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‫ ر‬The Apple International School, Dubai

Learning Outcomes for Year -3

(October 31st-November 4th)

Subject Topic and Learning Outcomes
Arabic-A (for Arabs) ‫اضحك تضحك الدنيا معك‬:‫اسم الدرس‬
‫أن يفسر الطالب المفردات الجديدة‬
‫أن يوظف الكلمات في جمل من إنشائه‬
‫أن يقرأالنص قراءة جهرية صحيحة‬
‫أن يحلل النص‬
‫كتابة فقرة‬: ‫اسم الدرس‬
‫أن يتعرف الطالب على خطوات كتابة فقرة‬
‫ان ينشىء فقرة بخطواتها الصحيحة‬
Topic: Me and my family
Arabic B (for Non-Arabs) ‫ أنا وعائلتي‬: ‫اسم الدرس‬
Learning outcomes:
To read the new words .
‫أن يقرأ الكلمات الجديدة‬.
To explain the words
‫أن يفسر الطالب المفردات‬.
To read and explain the sentences
‫أن يقرأ ويفسر الجمل‬
‫سورة الشرح‬: ‫اسم الدرس‬
Islamic Education-A ‫األهداف‬
‫تالوة اآليات تالوة صحيحة‬
‫تقسير معاني المفردات القرآنية‬
‫بيان المعنى اإلجمالي لآليات‬
Topic: Surah Ash Sharah
Islamic Education -B Learning outcomes:
• Listen to and recite the verses of Surah Insharah.
• Identify the correct meanings of the Quranic vocabulary.
• Explain the meanings and main idea of the verses.
Topics: Non-fiction Text – (features, writing)
English Learning Outcomes:
• Identify nonfiction text features and explain their purpose using
• Create a non-fiction text using its features.
Topic: Angles. 3D Shapes
Math Learning Outcomes:
• Estimate, compare and classify angles, using geometric
vocabulary including acute, right and obtuse.
.identify whether angles are greater than or less than a right
• Identify, describe, sort, name and sketch 3D shapes by their
• Draw 2-D shapes and make 3-D shapes using modelling
materials; recognise 3-D shapes in different orientations and
describe them
Topic: Moon
Science Learning Outcomes:
• Explain how the moon reflects light from the son.
• List and describe the various phases of the moon.
• Explain the change in shape and appearance of the moon.
Topic: The UAE during the last century
MSC & Geography Learning Outcomes:
• Use terms to refer to time (e.g. decade, century, generation,
• Construct a timeline showing significant events in one’s life.
• Recall events in the history of the UAE.
Topic: Different types of weather
Learning Outcomes:
• Identify different types of weather
• Describe the features of weather
• Investigate and describe any three climate features of desert,
rainforest and polar land
Topic: MS Excel
Computing Learning Outcomes:
• Identify different mathematical symbols in Computing.
• Build a formula in a Spreadsheet to calculate the results.
Guided reading Topic: Story Elements: Setting
Learning Outcomes:
• Mind mapping different story setting.
• Creating a collage for a story setting.
French Topic: Les nombres
Learning Outcomes:
• Identifier les nombres .
• Savoir compter de 1-10.
Urdu ‫تہجی حروف‬
‫حروف شرارتی‬
‫حروف بھاری‬
‫اشکال کی حروف‬
Topic: Digital art
Art& Design Learning Outcomes:
• To create scrape art using Kleki
• Identify the tools used in digital sketching
Topic: Football Kicking Techniques
Physical Education Learning Outcomes:
• Identify the kicking techniques in football.
• Practice the kicking techniques with power and accuracy during
the lesson.
Music Topic: Pitch Song (Expo 2020 Song)
Learning Outcomes:
• Recognise the pitch of the song “This is Our Time”
• Perform the song “This is Our Time” with correct pitch and

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