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Chapter 36

1. THINK The criterion for diffraction maxima is given by the Bragg’s law.

EXPRESS We want the reflections to obey the Bragg condition: 2d sin q = ml, where q
is the angle between the incoming rays and the reflecting planes, l is the wavelength, and
m is an integer. We solve for q:

-1 (
æ ml ö æ 0.122 ´10 -9 m ) m ö
q = sin ç
÷ = sin çç ÷ = sin -1 ( 0.24206m ) .
è 2 ( 0.252 ´ 10 m ) ø
è 2d ø
-9 ÷

ANALYZE (a) For m = 2 the above equation gives q = 29.0°. The crystal should be
turned f = 45.0° - 29.0° = 16.0° clockwise.

(b) For m = 1 the above equation gives q = 14.0°. The crystal should be turned
f = 45.0° - 14.0° = 31.0° clockwise.

(c) For m = 3 the above equation gives q = 46.57°. The crystal should be turned
f = 46.57° - 45.0° = 1.57° counterclockwise.

(d) For m = 4 the above equation gives q = 75.5°. The crystal should be turned
f = 75.5° - 45.0° = 30.5° counterclockwise.

LEARN Note that there are no intensity maxima for m > 4 as one can verify by noting
that ml/2d is greater than 1 for m greater than 4.


5. Bright interference fringes occur at angles q given by d sin q = ml, where m is an

integer. For the slits of this problem, we have d = 13a/2, so

a sin q = 2ml/13 .

The first minimum of the diffraction pattern occurs at the angle q1 given by a sin q1 = l,
and the second occurs at the angle q2 given by a sin q2 = 2l, where a is the slit width. We
should count the values of m for which q1 < q < q2, or, equivalently, the values of m for
which sin q1 < sin q < sin q2. This means 1 < (2m/13) < 2. The values are m = 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, and 12. There are 6 bright fringes in all.
316 CHAPTER 36

9. Assuming all N = 1600 lines are uniformly illuminated, we have

l av
= Nm

from Eq. 36-31 and Eq. 36-32. With lav = 600 nm and m = 2, we find

l av 600 nm
Dl = = = 0.19 nm .
Nm (1600)(2)

12. (a) From R = l Dl = Nm we find

l ( 415.496 nm + 415.487 nm ) 2 = 23100.
mDl 2 ( 415.96 nm - 415.487 nm )

(b) We note that d = (4.2 ´ 107 nm)/23100 = 1818 nm. The maxima are found at

æ ml ö
q = sin -1 ç = sin
( )(
é 2 415.5nm
)ùú = 27.2°.
è d ÷ø êë 1818 nm úû
318 CHAPTER 36

13. THINK We apply the Rayleigh criterion to estimate the linear separation between the
two objects.

EXPRESS If L is the distance from the observer to the objects, then the smallest
separation D they can have and still be resolvable is D = LqR, where qR is measured in

ANALYZE (a) With small angle approximation, q R = 1.22l / d , where l is the

wavelength and d is the diameter of the aperture. Thus,

c hc
. 8.0 ´ 1010 m 550 ´ 10-9 m
. Ll 122
= 11
. ´ 107 m = 1.1 ´ 104 km .
d 5.0 ´ 10 m

This distance is greater than the diameter of Mars; therefore, one part of the planet’s
surface cannot be resolved from another part.

1.22 ( 8.0 ´ 1010 m )( 550 ´ 10-9 m )

(b) Now d = 5.1 m and D = = 1.1´ 104 m = 11 km .

LEARN By the Rayleigh criterion for resolvability, two objects can be resolved only if
their angular separation at the observer is greater than q R = 1.22l / d .

16. The angular location of the mth order diffraction maximum is given by ml = d sin q.
To be able to observe the fifth-order maximum, we must let sin q|m=5 = 5l/d < 1, or

d 1.00mm/325
l< = = 615nm.
5 5

Therefore, the longest wavelength that can be used is l = 615 nm.

320 CHAPTER 36

17. (a) The first minimum of the diffraction pattern is at 5.00°, so

l 0.620 m m
a= = = 7.1m m .
sin q sin 5.00°

(b) Since the fourth bright fringe is missing, d = 4a = 4(7.1 mm) = 28 mm.

