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Trainings en dieetschema 2020

Ik ben zeer blij dat ik jou mag training. Ik heb speciaal een training en dieetprogramma gemaakt voor
jou. Ik heb er redelijk veel tijd in gestopt, dus ik hoop ECHT dat je het goed vindt. WE WILL DEFINITELY
HAVE FUN. Ik hoop dat je elke dag zeker je balangrijkste oefeningen zal doen (fluo gemarkeerd), want
als het eens slecht weer is kunnen we helaas niet buiten trainen. Ik ben zeker dat niet elke dag even
leuk zal zijn. En ja sommige dagen zullen moeilijk en lastig worden. Het belangrijkste is om noooooit op
te geven. Het maakt niet uit hoe lastig het wordt. KEEP PUSHING YOURSELF TO THE LIMIET. Ik zal het
zeker niet erg vinden als we eens een trainings dag moeten overslaan. WE WILL WORK HARDER ON THE
OTHER DAY. Ik zal niet beloven dat ik elke dag met je samen zal kunnen trainen, maar ik denk niet dat
het zo erg zal zijn. Ik sta zeker 101% achter jou. I BELIEVE IN YOU. WE REALLY CAN ACHIEVIE
SOMETHING GREAT IN LIFE Ik hoop dat ik je al een beetje heb gemotiveerd om te beginnen training.
VERGETEN AUB!!!) Bekijk ook altijd de video voor je training.
Dus jij vroeg voor een dieet schema en ik heb er eentje gemaakt voor je. Dit heeft ook een wat tijd
gekost, maar dit vind ik zeker niet erg, want. Ik doe het voor een speciaal persoon. Ik hoop dat je het dieetschema redelijk goed zal volgen. Het
is zeker niet erg als je eens een dag overslaat door bepaalde omstandigheden. Ik heb drie maaltijden voor je samengesteld ik hoop echt dat je
ze lekker en goed vindt. Laat me weten als je iets niet lekker vindt, dan zal ik wel een verandering maken. Dat is zeker geen probleem. Ik wil ook
dat je veel water drinkt tijdens de dag. Je mag zeker geen frisdrank drinken, snoep en koekjes eten. DIT IS HELAAS VERBODEN. Ik wil ook dat je
niet te veel suikers eet. Je mag ook iets eten buiten de drie maaltijden ik zal je zeker niet tegen houden. Ik raad je bijvoorbeeld aan om eens
een milkshake te maken of om eens noten/fruit te eten als vieruurtje. IK HOOP DAT JE HET LEUK VIND OM AAN DEZE DIEET MEE TE DOEN.
Als je nog vragen hebt mag je ze altijd stellen/mailen ;)
Maandag Dinsdag Woensdag Donderdag Vrijdag Zaterdag Zondag

