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April, 194':'] The Tmnsactions of the S.A. Institute 0/ Electrical E·n.gineers.


authors-usually referred to by the cognos- purpose, was available in this country

centi a.."l the Goodlet Loop to differentiate throughout the war.
it from a much more comprehensive affair But referring to the particular form of the
that was subsequently put into operation solution of the problem described to-night,
at several Union ports when the gear became it may be of interest to others to know that
available from gngland-bridged a very I had a somewhat similar problem to solve
serious gap. It was a practical experiment during t,he war, but instead of having to
based on pure theory and put into com- detect midget submarines I had to detect
mission at a time of dire necessity when the movement of a midget steel ball in a
some form of submarine detection just had falling.ball viscosimeter.
to be installed. The gear available locally 'Vhen I first looked at the problem I
was negligible and the facilities for making concluded that the flux detecting methods
it, were very limited-in fact, almost every- would be of little or no use a!:J outside mag-
thing had to be home made and improvized ; netic influences would give rise to the same
it is a tribute to the S.A. Naval Forces kind of perturbations as described here
personnel that it was able to rise to the to-night. In ,the flux detecting method
demands made of it, and to produce on the descrihed two coils were used differentially
spur of the moment a workable midget connected, whereas in the viscosimeter
submarine detector. deteotor two coils were used, each coil
That this loop continually gave us a forming one leg of a bridge network, the
large number of false alarms proved how other arms of the bridge being simple
Hcnsitive it was-hut that wasn't what some resistances. It was energized at 6 000 cycles
of the operators said about it at the time. by a valve oscillator, and the output of
The mf'thods of overcoming this super~ the bridge was detected by of a
sensitivity are aptly related, and should following amplifier, detector and valve volt~
t.he necessity ever arise again for such an meter. Indications were given on a d.c.
install~tion, t.he experience with the fir8t meter..
experimental loop will pave t,he way for a I wondered whether something of t,hat
highly efficient submarine detector. sort could not have been used in this case
as it may perhaps have given better results.
In conclusion, perhaps the authors would The device was extremely sensitive and
confirm that some of the loose numerals in stahle and was able to indicate the presence
Figs. 4 and 5 refer to types of val ves. of small particles of steel almost too small
to be seen. On one occasion I thought of
G. D. Walker, A.:M.{S.A.)I.E.R.: I adapting it for me,dical purposes, for
would like to ask the authors whether that searching for steel particles in the eye, for
was the only scheme they considered at the example. As a timing device for the falling-
time and why this particular solution was ball viscosimeter it proved very effective.
selected. Other means of detecting are, of Dr R. Guelke (in reply): I should just
course, available such as the supersonic like to mention that the possibility of using
devices and equipment of this kind, which the a.c. bridge balance method was not
could easily have been adapted for th~ overlooked.


By B. F. J. SCHONLAND, D.Se., F.R.S., M.(S.A.)I.E.E. and Dr. P. G. GAN~ M.Sc.

Summary Introduction
A description and explanation is given of an This instrument arose from the results
electronic device which indicates the presenco of of researches into atmospheric electricity,
lightning within Borne 20 miles and which gives which showed the possibility that some
anticipatory warning of imminent flllahes in the degree of warning of approaching thunder~
near vicinity. storms might be given to interested persons,
120 The Transactions 01 the B.A. Institute of Electrica.l Engineers. [April, 1941

and more especially to those responsible order:-

for the manufacture, storage and use of 9x 105
explosives. Several forms of this instru- B= V~ volts/meter (1)
ment have been built and operated satis-
factorily, and, as the demand for an instru- where L is in kilometers.
ment of this nature is likely to increase, Use is made of this result in the instru-
it is felt that the design and the principles ment, firstly, to ensure that only flashes of a
on which it operates should be made more desired and definable degree of proximity
widely known. will give risc to warnings. Secondly, an

/ / \ \
/ I
/ \
I I \
/ \
I \
I ,"n,., \
I \
I .IVNCT;;:;X J /\
/ \ IN,5UL ....rOlls
1 \
.J.. + + + + + + +
Fill. 1