(c) For the m = 1 bright fringe,

p a sin q p ( 7.1 m m ) sin1.25°

a= = = 0.786 rad .
l 0.620 m m

Consequently, the intensity of the m = 1 fringe is

æ sin a ö
2 2

I = Im ç
è a ø
( è
2 æ sin 0.786 rad ö
÷ = 7.0 mW cm ç
÷ = 5.7 mW cm ,

which agrees with the figure. Similarly for m = 2, the intensity is I = 2.9 mW/cm2, also in
agreement with the figure.

18. (a) We find Dl from R = l/Dl = Nm:

l 500 nm
Dl = = = 0.046 nm=46 pm.
Nm (
600/mm 6.0mm 3 )( )( )
(b) Since sin q = mmaxl/d < 1,

d 1
mmax < = = 3.3.
l (600 / mm )(500 ´ 10 -6
mm )
Therefore, mmax = 3. No higher orders of maxima can be seen.
322 CHAPTER 36

20. (a) From the expression for the half-width Dq hw (given by Eq. 36-28) and that for the
resolving power R (given by Eq. 36-32), we find the product of Dq hw and R to be

Dq hw R =
FG l IJ Nm = ml = d sin q = tanq ,
H N d cosq K d cosq d cosq
where we used ml = d sin q (see Eq. 36-25).

(b) For first order m = 1, so the corresponding angle q1 satisfies d sin q1 = ml = l. Thus
the product in question is given by

sin q1 sin q1 1 1
tan q1 = = = =
cos q1 1- sin 2 q1 (1/ sin q ) -1 (d / l ) -1
2 2

= = 0.997.
(850nm/600nm ) - 1

21. The distance between adjacent rulings is

d = 24.0 mm/5000 = 0.00480 mm = 4.80 mm.

(a) Let d sin q = ml ( m = 0, ± 1, ± 2,K) . Since |m|l/d = 0.1227|m| > 1 for |m| ³ 9, the
largest value of q corresponds to | m | = 8, which yields

æ 8(0.589 m m) ö
q = sin -1 (| m | l / d ) = sin -1 ç ÷ = 79.0° .
è 4.80 m m ø

(b) The second largest value of q corresponds to |m| = 7, which yields

æ 7(0.589 m m) ö
q = sin -1 (| m | l / d ) = sin -1 ç ÷ = 59.2° .
è 4.80 m m ø

(c) The third largest value of q corresponds to | m | = 6, which yields

æ 6(0.589 m m) ö
q = sin -1 (| m | l / d ) = sin -1 ç ÷ = 47.4° .
è 4.80 m m ø
324 CHAPTER 36

25. We use Eq. 36-34.

(a) From the peak on the left at angle 1.50° (estimated from the figure), we have

l1 = 2d sin q1 = 2 ( 0.94 nm ) sin (1.50° ) = 0.049 nm = 49 pm.

This is the shorter wavelength of the beam. Notice that the estimation should be viewed
as reliable to within ±2 pm.

(b) We now consider the next peak:

l 2 = 2d sin q 2 = 2 ( 0.94 nm ) sin(2.30°) = 0.075 nm = 75 pm.

This is the longer wavelength of the beam. One can check that the third peak from the left
is the second-order one for l1.

26. Let the first minimum be a distance y from the central axis that is perpendicular to the
speaker. Then
sin q = y D 2 + y 2 h
= ml a = l a (for m = 1).

D D 100 m
y= = = = 51.4 m .
( ) ( ) ( )( )( )
2 2 2
a l -1 af vs -1 é 0.300 m 2500 Hz 343m s ùû - 1
326 CHAPTER 36

28. The x-ray wavelength is l = 2d sin q = 2(37.6 pm) sin 30.0° = 37.6 pm.

29. THINK For relatively wide slits, the interference of light from two slits produces
bright fringes that do not all have the same intensity; instead, the intensities are modified
by diffraction of light passing through each slit.

EXPRESS The angular positions q of the bright interference fringes are given by d sin q
= ml, where d is the slit separation, l is the wavelength, and m is an integer. The first
diffraction minimum occurs at the angle q1 given by a sin q1 = l, where a is the slit width.
The diffraction peak extends from –q1 to +q1, so we should count the number of values of
m for which –q1 < q < +q1, or, equivalently, the number of values of m for which

– sin q1 < sin q < + sin q1.