 Voetballen  Gym  Lopen  Gym  Full Body  Speciale

 Body Upper  Body Legday Workout dag  Push up
workout body workout Basketball/ training
Trainin Tennis/  lopen
g Boxen
 Body
 Maandag: Ochtend/Avondtraining
 ABS-workout:
 Leg Raise Clap and Reverse Crunch (2 X 30 sec)
 Spider-man plank and Crossbody Mountain Climber (2 X 30 sec)
 Russain twist and In & Out (2 X 30 sec)
 Plank with Hip Dips and Plank Jacks (2 X 30 sec)
 100 and crunch (2 X 30 sec)
 Heel tap and Bicycle Crunch (2 X 30 sec)
 Straight leg crunch and Straight Leg Crunch (2 X 30 sec)
 Voetballen: 3O-60 minuten voetballen
 Dinsdag: Ochtend of Avondtraining (eigen keuze)
 Gym workout:
 Pre workout: Lopen/fietsen (10-15 min)
 Chest training: Bench press (3 sets van 10-12 reps)
 Back training: Lat pulldown (3 sets van 10-12 reps)
Seated cable low row (3 sets van 10-12 reps)
 Biceps: Wide grip barbell curl (3 sets van 10-12 reps)
 Triceps: Tricep pushdown (3 sets van 10-12 reps)
 Shoulders: Shoulder press (3 sets van 10-12 reps)
Uitzonderlijk voor deze week bekijk deze video:
 Woensdag: Ochtend/Avondtraining
 Lopen: 20-30 minuten lopen
 Core workout:
 Plank (3 X 30 sec)
 Up and Down plank (3 X 30sec)
 Push up Plank (3 X 30 sec)
 Walking plank (3 X 30 sec)
 Side plank left (2 X 30 sec)
 Side plank right (2 X 30 sec)
 Donderdag: Ochtend of Avondtraining (eigen keuze)
 Gym workout:
 Leg training: Pre workout Fietsen/lopen (10-15 min)
Deep Back Squats (3 sets van 8-10 reps)
Leg extension (3 sets van 10-12 reps)
Calf raises (3 sets van 7 reps)
Leg press (3 sets van 10-12 reps)
Walking lunges (3 sets van 10-12 reps)
Step ups (3 sets van 10-12 reps)
Uitzonderlijk deze week bekijk deze video
 Vrijdag: Ochtend of Avondtraining (eigen keuze)
 Full Body Workout: 20 min (30 sec per Exercise)
 Butt kickers
 Inchworm
 Cross Jacks
 Lunge Tap
 Jumping Jacks
 High Knee
 Skater toe touch
 Twist dabs
 Toe touch kick (L & R)
 Mini shuffle crunch
 Star jump toe touch
 Burpees
 Push up climber
 Crab toe touch
 Crab kicks
 Walk out
 Side plank crunch (L & R)
 Lunge to high knee (L & R)
 Fast toe tap dabs
 Squat twist
 Lateral jump crunch
 Scissor run
 Squat with crunch
 Forward deep lunge 2 (5:20)
 Hopping crunch
 Reach & tap (L & R)
 Side kick
 Feet tap
 Step back & crunch (L & R)
 Leg raise (L & R)
 Opposite toe touch
 Lunge tap
 Shuffle touch ground
 Jogging in place
 Zaterdag: Ochtend/Avondtraining
 Basketbal/Tennis/Boxen: naar eigen keuze (voor tennis moeten we wel een terrain reserveren)
 Legs & booty workout: 15 min:
 1)
 2)
 3 stance squats (60 sec) 1
 Diagonal & straight leg raise (L&R) 1
 Lateral lunge leg raise (L&R) 1
 Curtsy lunge pulse (L&R) 1
 Squat side leg raise (60 sec) 1
 Standing side leg raise (L&R) 1
 Donkey kick + pulse (L&R) 1
 Sumo squat/w pulse (30 sec) 1
 Crab squat (30 sec) 1
 Deadlifts (L&R) 1
 Fire hydrant (L&R) 1
 Reverse lunge Pulse (L&R) 1
 Single leg Bridge (L&R) 1
 Curtsy lunge (L&R) 1
 Flutter kicks (30 sec) 2 (4:30)
 Frog kicks (30 sec) 2 (5:00)
 Side lying hip raise (L&R) 2 (5:30)
 Zondag: Ochtend/Avondtraining
 Lopen: 20-30 minuten lopen
 Push up training:
Push up plank (3 x 30 sec)
Up and down plank (3 sets of 10 reps)
Push up negative (3 sets of 10 reps)
Partial push up (3 sets of 10 reps)
Assisted push up (3 set of 10 reps
Maandag Dinsdag woensdag Donderdag Vrijdag Zaterdag Zondag
 Oatmeal: Try combining one cup (235 grams) of cooked oatmeal with a one-half cup (74 grams) of
berries, one tablespoon (7 grams) of ground flaxseed and a handful of almonds for a power-packed,
high-fiber morning meal.
 Banana: 1
 Green Tea: One cup
 Double-Tahini Hummus:


 8 ounces dried chickpeas (about 1 cup)

 1 tablespoon baking soda

 7 large cloves garlic, peeled

 ½ cup extra-virgin olive oil, divided

 1/2 cup cold tahini (see Tip), divided

 ¼ cup fresh lemon juice plus 1 tablespoon, divided

 1 ½ teaspoons kosher salt

 ¼ teaspoon ground cumin, plus more for garnish

 Paprika for garnish

 ¼ cup chopped flat-leaf parsley

 Step 1
Place chickpeas in a medium saucepan and cover with 2 inches of water; stir in baking soda. Soak overnight.
(Alternatively, to quick-soak: Bring the chickpea mixture in the saucepan to a boil. Boil for 2 minutes. Remove from heat,
cover and let stand for 1 hour.)

 Step 2

Drain the chickpeas and rinse well. Rinse out the pan. Return the chickpeas to the pan and cover with 2 inches fresh
water. Add garlic. Bring to a boil. Keep at a rolling boil until the chickpeas are tender and almost falling apart, 25 to 40

 Step 3

Reserve about 3/4 cup of the cooking water, then drain the chickpeas. Set aside 2 tablespoons of the prettiest chickpeas
for garnish. Rinse the remaining chickpeas and garlic and set the colander over a bowl. Refrigerate the chickpea mixture,
reserved cooking water and pretty chickpeas separately overnight.