The atmospheric electric effects employed application of the inverse cube law is made
The basic phenomena involved are by means of an attenuator which reduces
illustrated in Fig. 1, and are explained in the sensitivity some 27 times - corre-
simplified form as follows : - sponding to a reduction of L of three times,
Le., a flash at such distance that it is just
A thunder cloud, when charged up so recorded by the instrument at reduced
that It is about to cause a lightning flash, sensitivity, would have been recorded three
gives rise to an upwardly directed static times as far away at the higher sensitivity.
electric field as sketched. When a flash to In other words, the " warning area" at the
ground occurs, this field is entirely or partly higher sensitivity is about ten times that
annulled. The positive charge on the at the lower sensitivity.
antenna thereupon runs to earth, giving a When the cloud approximates to an
positive pulse across the input resistance. overhead position a corona current is liable
Practically all :fia-shes to ground give pulses to arise owing to the intense electric fields
of positive polarity, but Hashes within the which occur. This current is directed in the
cloud may, at great distances, give negative sense of the arrows on the diagram, and
signals. In general, however, most field gives rise to a steady potential across the
changes from storms within visible or aerial resistance. This current in the
audible range are positive. aerial is, of course, a measure of the intensity
The average_ field change due to flashes of the field. 1Vhen it exceeds about 2 micro-
which are not extremely near is of the amps (with the particular aerial in use
.1"lle l.ransac~wns OJ ~lLe c •..'J.. H1SUtU~e 0l1!JteCtrzcat hllfl1.neeTS. J~l

with the instrumcnt) there is strong pre· suitable negative potential, when no d.c.
sumption that a flash to ground is shortly current is flowing in tho aerial. When the
due to occur in the immediate neighbour- grid of VI goes negative the potential of A
hood of the instrument or, at any rate, rises until V 3 conduct,s sufficiently to cause
under the base of the cloud. Use is made of the relay to close. At this stage, owing to
this effect in the instrument to give anti. the fact that the cnrrent through V 3 is
cipatory warning of nearby flashes., now sensitive to small changes of potential
on its grid, and mving to the feed-back
The operation of the instrument from its cathode via the bleeder resistance
The instrument is designed to indicate to the cathode of VI' the whole system
these effects in the simplest fashion. That oscillates with a period associated with the
is to say, it indicates (a) that flashes have circuits of V2 (abollt 2 cycles per second).
occurred within a certain radius, which is This causes the relay to open and do..."p.
either about '1 or about 20 miles according periodically as long as the point A is at an
to the position of the "nearffar" switch, adequately positive potential. This effect
(b) that the corona current has reached has the advantage oyer "straight" d.c.
such a value that a flash in tho immediate current-amplification that the relay opens
neighbourhood is imminent. and closes smartly, thus avoiding the
Earlier models of this instrumont made arcing or sticking at the cont,acts which
use of sensitive relays and gas relay tubes might occur if its armature tended to ,nove
to actuate tho warning equipment, but tho very slowly. It should be noted that this
model here described operates entirely by "corona current" warning is effective
means of vacuum tubes, which are easily in either position of the near/far switch.
replaced at the present time. The circuit The instrument" therefore, gives a brief
is given in Fig. 2. The input circuits have a sharp ring on ·the electric bell attached to
rcsistive path to earth of about 1/2 megohm tho rolays, for each positive impulse due
(~ in parallel with R 3 and R 4 ) with direct to a lightning flash, and gives a continuous
connection to the grid of \\. R:lJ Cl'R5 ,C2 intermittent ringing (somewhat reminiscent
form an attenuator to red uee the transient of a telephone) when the d.c. aerial current
due to a flash about 25 times when required exceeds about two micro-amps, upward.
for " ncar" sensitivity. Apart from the bell, an additional signal
V] performs two functions. 1t transmits is given by means of the neon tube "4-
transients (amplified in normal fashion) which flashes each time the relay closes,
via C4 to V2 . In addition, d.c. potential and, of course, other extension signals
ohanges on the grid are amplified and could be arranged from the relay contacts.
passed via point A to V 3. A is tied to earth The operation of the instrnment can be
by the large condenser C3 which (with its tested at will by means of the test button
associated resistors), has a time constant " 'I~." This applies a suitable negative
of about one second, and which eliminates voltage to the grid of VI through a high-
rapid signals so that the potential of A resistance. R 6 • \Vhen the test button" T "
fluctuates slowly in accordance "\\-ith the is pressed and released rapidly, the brief
corona current in the aerial system.
warning signal is given each time it is
V2 is a flip-flop circuit of welI·known typo released (the removal of a negative voltage
arranged to give a positive pulse through being equivalent to an applied positive
Cs lasting about 1/10 seconl}. This arrange- voltage). When the test button is held
ment is necessary because the transient due down for longer than a second or so then
to a lightning flash may be too brief to
the continuous warning operates.
operate the relay at all, and because tho
bell and other mechanisms attached to the The antenna
warning circuits lllay require to be kept
switched on for a certain timo to operate A standard antenna has been designed
satisfactorily. for usc with the instrument to cover the
The bias for V 3 is obtained from point A. requirements-
By means of potentiometer P the current (a) that it applies a suitable magnitude of
through R 7 is so adj usted that A is at a signal to the set independently of its

