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Project description on Wolkite University Online
Application Admission And Registration System

Prepared by:

• Isayas Melkamu
• Biruk Birhanu
• Ebisa Girma
• Melkamu Abraraw
In this project, we are going to develop an online Application Admission and Registration
System for university to manage the admission and registration operations in an efficient way.
Admission is the process of entering or being allowed to be part of some group. Registration is
the process of make someone the part of some group or organization. Online application
admission and registration System is a software system that helps to make the admission and
registration process much easier and helps in maintaining database in an efficient way.

Existing admission and registration system is a hectic process, which involves students visiting
off-site campus, taking application, filling it and then submission is another hectic story. On the
day of admission and registration, the flow of candidates is very high and it requires both manual
processing and record keeping at the same time that makes the process lengthy and difficult to
keep track of the admission and registration status of a candidate in multiple departments. At
present admission and registration process is done manually with pen and paper which is very
inefficient and utilizes much efforts and time.


The Online Application Admission and Registration System is proposed in the first place to
implement a system for automating the existing method of admission and registration. The
system is web-based application. The student will gain access to Online application admission
and registration with online payment. The following are some of the facilities added to the
• Payment done online
• Notification system to automate the communication
• Admission result announcement

The following are the business rule of the system:
1) the admin should be the current college dean or admin.
2) The admin should have his/her own account.
3) The admin should add the college details and the stream details with their payment.
4) The student should have marks greater than the year’s cut off mark and full payment to
be apply for admission and registration.
5) Students should be confirmed by admin.
The existing system structure of the Application Admission and Registration system of the
Wolkite university is completely manually. Students visiting off-site campus, taking application,
filling it and then submission. On the day admission and registration, the flow of the candidate
requires manual processing. The current system accepts payment in cheques and bankers draft
from selected banks in the country.


In this system college (admin) can add the college details and the stream details with their
payment. We can get the previous year’s cut off marks for all the streams. College can create the
cut off list for the current year, total payment of the year and the students are expected to register
on the website and apply for the desired stream. College can register admissions and registration
of new students and also remove the students who denies the admission and registration. College
can make a view of final list of students those are correctly registered and pay the required
amount of payment. There are 2 modules in this system namely admin (college) and user
(students). Admin can add college details and cut off list, they can select students, register and
remove students, and can also view the final list of students. Users (Students) can login and view
the college details and cut off marks list of various streams, they can also apply to the respective
college and get notification if they are selected.

1.7.1 Data collection methodology
Data collection is a process of collecting information from all the relevant sources to understand
of the problem of existing system and to find major requirement of the project. There are many
methods to collect information from different sources. But we are going to use interview
1.7.2 System analysis and design methodology
There are two types of system analysis and design methodology; those are structured system
analysis and design methodology (SSAD) and object-oriented system analysis and design
methodology (OOSAD). Among the two we select object-oriented system analysis and design
methodology (OOSAD).
Because object-oriented system analysis and design methodology (OOSAD) have the
following benefits
• It is easy to understand.
• It is easy to maintain. Due to its maintainability OOAD is becoming more popular day by day
• It provides re-usability
• It reduces the development time & cost
• It improves the quality of the system due to program reuse
1.1.2 System development model
Systems development is the process of defining, designing, testing, and implementing a new
software application or program. There a lot of system development model to develop any
system. But we are going to used spiral model. Because it allows elements of the product to be
added in, when they become available or known. This assures that there is no conflict with
previous requirements and design.
The advantages of the Spiral SDLC Model are as follows:
• Changing requirements can be accommodated.
• Allows extensive use of prototypes.
• Requirements can be captured more accurately.
• Users see the system early.
• Development can be divided into smaller parts and the risky parts can be developed earlier
which helps in better risk management
1.7.3 Development tools and technology Hardware tools
• Desktop or laptop Software tools
• Draw io -to different diagram
• SQL Server or MYSQL
• Visual Studio

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