The intensity at the screen is given by

hFGH sinaa IJK


I = I m cos2 b

where a = (pa/l) sin q, b = (pd/l) sin q, and Im is the intensity at the center of the pattern.

ANALYZE (a) The condition above means – 1/a < m/d < 1/a, or –d/a < m < +d/a. Now

d/a = (0.180 ´ 10–3 m)/(30.0 ´ 10–6 m) = 6.00,

so the values of m are m = –5, –4, –3, –2, –1, 0, +1, +2, +3, +4, and +5. There are 11

(b) For the third bright interference fringe, d sin q = 3l, so b = 3p rad and cos2 b = 1.
Similarly, a = 3pa/d = 3p/6.00 = 0.500p rad and

æ sin a ö æ sin 0.500p ö

2 2

ç ÷ =ç ÷ = 0.405 .
è a ø è 0.500p ø

The intensity ratio is I/Im = 0.405.

LEARN The expression for intensity contains two factors: (1) the interference factor
cos2 b due to the interference between two slits with separation d, and (2) the diffraction
factor [(sin a ) / a ]2 which arises due to diffraction by a single slit of width a. In the limit
a ® 0, (sin a ) / a ® 1, and we recover Eq. 35-22 for the interference between two slits
of vanishingly narrow slits separated by d. Similarly, setting d = 0 or equivalently, b = 0,
we recover Eq. 36-5 for the diffraction of a single slit of width a.
328 CHAPTER 36

32. We use Eq. 36-25. For m = ±1

d sin q (1.87 mm) sin( ± 17.6°)

l= = = 565 nm,
m ±1

and for m = ±2,

(1.87 mm)sin( ± 37.3°)
l= = 567 nm.

Similarly, we may compute the values of l corresponding to the angles for m = ±3. The
average value of these l’s is 566 nm.

33. (a) The condition for a minimum in a single-slit diffraction pattern is given by

a sin q = ml,

where a is the slit width, l is the wavelength, and m is an integer. For l = la and m = 1,
the angle q is the same as for l = lb and m = 2. Thus,

la = 2lb = 2(420 nm) = 840 nm.

(b) Let ma be the integer associated with a minimum in the pattern produced by light with
wavelength la, and let mb be the integer associated with a minimum in the pattern
produced by light with wavelength lb. A minimum in one pattern coincides with a
minimum in the other if they occur at the same angle. This means mala = mblb. Since la
= 2lb, the minima coincide if 2ma = mb. Consequently, every other minimum of the lb
pattern coincides with a minimum of the la pattern. With ma =2, we have mb = 4.

(c) With ma =3, we have mb = 6.

330 CHAPTER 36

34. Consider Huygens’ explanation of diffraction phenomena. When A is in place only

the Huygens’ wavelets that pass through the hole get to point P. Suppose they produce a
resultant electric field EA. When B is in place, the light that was blocked by A gets to P
and the rlight that passed the hole in A is blocked. Suppose the electric field at P
r through
is now E B . The sum E A + E B is the resultant of all waves that get to P when neither A
r r
nor B are present. Since P is in the geometric shadow, this is zero. Thus E A = - E B , and
since the intensity is proportional to the square of the electric field, the intensity at P is
the same when A is present as when B is present.

35. Using the notation of Sample Problem — “Pointillistic paintings use the diffraction of
your eye,” the minimum separation is

æ lö (1.22 ) ( 550 ´10-9 m )

D = Lq R = L ç1.22 ÷ = ( 3.82 ´10 m )
= 50 m .
è dø 5.1m
332 CHAPTER 36

36. Since the slit width is much less than the wavelength of the light, the central peak of
the single-slit diffraction pattern is spread across the screen and the diffraction envelope
can be ignored. Consider three waves, one from each slit. Since the slits are evenly
spaced, the phase difference for waves from the first and second slits is the same as the
phase difference for waves from the second and third slits. The electric fields of the
waves at the screen can be written as

E1 = E0 sin(wt )
E2 = E0 sin(wt + f )
E3 = E0 sin(wt + 2f )

where f = (2pd/l) sin q. Here d is the separation of adjacent slits and l is the wavelength.
The phasor diagram is shown on the right. It yields

E = E 0 cos f + E 0 cos f = E 0 1 + 2 cos f . g
for the amplitude of the resultant wave. Since the intensity of a wave is proportional to
b g
the square of the electric field, we may write I = AE02 1 + 2 cosf , where A is a constant

of proportionality. If Im is the intensity at the center of the pattern, for which f = 0, then
I m = 9 AE02 . We take A to be I m / 9 E 02 and obtain