 Step 4
The next day, combine the chickpeas, 6 of the garlic cloves and 1/2 cup of the reserved cooking water in a food
processor (or blender) with 1/4 cup each oil, tahini and 1/4 cup lemon juice, salt and cumin. Process until creamy.
Transfer to a serving bowl. Puree the remaining 1/4 cup each oil and tahini with the remaining garlic clove, 2 table-
spoons of the cooking water and 1 tablespoon lemon juice until smooth.

 Step 5

Make an indention in the center of the hummus and spoon in the tahini-lemon mixture. Sprinkle the hummus with
cumin and paprika, if desired. Garnish with the reserved whole chickpeas and parsley.

 Egg Salad Sandwich:
 1 tsp Dijon mustard
 2 slices multigrain bread
 1 hard-boiled egg, sliced
 2 Tbsp shredded cheddar cheese
 1/4 cup chopped scallion
 1/4 cup raw spinach
 Juice of 1/4 lemon

1. Spread mustard onto bread slices, then layer egg, cheese, scallion, and spinach on top. Drizzle with lemon juice.

 Salmon Toast (max 4 slices): Greek yogurt spread, tomatoes, cucumber, high-fiber bread, Salmon
 Kiwi: 2
 Water: lemon, grapefruit, cucumber, orange and mint. Slice this and let it soak in your water.
 Spicy Chicken Salad:
 1 cup roasted skinless chicken breast, cubed
 1 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
 4 tsp Dijon mustard
 1/2 jalapeno, diced
 1/2 medium celery stalk, chopped
 Dash of black pepper
 1 cup baby spinach

1. Combine the first six ingredients and serve on a bed of spinach
 Chicken, Avocado & Red pepper Pizza:
INGREDIENTS servings 4
 1 large flatbread or naan, or 2 small (I used Stonefire brand- my favorite!)

 2 tablespoons olive oil

 1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese (or any other favorite cheese such as monterey jack or pepperjack for a spicier

 1 boneless skinless chicken breast, pounded to 1/2 inch thickness

 salt and pepper, to taste

 2-3 slices cooked bacon, chopped

1/2 avocado, sliced or diced

 1/2 red pepper, diced

 1 tablespoon packed cilantro leaves, roughly chopped

 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes (optional)

 1/4 cup ranch dressing
 1 teaspoon chipotle seasoning (see note)

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Season chicken with salt and pepper to taste. Cook in a pan or skillet on the stove over
medium-high heat for about 3-4 minutes each side or until cooked through. Dice chicken and set aside.

2. Brush flatbread with olive oil. Sprinkle with shredded cheese. Top with chicken, red peppers, and bacon. Place on a
lightly greased sheet of foil and bake on the oven rack for 10-15 minutes until cheese is completely melted.

3. While flatbread is baking, whisk together ranch dressing and chipotle seasoning. When flatbread is finished baked, top
with avocado, cilantro, and crushed red pepper flakes. Drizzle with chipotle ranch dressing and serve immediately.

 Granola: one bowl
 Greek Yoghurt
 Berries: a small bowl
 Green tea: one cup
 Tuna-Avocado Sandwich

 1/3 avocado, mashed

 1/2 Tbsp lemon juice
 4 oz white albacore tuna, drained
 1 thick slice tomato
 1 piece butter lettuce
 1 slice red onion
 1 slice whole-grain bread


1. Combine avocado with lemon juice, and fold in tuna. Stack tomato, lettuce, onion, and avocado and
tuna mixture on bread for an open-face sandwich.

 Greek orzo Salad:
Ingredients servings: 6
 3 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
 1/3 cup olive oil
 1 clove garlic , minced
 Salt and freshly ground black pepper
 1 1/4 cups (8 oz) dry orzo
 1 cup (5 oz) crumbled feta
 1 medium English cucumber , diced
 1 (10.5 oz) pkg. grape tomatoes, halved
 1/2 cup sliced kalamata olives (or 3/4 cup sliced black olives)
 1/2 cup chopped red onion , rinsed under water to remove harsh bite
 3 Tbsp chopped fresh basil
 2 Tbsp chopped fresh parsley
1. In a jar, mix together olive oil, lemon juice, garlic and season with salt and pepper to taste, set aside.
2. Cook orzo according to directions listed on package. Drain and let cool (about 5 minutes. They'll start to stick to each other
a bit but that's fine the dressing will break it up).
3. Add all of the salad ingredients, including cooked orzo, to a large bowl and toss. Pour dressing over top and toss to evenly
4. Store in refrigerator, serve within a few hours for best results.
Egg Sandwich:
 100 calorie sandwich roll, deli thin flats, Martin potato rolls, etc
 1 tbsp chopped scallions
 1 large Hard Boiled Egg, sliced
 1 tbsp light mayonnaise
 1 thick slice ripe tomato
 salt and fresh cracked pepper to taste
 Grapefruit: 1
 Water: lemon, grapefruit, cucumber, orange and mint. Slice this and let it soak in your water.
 Chicken panini:

