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Jimmy G.


CBA 03

Individual Task

How do you feel about working in a team environment? What do you think makes a team function

I am very happy because I am not the only one who cares about the environment, and it is a lot
of fun and awesome to work as a team. Teams are influenced by the personalities of their members as
well as the management style. However, the ingredients for a successful team are consistent across the
board. Mutual respect, common and aligned goals, open communication, and patience can all
contribute to the success of a team.

What have you learned from your group activities?

Team work is required to achieve any goal in life, including academic goals. Working as a
team to achieve a common goal is what teamwork entails. Teamwork is essential because it allows us to
exchange ideas with one another. Then, after exchanging ideas, we can combine them to arrive at a good
solution in resolving a subject.

What is the significance of school group activities in your future professional career?
Working in groups teaches important social and communication skills such as active listening
and effective speaking. Students learn to listen to their leaders and coaches in order to perform their
individual roles as members of a team. Students learn to listen to one another in order to function as a
cohesive unit.

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