220 v~

.. ~

:=: =~ lo3
± Q
;: . ~
; c..
It, : .~ (')
r <"4-
r-- S .::iJ c';:l
Iil, ~~ Coo
C. Yl
il II 'w'. ~ V. ..,.
let;' C!:o) "F "b
~ ;:ro
r c~ ~.~ I::~ ; ~
1 R, '''- ~ CI)
"- MtAIII ± \~,. ., :
LY '- ~
~ L.r-I :
R. I ~...
-,-Co ;;:;:, =~, "- A .,....
.......- ~ =i= ....
C.s=~ ,. ~~ / <"to
~ l'>

""-"WENT5 j coi ~
.. ;.J ~
y ('>

""' "''" U- A. j.
R. .U.l. C',",CUIT' £",C
!" 'HOII ('>

HG. 2
Erratum: Tho negative lead from the powf.'r paek should lea.d to the bottom of the bleoder resistance

Ar_ril, 1947] The Tronsactions of the B.A. Institute of Electrical EngineeTs. 123

site, and that it is equally effective for equipment to see that it is not too sensitive.
any direction. It is true that this limitation means that
(b) that it permits the corona current to be it cannot give more warning of an approach-
measured by the set, and that it remains ing storm than could be given by observa-
adequately insulated for this purpose even tion of the weather. But the object of the
in rain. instrument is to aet as a supplementary,
The antenna is sketehed in diagrammatic and more or less infallible, observer, a.nd to
form in Fig. I. It consists of an unguyed bring to the notice of the official, whose
vertical rod 1 inch diameter, 8 feet high, duty it may be to keep an eye on the
attached to a plate at its base, which is weather, of the fact that there are thunder-
supported bv thrf'e insulators fixed at storms in the vicinity.
ground level. . The plate keeps the insulators rl'he " imminent flash" warning is valu-
dry. A weatherproof junction box adjacent able, and one which could not be given by
to the plate contains the resistors R 1 , R 2 casual observation of thunder clouds.
and from it a concentric cable is taken ']'he near/far switching arrangement has
underground to the chassis, which occupies as its prime objeet the limitation of tho
about a 1 foot cube. By this means, any area from ,vhieh warnings are received.
possibility' of the lead-in acting as an 'Vith reservations, it can also be used to
additional aerial, is avoided, and the indicate whether the latter is approaching
cable capacity Co is an essential part of or not. For instance, when warnings are
the input circuit arrangements. These are received from a storm on the "far H
arra,nged to reduce high-frequency com- sensitivity, the instrument may be set to
ponents in the signal such as may arise " near." If warnings start occurring and/or
from a " leader" flash or from local sparks, increasing in frequency, the presumption is
so that the effective signal is that due to th~t the storm has approached. But,.
the main field change given in equation (I) o\vmg to the fact that the field-strengths
above upon which the rough estimation of due to flashes at a constant distance have
distance of the :Bash dppends. considerable variation (equation 1 giving the
Apart from bells, lights, etc., a record of average) and the fact that there might bo
warnings given can be taken from -the more than one thunderstorm in the warning
output terminals, i.e., a record of each area, and the possibility that a cloud near
closure of the relays. A suitable recorder by may have been building up its charge,
gives a t.ran8lllcrse mark on a helix written the judgment as to the degree of approach
on paper wra.pped round a drum, which is and, more generally, the degree of danger
rotated and traversed so as to give a record from an observed thunderstorm cannot be
lasting 24 hours. The" imminent flash" effectively made without inspection of the
warning is easily recognizable on this record sky in addition to the assistance given by
the instrument.
b ccause it shows up as a. solid mark of
considerable length. Practical requirements would demand, in
addition to advance notice of thunderstorms,
Conclusion an indication of how much time there is
It will be observed that the instrument before safety precautions need be taken,
is not designed to take cognizance of and an unambiguous advance signal of their
lightning flashes or storms at greater immediate necessity, in fact a complete
distance than they could uormally be scen robot which would remove any need for
or heard. But a compromise must be made human judgment. We do not claim that
between practical requirements and the this instrument fully serves that purpose.
mere recording of " atmospherics" which The instrument is protected under S.A.
ean be easily observed by any wireless set Patent No. 445/38 and is being manu·
even when they originate thousands of factured in South Africa by a Johanncs-
miles away. Care has been taken in this burg firm ..
S. G. H~llt A.M. (S.A.) I.E.E. : The affecting industry in this part of the world.
authors of this paper deserve our congratu-
lations and OUf thanks for their work in At the Modderfontein Dynamite Factory
helping to overcome a major disability the risk of explosion due to lightning is,
124 The Transactions of the 8 ..4.. Institute of. Electrical Engineers. [April, 1947