 1 1/2 oz sliced low-fat Swiss
 1 oz sliced reduced-sodium Black Forest deli ham
 1 oz sliced reduced-sodium deli chicken breast
 1 whole-wheat roll (12 oz total), sliced and gutted
 1/4 cup marinara sauce, heated

1. Heat lightly oiled grill or panini press to medium heat (or use a grill pan).
2. Place cheese, ham, and chicken on the roll, starting and ending with cheese.
Close sandwich, and grill, flipping and pressing with spatula if necessary, until golden
brown on both sides and cheese is melted, about five minutes total.
3. Halve sandwich, and serve with marinara sauce for dipping.

 Tabbouleh and Tuna on Greens:
Tabbouleh ingredients:
 1/2 cup cooked bulgur
 3 Tbsp finely chopped fresh parsley
 1/2 medium tomato, chopped
 1/2 Tbsp olive oil
 1 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
 2 Tbsp chopped scallions
 1/2 clove garlic, minced

Salad ingredients:

 3 oz canned water-packed light tuna, drained

 1 1/2 cups red leaf lettuce
 1 cup romaine lettuce
 1 medium carrot, shredded
 1 4-inch whole-wheat pita


1. Combine all tabbouleh ingredients, then use to top lettuce with tuna and carrot.

 Oatmeal: Try combining one cup (235 grams) of cooked oatmeal with a one-half cup of strawberries,
one banana and one tablespoon (7 grams) of ground flaxseed and a handful of almonds for a power-
packed, high-fiber morning meal.
 Apple: 1
 Smoothie: chose own fruit
 Chili spiced salmon salad
Salad ingredients:
 4 oz. canned salmon
 3 c. Bibb lettuce, torn into bite-size pieces
 1/4 avocado, diced
 1 pink grapefruit, sectioned
 2 slices red onion
 1/2 c. canned beets, drained and diced
 10 pistachio nuts, shelled and chopped

Dressing ingredients:
 1 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
 2 tbsp. fresh orange juice
 2 tsp. white wine vinegar
 1/2 tsp. orange zest
 1/2 tsp. dijon mustard
 1 large pinch kosher salt
 1 large pinch chili powder

1. Combine all dressing ingredients in a blender or food processor, or whisk together until smooth.
2. In a large bowl, combine salmon, lettuce, avocado, grapefruit, onion, and beets. Toss well with dressing.
3. Sprinkle with pistachios.

 Tuna and chickpea pita Pocket Sandwich
 1/3 cup fat-free or low-fat Greek yogurt
 1/4 cup light mayonnaise
 2 1/2 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
 2 tsp chopped fresh rosemary or 1/2 tsp dried crushed
 1 tsp chopped fresh thyme leaves or 1/4 tsp dried

Tuna Salad
 2 (4.5 - 5 oz) cans white albacore tuna, drained well
 1 (15 o) can chickpeas (aka garbanzo beans), drained and rinsed
 3/4 cup chopped celery
 1/3 cup finely chopped red onion
 Salt and freshly ground black pepper
 2 medium tomatoes, sliced
 2 cups spinach
 2 Whole wheat pita pocket breads
1. In a small mixing bowl whisk together Greek yogurt, mayonnaise, lemon juice, parsley, and thyme or rosemary. 
2. To a medium mixing bowl add tuna chickpeas, celery, and red onion. Pour Greek yogurt mixture over the top and toss
everything to evenly coat. 
3. Season with salt and pepper to taste and toss. 
4. Slice pita pockets in half then slice through the center to open. 
5. Layer in spinach, tomatoes and tuna salad mixture. Serve immediately.