1 + 2 cos f g 2
1 + 4 cos f + 4 cos2 f . h

37. THINK The condition for a minimum of intensity in a single-slit diffraction pattern
is given by a sin q = ml, where a is the slit width, l is the wavelength, and m is an

EXPRESS To find the angular position of the first minimum to one side of the central
maximum, we set m = 1:

ælö æ 650 ´ 10-9 m ö

q1 = sin -1 ç ÷ = sin -1 ç -3
÷ = 6.50 ´ 10 rad .
è ø è 1.00 ´ 10 m ø

If D is the distance from the slit to the screen, the distance on the screen from the center
of the pattern to the minimum is

y1 = D tan q1 = ( 3.00 m ) tan ( 6.50 ´10-4 rad ) = 1.95 ´10-3 m .

To find the third minimum, we set m = 3:

æ 3 ( 650 ´ 10-9 m ) ö
q3 = sin ç
÷ = 1.95 ´ 10-3 rad .
ç 1.00 ´ 10-3 m ÷
è ø

ANALYZE The distance from the center of the pattern to this third minimum is

y3 = D tan q3 = ( 3.00 m ) tan (1.95 ´10-3 rad ) = 5.85 ´10-3 m .

The separation of the two minima is

Dy = y3 – y1 = 5.85 mm – 1.95 mm = 3.90 mm.

LEARN The angles q1 and q2 found above are quite small. In the small-angle
approximation, sin q » tan q » q , and the separation between two the two diffraction
minima can be approximated as
2 Dl
Dy = D(tan q 3 - tan q1 ) » D(q3 - q1 ) » .

38. We use Eq. 36-25 for diffraction maxima: d sin q = ml. In our case, since the angle
between the m = 1 and m = –1 maxima is 26°, the angle q corresponding to m = 1 is q =
24°/2 = 12°. We solve for the grating spacing:

( )(
1 550nm )
= 2.6 mm » 3mm.
sin q sin12°
334 CHAPTER 36

41. THINK We apply the Rayleigh criterion to determine the conditions that allow the
headlights to be resolved.

EXPRESS By the Rayleigh criteria, two point sources can be resolved if the central
diffraction maximum of one source is centered on the first minimum of the diffraction
pattern of the other. Thus, the angular separation (in radians) of the sources must be at
least qR = 1.22l/d, where l is the wavelength and d is the diameter of the aperture.

ANALYZE (a) For the headlights of this problem,

1.22 ( 550 ´ 10-9 m )

qR = -3
= 1.49 ´ 10-4 rad,
4.5 ´ 10 m
or 1.5 ´ 10 rad , in two significant figures.

(b) If L is the distance from the headlights to the eye when the headlights are just
resolvable and D is the separation of the headlights, then D = LqR, where the small angle
approximation is made. This is valid for qR in radians. Thus,

D 1.4 m
L= = = 9.39 ´ 104 m » 9.4 km .
qR 1.49 ´ 10-4 rad

LEARN A distance of 9.4 km far exceeds what human eyes can resolve. In reality, our
visual resolvability depends on other factors such as the relative brightness of the source
and their surroundings, turbulence in the air between the lights and the eyes, the health of
one’s vision.

42. From Eq. 36-3,

a m 1
= = = 2.00.
l sin q sin30.0°
336 CHAPTER 36

44. From Fig. 36-42(a), we find the diameter D¢ on the retina to be

L¢ 2.00 cm
D¢ = D = (2.00 mm) = 0.100 mm .
L 40.0 cm

Next, using Fig. 36-42(b), the angle from the axis is

æ D¢ / 2 ö æ 0.100 mm / 2 ö
q = tan -1 ç ÷ = tan -1 ç = 0.477° .
è x ø è 6.00 mm ÷ø

Since the angle corresponds to the first minimum in the diffraction pattern, we have
sin q = 1.22l / d , where l is the wavelength and d is the diameter of the defect. With
l = 550 nm, we obtain

1.22l 1.22(550 nm)

d= = = 8.06 ´ 10-5 m » 81mm .
sin q sin(0.477°)

45. We note that 1 nm = 1 ´10–9 m = 1 ´10–6 mm. From Eq. 36-4,

æ 2p ö æ 2p ö æ 0.20 mm ö
Df = ç ÷ ( Dx sin q ) = ç -6 ÷ç ÷ sin 30°
è l ø è 420 ´10 mm ø è 2 ø
= 747.998 rad = 238.095p rad.

