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I. Индиректни въпроси

Could you tell me + question word/if/whether + Subject + Verb

Could you tell me where the nearest cash machine is?

Do you know if there is a newsagent’s near here?

II. Образуване на въпросителни изречения

1. Обикновени въпроси

(Въпросителна дума) + спомагателен глагол + подлог + главен глагол

Where do they work?

Did you enjoy the show?

Has your father phoned?

What time are you leaving tomorrow?

Will you help me?

2. Отрицателни въпроси – когато искаш да провериш дали нещо е вярно

Отрицателен спомагателен глагол + подлог + главен глагол

Don’t you agree with me? – Не си ли съгласен с мен?

Don’t you like chips?

Hasn’t Mary phoned?

Didn’t you hear about this?

Won’t you come?

Aren’t you interested?

3. Въпроси към подлога (без do/does/did)

Who wrote War and Peace?

Who lives here?

Which countries speak English?

Which team won the match?

Which actor won the Oscar?

Who won the Oscar?

4. Въпроси с предлог – предлогът отива на края на въпроса

(Въпросителна дума) + спомагателен глагол + подлог + главен глагол + предлог

What are they talking about?

Who was it difficult for?

Which department do you work in?

Which hotel are you staying at?

Who do you live with?

Who do you work for?

What are you working on? = върху какво работиш в момента?

5. Кратки въпроси

Въпросителна дума + предлог

I went on holiday. – Where to?

I bought a new dress. – Where from? What for?

I reported the problem. – Who to?

Who to? = На кого?

Who for? = За кого?

What for? = За какво?

Where to? = Къде?

Who with? = С кого?

III. Изразяване на съгласие/несъгласие

1. Съгласяваме се с положително изречение: So + спомагателен глагол + местоимение

I agree with that. - So do I.

I am married. – So am I.

I graduated from Sofia University. – So did I.

I will travel to India. – So will I.

2. Не се съгласяваме с положително изречение: Местоимение + спомагателен отрицателен


I agree with that. – I don’t.

I am married. – I’m not.

I graduated from SU. – I didn’t.

I will travel to India. – I won’t.

3. Съгласяваме се с отрицателно изречение: Neither/Nor + спомагателен глагол +

I don’t like smoking. – Neither do I.

I am not married. – Neither am I.

I didn’t go university. – Neither did I.

I won’t come to work on Saturday. – Neither will I.

4. Не се съгласяваме с отрицателно изречение: местоимение + положителен спомагателен


I don’t like smoking. – I do.

I am not married. – I am.

I didn’t go university. – I did.

I won’t come to work on Saturday. – I will.

IV. Наречия – място в изречението

1. Adverbs of manner = наречия за начин (отговарят на въпроса как?)
 Поставят се след глагола или глаголната фраза

I drove carefully.

I speak English well/fluently.

2. Adverbs of frequency = наречия за честота (колко често?)

 Поставят се преди главния глагол или след глагола be

He is often late.

I often come late to work.

 Sometimes, usually, normally – те могат да се сложат и в началото на изречението за

3. Adverbs of time = наречия за време (кога?)
 Поставят в края на изречението. Може да се поставят и в началото на изречението за

I graduated from university in 2005.

In 2005 I graduated from university.

4. Adverbs of degree = наречия за степен (колко?)

 A bit/little, much, a lot = поставят се след глагола

He drinks a lot.

He speaks English a little.

I don’t travel much.

 Almost, nearly = те се поставят преди главния глагол

I’ve almost finished.

We were nearly killed.

 Very, extremely = се поставя преди прилагателното/наречието

He is very late.

He drives very carefully.

5. Общи наречия – за щастие, за нещастие

 Слагат се в началото на изречението

Fortunately, I was carrying an umbrella.

Luckily, he wasn’t seriously hurt.

6. Други наречия (just, only, probably, also, even)

 Поставят се пред главния глагол

I have just arrived.

She will probably be late.

I only want to say I’m sorry.

V. Future continuous
1. Form

will be + -ing
won’t be + ing
I will be working / I’ll be working

You will be travelling / You’ll be travelling

They won’t be coming

He won’t be driving

Will you be working?

Will she be coming?

Won’t they be coming?

Won’t he be driving?

2. Use
Действие, което е в процес на извършване в даден момент в бъдещето/определен бъдещ
момент: at 8 o’clock tomorrow, this time tomorrow, this time next week, when you arrive, still (все

At 8 o’clock tomorrow I will be working.

This time tomorrow she will be travelling.

This time next week we will be lying on the beach.

They will be sleeping when you arrive.

Will be + ing = be going to + infinitive = бъдещ план/намерение

I will be going to university next year. = I am going to study at university next year.

Will be using the car today? = Are you going to use the car today?

We won’t be going on holiday this summer because we can’t afford it. = We aren’t going to go on
holiday this summer because we can’t afford it.

1. I am travelling abroad next month. (arrangement)

2. I am going to travel abroad next month. (plan/intention) = I will be travelling abroad next
month. (plan/intention)
3. I will travel abroad next month. (spontaneous decision)
4. This time next month I will be travelling abroad.