 Breakfast salad with eggs:
For the salad:
2 large eggs
2 cups butter lettuce
4 radishes, thinly sliced
1/4 cup snap peas
1 small English cucumber or Persian cucumber, thinly sliced
2 Tbsp chopped walnuts
Fresh dill
For the balsamic dressing:
2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 tsp dijon mustard
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil

Salt and pepper


1. Bring a small pot of water to a boil. Add in the eggs and boil for 10 minutes, then transfer eggs to an ice bath for 3
minutes. Peel the eggs and cut them into halves.
2. In the meantime, make the dressing by whisking all the ingredients together in a small bowl or jar.
3. Combine the butter lettuce, radishes, snap peas, cucumber, and walnuts in a large bowl and toss with a drizzle of the
dressing. Add to a plate and top with fresh dill and the egg halves.

 Smoothie: chose own fruit

 Grapes: a small bowl
 Greek Grilled Chicken & Hummus Wrap
IngredientsServings: 4

 1 1/2 lbs bonless skinless chicken breasts

 Olive oil
 Salt and freshly ground black pepper
 6 Tbsp Greek vinaigrette dressing
 4 (10-inch, burrito size) flour tortillas (wheat, low carb or spinach is fine)
 3/4 cup hummus, store-bought or homemade (homemade recipe in notes below)
 3 cups chopped romaine lettuce
 2 medium roma tomatoes, diced
 1 medium cucumber, peeled and diced
 1/2 cup (2.5 oz) feta cheese, crumbled
1. Preheat a grilled over medium-high heat to 425 degrees. Pound chicken to an even thickness using the flat side of a meat
2. Brush chicken breasts lightly with about 1 Tbsp olive oil, season with salt and pepper. 
3. Brush grilled grates lightly with oil, and grill chicken, rotating once halfway through cooking, until it registers 165 in center
on an instant read thermometer, about 6 - 8 minutes. 
4. Transfer to a plate, cover with foil, let rest 10 minutes then dice into cubes. Transfer chicken to a bowl, pour vinaigrette
over chicken and toss to evenly coat.
5. To assemble wraps spread about 3 Tbsp hummus over each tortilla, top with chicken, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber and
feta cheese and wrap tortillas.

 Carprese Pesto Pasta Salad
 1 1/2 cups orecchiette pasta, or other small pasta
 3 tablespoons pesto, or more to taste
 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
 1/4 teaspoon salt, or more to taste
 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
 1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper
 1/2 teaspoon balsamic vinegar, more to taste
 3/4 cup halved grape tomatoes
 3/4 cup small pearlini fresh mozzarella balls (or ciliegine cut in half)
 3 leaves fresh basil leaves, finely shredded
1. Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil; cook the pasta at a boil until tender yet firm to the bite, about 8
minutes; drain and cool.
2. Mix pesto, olive oil, salt, granulated garlic, black pepper, and balsamic vinegar in a bowl. You can add more balsamic to
taste but it will start to change the color of the dressing unless you are using white balsamic vinegar.
3. Add pasta and toss to coat. Fold in tomatoes, mozzarella, and fresh basil.
4. Chill in the fridge until ready to eat.
 Banana-Nutella crepes:
Butter for the crepes
1⁄4 cup Nutella
2 bananas, peeled and sliced
Confectioners' sugar (optional)

1/2 cup flour, 1 large egg

1 Tbsp melted butter
Pinch of salt
6 Tbsp low-fat milk
1/4 cup water


1. Heat a 10" nonstick pan over medium heat. Add enough butter to coat, then add 2 tablespoons of the crepe batter
and swirl the pan to cover it in a thin, even film (use a rubber spatula to help, if needed).
2. Cook on the first side for 3 to 4 minutes, until the bottom takes on a deep golden brown color. Flip and slather a
tablespoon of the Nutella down the middle of the crepe, then top with a scant quarter of the banana slices.
3. Cook for 3 to 4 minutes longer, until the bottom is golden brown.
4. Fold the crepe sides over the filling and slip onto a plate.
5. Top with a few slices of banana and a shake of confectioners' sugar if you like.
6. Repeat to make three more crepes.

 Coffee: one cup

 Grilled chicken salad

 1 1/2 cups baby spinach
 1/2 cup chopped beets
 1 Tbsp dried cranberries
 1/2 oz walnuts
 3 oz grilled chicken breast
 1 oz semisoft goat cheese
 1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar

1. Combine all ingredients into a salad.

 Open-faced Lox Sandwich:
Ingredients: max 5 slices!!!

 4 slices bread
 2 Tbsp part-skim ricotta
 4 oz smoked salmon
 2 Tbsp capers
 1 1/2 Tbsp minced onions

1. Layer in the order listed above.

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