This is equivalent to 238.095p rad – 238p = 0.09p rad = 17°.

338 CHAPTER 36

49. THINK The relative intensity in a single-slit diffraction depends on the ratio a/l,
where a is the slit width and l is the wavelength.

EXPRESS The intensity for a single-slit diffraction pattern is given by

sin 2 a
I = Im

where Im is the maximum intensity and a = (pa/l) sin q. The angle q is measured from
the forward direction.

ANALYZE (a) We require I = Im/2, so

sin 2 a = a 2 .

(b) We evaluate sin2 a and a 2 2 for a = 1.39 rad and compare the results. To be sure
that 1.39 rad is closer to the correct value for a than any other value with three significant
digits, we could also try 1.385 rad and 1.395 rad.

(c) Since a = (pa/l) sin q,

q = sin -1
FG al IJ .
H pa K
Now a/p = 1.39/p = 0.442, so
q = sin -1
FG 0.442l IJ .
H a K
The angular separation of the two points of half intensity, one on either side of the center
of the diffraction pattern, is
Dq = 2q = 2 sin -1
0.442lFG IJ
a H .
(d) For a/l = 2.0, Dq = 2 sin -1 ( 0.442 2.0 ) = 25.5° .

(e) For a/l = 7.0, Dq = 2 sin -1 ( 0.442 7.0 ) = 7.24° .

(f) For a/l = 12, Dq = 2 sin -1 ( 0.442 12 ) = 4.22° .

LEARN The wider the slit is (relative to the wavelength), the narrower is the central
diffraction maximum.

52. Using the notation of Sample Problem — “Pointillistic paintings use the diffraction of
your eye,” the maximum distance is

( )(
6.0 ´ 10-3 m 4.0 ´ 10 -3 m )
= 36 m .
q R 1.22 l d (
1.22 550 ´ 10-9 m )
340 CHAPTER 36

53. (a) Using Eq. 36-14, the angular separation is

1.22l (1.22 ) ( 550 ´ 10 m )


qR = = = 8.8 ´ 10-7 rad .

d 0.76 m

(b) Using the notation of Sample Problem — “Pointillistic paintings use the diffraction of
your eye,” the distance between the stars is

D = Lq R = (18 ly)(9.46 ´ 1012 km ly)(8.8 ´ 10-7 rad) = 1.5 ´ 108 km .

(c) The diameter of the first dark ring is

d = 2q R f = 2(8.8 ´ 10-7 rad)(14 m) » 2.5 ´ 10 -5 m = 0.025 mm .


54. (a) Equations 36-3 and 36-12 imply smaller angles for diffraction for smaller
wavelengths. This suggests that diffraction effects in general would decrease.

(b) Using Eq. 36-3 with m = 1 and solving for 2q (the angular width of the central
diffraction maximum), we find

æl ö æ 0.50 m ö
2q = 2sin -1 ç ÷ = 2sin -1 ç 9.6°.
è aø è 6.0m ÷ø

(c) A similar calculation yields 0.23° for l = 0.010 m.

342 CHAPTER 36

56. We use Eq. 36-12 with q = 2.0°/2 = 1.0°. Thus,

d= =
1.22l 1.22 550 nm )
= 38 mm .
sin q sin1.0°

57. Bragg’s law gives the condition for diffraction maximum: 2d sin q = ml, where d is
the spacing of the crystal planes and l is the wavelength. The angle q is measured from
the surfaces of the planes. For a second-order reflection m = 2, so

2 0.10 ´ 10-9 m)= 2.56 ´ 10-10 m » 0.26 nm.
2 sin q 2 sin 23°
344 CHAPTER 36

59. The sets of planes with the next five smaller interplanar spacings (after a0) are shown
in the diagram that follows.

(a) In terms of a0, the second largest interplanar spacing is a0 2 = 0.7071a0 .

(b) The third largest interplanar spacing is a0 5 = 0.4472 a0 .

(c) The fourth largest interplanar spacing is a0 10 = 0.3162 a0 .

