join them.

Before you submit your work, use the checklist to be sure that you have included each of
the required elements.

Required Element

An example from your life or an imaginary example

Three obstacles related to solving the problem or making a decision from the list

 belief perseverance
 confirmation bias
 counterproductive heuristics
 framing effect
 fixation
 functional fixedness
 overconfidence

A brief explanation related to how the obstacles you described were overcome, or
how each obstacle could be overcome in the future

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