VI. Future Perfect

1. Form

will have + p.p.

won’t have + p.p.

I will have retired / I’ll have retired. = Аз ще съм се пенсионирал

You won’t have arrived yet = Ти няма да си пристигнал

He will already have finished work = Той ще е свършил работа

She won’t have written the report = Тя няма да е написала доклада

2. Use

Действие, което се е случило преди друго бъдеще действие/бъдещ момент: by Friday, by the
end of the year, by the time + изречение, yet, already

I will have written the report by Friday. = Аз ще съм написал доклада до петък.

She will have retired by the end of the year. = Тя ще се е пенсионирала до края на годината.

I will have finished work by the time you arrive. = Аз съм свършила работа преди вие да

You won’t have arrived yet. = Ти няма да си пристигнал все още.

I will already have left. = Аз вече ще съм тръгнала.

VI. Изразяване на навик
1. В настоящето – usually + Present Simple

I usually drink 2 cups of coffee a day.

I don’t usually drink coffee in the evening.

2. В миналото – used to + infinitive/didn’t use to + infinitive

I used to drink a lot of coffee but I cut down on it.

I didn’t use to be addicted to this programme. But now I watch it all the time.

Did you use to like chocolate?

There used to be = Преди имаше (безличното “имаше“)

There didn’t use to be = Преди нямаше

3. Be used to + -ing/noun = свикнал съм да правя нещо

I am used to getting up early in the morning.

I am not used to the big city.

I am not used to this new software.

I am not used to using this new software.

I am not used to driving in the big city.

VII. Past Perfect Continuous

1. Form

had + been + -ing

I had been working

He had been sleeping

She had been learning

2. Use

Процес/продължително действие, което се е случило преди друго действие в миналото.

Обикновено казваме колко дълго е продължило с помощта на all day, all week, for + period

She had been learning English for 2 years before she went abroad.

When he retired he had been working for the company for 40 years.

By the time they arrived, we had been waiting for them for half an hour.

When we stopped for a rest at the gas station we had been driving for over 4 hours.
VIII. Future simple (will/won’t)
1. Спонтанно решение (особено когато поръчваш в ресторант/в магазин)

What would you like? – I will have a cup of coffee, please.

2. Прогнози/предположение – I think, I don’t think, I’m sure, Probably

I think it will rain.

I don’t think he will come on time.

I’m sure they will help us.

I probably won’t pass the test.

3. Предложение, молба, обещание, надежда, заплаха

I will help you.

Will you come with me?

Will you give me a lift?

I won’t tell anybody.

I hope I will become famous one day.

I will call the police if you don’t leave.

IX. Подсилващи думи:

1. Нормални прилагателни – използват се думите very и really

very tired

really tired

very hungry

really hungry

2. Силни прилагателни – absolutely и really

really exhausted

absolutely exhausted

really terrified

absolutely terrified

X. Модални глаголи за предположение

1. must = сигурно е така

2. might/could/may = може би е така

3. can’t = със сигурност не е така

He must be at home. = Той сигурно е вкъщи.

He might be at home. = Може би е вкъщи.

He can’t be at home. = Със сигурност не е вкъщи.

She must feel happy.

She might feel happy.

She can’t feel happy.

1. must have + past participle = сигурно е станало така

2. might have + past participle = може би е станало така

3. can’t have + past participle = със сигурност не е станало така

I must have forgotten my wallet at work. = Сигурно съм забравила портфейла си на работа.

I might have left it on the bus. = Може да съм го оставила в автобуса.

I can’t have left it at home. = Със сигурност не съм го оставила вкъщи.

XI. Conditional sentences

1. Second conditional – unreal situation / impossible situation in the PRESENT

If + Past Simple, would / could + infinitive

If I had time, I would come.

If I knew English better, I could translate the letter.

2. Third conditional – hypothetical situation in the PAST

If + Past Perfect, would have / could have + p.p.

If I hadn’t had my mobile phone, I would have died.

If he hadn’t woken up early, he wouldn’t have survived.

XII. Ред на прилагателните в изречението

NOSASCOM (number, opinion, size, age, shape, colour, origin, material)

A lovely, big, new, pink, Spanish, silk scarf.

XIII. the + сравнителна степен, the + сравнителна степен

Колкото по-……, толкова по-…….
The more I study, the more I know.

The older I get, the wiser I become.

The sooner, the better. = Колкото по-скоро, толкова по-добре.

The more, the merrier. = Колкото повече, толкова по-весело.

XIV. I wish
1. Когато изразяваме желание за настоящето, използваме I wish + Past Simple

I wish I had more time.

I wish I were famous.

I wish you were here.

2. Когато изразяваме желание за миналото, използваме I wish + Past Perfect

I wish I had studied harder at school.

I wish I had come with you.

She wishes she hadn’t accepted the job.

3. Когато изразяваме желание нещо в бъдещето да се промени, защото ни дразни I wish +


I wish it would stop raining.

I wish you would tidy your room.

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