(d) The fifth largest interplanar spacing is a0 13 = 0.2774 a0 .

(e) The sixth largest interplanar spacing is a0 17 = 0.2425a0 .

(f) Since a crystal plane passes through lattice points, its slope can be written as the ratio
of two integers. Consider a set of planes with slope m/n, as shown in the diagram that
follows. The first and last planes shown pass through adjacent lattice points along a
horizontal line and there are m – 1 planes between. If h is the separation of the first and
last planes, then the interplanar spacing is d = h/m. If the planes make the angle q with
the horizontal, then the normal to the planes (shown dashed) makes the angle f = 90° – q.
The distance h is given by h = a0 cos f and the interplanar spacing is d = h/m = (a0/m)
cos f. Since tan q = m/n, tan f = n/m and

cosf = 1 1 + tan 2 f = m n 2 + m2 .
h a0 cosf a0
d= = = .
m m n 2 + m2
346 CHAPTER 36

60. Using the notation of Sample Problem — “Pointillistic paintings use the diffraction of
your eye,” the minimum separation is

æ 1.22 l ö ( )(
1.22 1.6 ´ 10-2 m )
D = Lq R = L ç
è d ÷ø
= 5.6 ´ 10 m
) 2.3m
= 48m .

61. At the point on the screen where we find the inner edge of the hole, we have

æ 4.50 cm ö
q = tan -1 ç ÷ = 8.53°.
è 30.0 cm ø

We note that d for the grating is equal to 1.0 mm/350 = 1.0 ´ 106 nm/350.

(a) From ml = d sin q, we find

d sin q (1.0 ´ 10 nm/350 ) sin(8.53°) 424 nm


m= = = .
l l l

Since for white light l > 400 nm, the only integer m allowed here is m = 1. Thus, at
one edge of the hole, l = 424 nm. This is the shortest wavelength of the light that passes
through the hole.

(b) At the other edge, we have

æ 4.50 cm + 1.50 cm ö
q ¢ = tan -1 ç ÷ = 11.31°.
è 30.0 cm ø
This leads to
æ 1.0 ´ 106 nm ö
l = d sin q = ç
¢ ¢ ÷ sin(11.31°) = 560 nm.
è 350 ø

This corresponds to the longest wavelength of the light that passes through the hole.
348 CHAPTER 36

62. We will make use of arctangents and sines in our solution, even though they can be
“shortcut” somewhat since the angles are small enough to justify the use of the small
angle approximation.

(a) Given y/D = 15/400 (both expressed here in centimeters), then q = tan-1(y/D) = 2.15°.
Use of Eq. 36-6 (with a = 6000 nm and l = 500 nm) leads to

p a sin q p (6000 nm )sin 2.15°

a= = = 1.414 rad .
l 500 nm
Ip æ sin a ö
=ç = 0.487 .
I m è a ÷ø

(b) Consider Eq. 36-3 with “continuously variable” m (of course, m should be an integer
for diffraction minima, but for the moment we will solve for it as if it could be any real
a sin q (6000 nm) sin 2.86°
m= = » 0.60 ,
l 500 nm

which suggests that the angle takes us to a point between the central maximum (qcentr = 0)
and the first minimum (which corresponds to m = 1 in Eq. 36-3).

64. (a) Using the notation of Sample Problem — “Pointillistic paintings use the
diffraction of your eye,” the minimum separation is

æ 1.22l ö
D = Lq R = L ç =
( )( )(
420 ´ 103 m 1.22 550 ´ 10-9 m )
» 56 m.
è d ÷ø (
0.005m )
(b) The Rayleigh criterion suggests that the astronaut will not be able to discern the Great
Wall (see the result of part (a)).

(c) The signs of intelligent life would probably be, at most, ambiguous on the sunlit half
of the planet. However, while passing over the half of the planet on the opposite side
from the Sun, the astronaut would be able to notice the effects of artificial lighting.
350 CHAPTER 36

65. Equation 36-14 gives the Rayleigh angle (in radians):

1.22l D
qR = =
d L
where the rationale behind the second equality is given in Sample Problem —
“Pointillistic paintings use the diffraction of your eye.”