-during the summer months, an ever to observe the approach of the charged
present hazard. cloud.
We take most elaborate precautions to Our explosives manufacturing plant con-
minimize the danger due to lightning. Every sists of three self-contained factories, each
bit of metal in composite explosives of which is in the charge of a superintendent.
machines is mechanically bon~ed together It is this superintendent's duty to decide
and earthed; all our buildings which are by visual observation when a storm is so
mainly of wood and iron construction, are dangerously close that he must stop the
completely bonded together and earthed factory. This' is a heavy responsibility
and, in addition, each house is covered by because if he pulls the men out too soon,
lightning conductors so arranged that the he loses production and if he leaves it too
house falls entirely within a. 90° cone from late he might lose lives.
the apex. Our earthing system consists of
.a network of 19/14 bare copper conductors
"T e should very much like to relieve the
superintendents of this responsibility, and
carried underground and connected to our it is for this reason that we are pleased to
water reticulation system and earth plates see this further development in lightning
.at suitable points. detecting apparatus.
It is also our practice, wherever a storm In 1938 we installed one of Dr Schonland's
is seen to be approaching, to shut down all first lightning detecting instruments. This
,explosives manufactured and remove the early instrument had the disadvantage that
workers from the various explosives houses the aerial system was too complicated to
to their mess rooms outside the danger erect easily in our heavily wooded factory
zone. The wisdom of this course of action areas and it was consequently erected in
was amply demonstrated in 1923 when three the central electricians' shop. In this
nitro-glycerine houses were blown up in one position, as it gave only a general warning
week by lightning, fortunately without loss of the proximity of storms, it was of little
·of life. value to our explosives plant and its usc
Late last year, we had an incident which was abandoned.
might have proved fatal and under con· The new instrument overcomes this
ditions in which the lightning detector disability and will be installed in a factory
described to-night would have proved office, so that its warning of storms within
invaluable. a radius of seven miles will be most useful
The sky at the time was completely to us. The other attractive feature of the
covered by low cloud and it was actually new instrument is its warning of corona
raining lightly when suddenly, without any current. The warning device actually
warning, a lightning flash came through the installed may not give us sufficient time to
low cloud and struck a nitro-glycerine wash clear the factory in the event of a charged
house. A lead filter vessel outside the house cloud approaching. fairly quickly, but it is
·connected to a lead fume pipe from the wash proposed to fit a microammeter in series
-tanks was struck and the lightning travelled with this warning device to give us the
along this fume pipe passing the first tank actual value of this corona current. We
and went to earth over the outside of the hope by correlating visual observation with
second tank which contained approximately the readings obtained on the microammeter
4000 lb of nitro-glycerine. to be able to establish a figure beyond which
it would be dangerous to keep the factory
I n passing along the fume main it burst working.
,'3 flanged joint just above the wash tank I haYe, of course, dealt with the instru-
.with' such violence that the lower flange was ment only as it affects my own particular
driven hard into the lead top of the wash industry, but I appreciate that the warning
tank and the nuts off the bolts ~'ere driven it will give will be of immense value to those
through the ceiling above the tanle responsible for electric blasting anywhere,
Fortunately no explosion occurred in this particularly in shaft sinking operations
:instance, but had one happened, there where an accident due to lightning is just
would have been considerable loss of life, as likely to be fatal as in the explosives
,as under the circumstances it was impossible industry.
April, 1947] The Transactions of the B.A. Institute 0/ Electrical Engineers. 125

The authors deserve our thanks for their danger to life and limb of those employed
clear exposition of the working principles in at least two of the major industries of
of their instrument and for their work, tho Reef.
spread over so many years, to reduce the



By B. J . .T. NICORA, A.M. (S.A.) I.E.E.

The determination of power and power· and from point 0 radius I bisect in point B.
factor in single-phase circuits, especially at The projection of OR equal t.o I" yields the
low power-factors, can be obtained by the watt component of I (or 1z ) and thereby
well-known three-ammeter method. The
use of that method is made possible by the
introduction of an auxiliary circuit of purely
ohmic character.
A method similar to the three~ammeter
method is described in the following, but
the auxiliary circuit employed contains a
static condenser.
Fig. I shows the connection and Fig. 2
the vector diagram.





the power -factors C08'+' and COSeIl can be

easily calculated,
' 11·1 2
Analyt lOa y 0= .
v S (S-Ie)Ie(8-1%) 8-1
Fla. 1 h
were Ic + 1~
8 = --:;::--~
I c con~titutes a current leading 90 0 before 10
V, a.s the operating losses of good static CQS ell = T
• condensers are extremely low (of the order 10
of 0·2 per cent), I c, l z and I are measured C08'+' = l~
and the corresponding vectors form a
triangle. In order to determine the power con-
OA perpendicular to V and made equa.l sumption the knowledge of V is also
to Ie gives the point A from which radius 1z: necessary, i.e.,P=VIo

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