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Nama : Edo Zulfan Bachtiar

Nim : 20520244013
Kelas : PTI-E

Coexist With the Internet

The Internet is an interconnected network (Interconnected Network), is a computer

network system that is widely interconnected by using Internet Protocol Packages that
are used to connect devices around the world. The internet network is a network of
networks consisting of private, public, academic, business, and local government
networks to a global scope and connected by various electronic technologies, wireless
and optical networks. So, humans live side by side with the internet or the internet is part
of human life, what does it mean if in this life without an internet? Especially at this time,
any activity in the world of life can be accessed via the internet, for example buying goods,
online payments, selling goods/promotions and others. According to data on recording
internet users worldwide, it has been found that up to 5 billion people or as much as 63%
of the total number of people around the world have used the internet and from this data,
after researching humans access the internet for approximately 6 hours 53 minutes a day.
However, when we want to coexist with the internet, of course we must also be ready to
accept the negative impacts of the internet, because we will automatically be met with
negative things that come from the internet in any form and when it enters our internet
world. cannot be avoided from the negative impact of the internet.
At this time of progress in the digital age, humans cannot live far from the internet.
However, on the other hand the internet also has a negative impact, the internet also has
many positive impacts, such as: a place to find work, promotions, buying and selling all
forms of goods, quickly spreading information and others. Then, to minimize the negative
impact of the internet, especially for children who are still underage, parental supervision
needs to be carried out, so as not to access content that they are not supposed to
access/underage content and so they are not addicted to accessing the internet.
According to data that has been researched that every year internet users increase by
approximately 4.1%. So, based on these data, it has been shown that the internet will
continue to grow and be used in life in the future and we as citizens of the world must be
able to follow and adapt to the developments of the internet that will occur. What will
happen if we as citizens of the world cannot adapt to the internet? we will miss a lot of
information related to the development of the world which is also quite fast and other

The rapid development of the internet currently of course has a positive and
negative impact on the citizens of the world. If we want to be kept away from the negative
impact of the internet, we must be able to sort it out. Therefore, be a wise internet user.
Based on the data that has been researched, at this time internet users who access by
cellphones reach 92.4% of the total population worldwide. Indeed, using a cell phone is
the most effective and efficient tool in accessing the internet compared to using a
computer/laptop and to own a cell phone does not require as much money as having a
computer/laptop. So, according to that, access all information via the internet and take
advantage of the internet as much as possible and also avoid using the internet which is
harmful and has no benefit to life in this world.

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