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- The objective of the event is to invite conditions to jointly protect our environment and
ecosystem from being polluted by harmful chemicals. Chemicals are everywhere in our daily
lives. It is part of almost all the devices we use to ensure our well-being and protect our
health. Chemicals are the building blocks for the low-carbon, zero-pollution, energy- and
resource-efficient technologies, materials and products we need to make society and the
economy more sustainable. At the same time, chemicals can have dangerous properties that
endanger human health and the environment. It can cause cancer, affect the immune,
respiratory, endocrine, reproductive and/or cardiovascular systems, weaken human
immunity and capacity to respond to vaccines and increase susceptibility to disease.
therefore the practice of 3R is strongly encouraged to take care of our environment and

- The target participants of the events are parents, gardeners, teenagers, and tree lovers,
the first target is parents because they can teach children from a young age about 3R.
reduce, reuse, recycle. The second target is farmers. This is because gardeners can work
more effectively when they have an awareness of the 3R practices. The third target is
teenagers. this is because many of the youth at this time take care of the environment and
ecosystem for granted. teenagers are also the next generation's up-and-comer, the last
target is tree lovers. tree lovers must love to plant. with the knowledge of 3R they can use
organic fertilizers such as eggshells to fertilize their trees. they no longer need to use
fertilizers made from chemicals that can affect our environment and ecosystem.

- The venue of the event is

--The activities of the event are hold a demonstration of making eggshell organic fertilizer
products so that the participants can practice how to make eggshell organic fertilizer by
themselves at home. Second, let the participant adapt to the proper way of making eggshell
in their own creativities. Third, show the eggshell organic fertilizer product testimonials to the
participants so that the participants believe that this product is effective. Last, Q&A session
with the audience about eggshell organic fertilizer product.
-The event will be promoted by teaster video, poster and broadcast message about eggshell
organic fertilizer.

-The event result will be measured by the amount of fee amount of donation number of
participants with the success of our event depending on the revenue and sales we make. In
addition, we will also distribute some feedback forms to find out their level of acceptance and
satisfaction. Last, the knowledge we spread by reusing eggshells to make organic fertilizer.
So through this event, they will be exposed to the use of eggshells, build responsibility for
managing eggshell waste and also reduce soil pollution through harmful chemicals

-The event will benefit are benefits towards our target audience since this product is cost-
effective. Second, as for the participant who joined our booth will gain knowledge on how to
utilize the eggshell and turned it into something that will benefit them especially for the 3R’s
program and health purposes. Third, organic fertilizers are derived from natural sources and
their usage can have a positive impact on pollution.

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