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The Apple International School, Dubai

Learning Outcomes for Year -3

(November 14th -November 18th)
Subject Topic and Learning Outcomes
‫مراجعة اختبار التيرم‬
Arabic A- (For Arabs) ‫نشيد فرح وتفاؤل‬
‫قصة الثعلب والماعز‬
‫الفعل الماضي والفعل المضارع‬
‫اقسام الكلمة‬

Topic: revision
Learning outcomes:
Arabic B- (For Non-Arabs) • To analyze the paragraph in terms of the main idea and overall
• To write a paragraph using connectives
‫أن يحلل الطالب الفقرة من حيث الفكرة الرئيسة والمعنى االجمالي‬
‫أن يكتب الطالب فقرة مستخدم أدوات الربط‬

‫مراجعة اختبار التيرم‬

Islamic A- (For Arabs) ‫سورة الشرح‬
‫حديث أحب الخير ألخي‬
‫علي ابن أبي طالب رضي هللا عنه‬
‫الطهارة ونواقض الوضوء‬
Topic: Performing Good Ablution
Learning Outcomes:
Islamic B- (For Non-Arabs) • Identify the rewards of ablution.
• Demonstrate the steps of ablution.
Topic: Introduction to informal letters and writing informal letters
English Learning Outcomes:
• Identify an informal letter and its features.
• Analyze the features and write informal letters.

Topic: Symmetry and fractions:

Math Learning Outcomes:
• Recognize, find and write fractions of a discrete set of objects
unit fractions and non-unit unit fractions with small denominator.
• Identify simple relationships between shapes, e.g., these shapes
all have the same number of lines of symmetry.
Topics: Light, Photosynthesis and Rocks
Science Learning Outcomes:

• Flowering plants and photosynthesis.

• Rocks and its types
• Sources of Light
• Reflection of light
• Reviewing all the given topics.

Geography Topic: Village of Dana, Farms and food.

• Re-visiting the given topics.
• Assessments
History Topic: Life in the stone age.
• Re-visiting the given topics.
• Assessment

MSC Topic: Respect is duty, good morning, School! and Natural

• Re-visiting the given topics.
• Assessments
• Topic: Digital Devices and MS. Excel.
Computing • Re-visit topics
• Computing assessment- Theory.
Topic: Passing in Basketball
Physical Education Learning Outcomes:
• The tactics used for defense and offence passes in Basket ball
• Different types of passes
Vocabulaires : Revisité


•L´ aplabet

French •Les syllables

•Comment tu t´ appelles ?

Grammaire :

•Les pronoms personnels. (Je-tu-il –elle)

•Le verbe s´ appeler (Je-tu-il –elle)

‫ دو حرفی حروف کو توڑنا‬:‫عنوان‬

Urdu ‫حروف تہجی کی مشق‬

Topic- Pointillism
Art and Design Learning outcome:
• Students will learn about the painter who invented pointillism.
• Students will paint a picture using the technic.
Topic: Rhythm Notes (Combined notes and Minim Note)
Music Learning Outcomes:
• Different types of notes

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