(a) Given l = 1.40 × 10-9 m, d = 0.200 × 10-3 m, and L = 2000 ´103 m , we obtain

1.22l L 1.22(1.40 ´10-9 m)(2000 ´103 m)

D = qR L = = = 8.54 m .
d 0.400 ´10-3 m

(b) Intensity is power over area (with the area assumed spherical in this case, which
means it is proportional to radius-squared), so the ratio of intensities is given by the
square of a ratio of distances:

æ d ö æ 0.400 ´ 10 m ö
2 -3
ç D ÷ = ç 8.54 m ÷ = 2.19 ´ 10 .
è ø è ø

66. From y = mlL/a we get

æ mlL ö lL (632.8 nm)(2.60)

Dy = D ç ÷ = Dm = [10 - (-10)] = 21.1mm .
è a ø a 1.56 mm
352 CHAPTER 36

67. (a) The intensity for a single-slit diffraction pattern is given by

sin 2 a
I = Im

where a is described in the text (see Eq. 36-6). To locate the extrema, we set the
derivative of I with respect to a equal to zero and solve for a. The derivative is

sin a
= 2 I m 3 a cos a - sin a .
The derivative vanishes if a ¹ 0 but sin a = 0. This
yields a = mp, where m is a nonzero integer. These
are the intensity minima: I = 0 for a = mp. The
derivative also vanishes for a cos a – sin a = 0. This
condition can be written tan a = a. These implicitly
locate the maxima.

(b) The values of a that satisfy tan a = a can be

found by trial and error on a pocket calculator or
computer. Each of them is slightly less than one of
the values ( m + 12 ) p rad , so we start with these
values. They can also be found graphically. As in the
diagram that follows, we plot y = tan a and y = a on the same graph. The intersections of
the line with the tan a curves are the solutions. The smallest a is a = 0 .

b g
(c) We write a = m + 12 p for the maxima. For the central maximum, a = 0 and
m = -1/ 2 = -0.500 .

(d) The next one can be found to be a = 4.493 rad.

(e) For a = 4.4934, m = 0.930.

(f) The next one can be found to be a = 7.725 rad.

(g) For a = 7.7252, m = 1.96.


68. Using the same notation found in Sample Problem — “Pointillistic paintings use the
diffraction of your eye,”
D l
= q R = 1.22
L d

where we will assume a “typical” wavelength for visible light: l » 550 ´ 10–9 m.

(a) With L = 420 ´ 103 m and D = 0.85 m, the above relation leads to d = 0.33 m.

(b) Now with D = 0.10 m, the above relation leads to d = 2.8 m.

(c) The military satellites do not use Hubble Telescope-sized apertures. A great deal of
very sophisticated optical filtering and digital signal processing techniques go into the
final product, for which there is not space for us to describe here.
354 CHAPTER 36

69. The condition for a minimum of a single-slit diffraction pattern is a sin q = ml , where
a is the slit width, l is the wavelength, and m is an integer. The angle q is measured from
the forward direction, so for the situation described in the problem, it is 1.00° for m = 1.
ml 420 ´10 -9 m
a= = = 2.41´10-5 m.
sin q sin1.00°

70. (a) We use Eq. 36-12:

æ 1.22l ö
q = sin -1 ç = -1
( )
é 1.22 vs f ù
ú = -1
( )(
é 1.22 1450m s ) ù
ú = 8.1°.
( )(
sin sin
è d ÷ø êë d úû êë 25 ´ 103Hz 0.50m )

(b) Now f = 1.0 ´ 103 Hz so

( )(
1.22 1450 m s )
= 3.5 > 1.
d ( )(
1.0 ´ 103 Hz 0.50 m )
Since sin q cannot exceed 1 there is no minimum.
356 CHAPTER 36

72. (a) q = sin–1 (1.80 cm/2.00 m) = 0.516°.

(b) For the mth diffraction minimum, a sin q = ml. We solve for the slit width:

a= =
ml 2 441nm )= 0.098mm .
sin q sin 0.516°

73. (a) q = sin–1 (0.022 m/3.5 m) = 0.36°.

(b) We use Eq. 36-6:

æpa ö p ( 0.050 mm ) sin 0.36°

a =ç ÷ sin q = = 2.35 rad » 2.4 rad.
è l ø 420 ´10-6 mm

(c) Making sure our calculator is in radian mode, Eq. 36-5 yields

I (q ) æ sin a ö æ sin(2.35 rad) ö

2 2

=ç ÷ =ç ÷ = 0.091 .
Im è a ø è 2.35 ø

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