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Due 18/1/23 (GROUP A) & 19/1/23 (GROUP B)


Working in groups (MAXIMUM 5 students), write a minimum of 5000 words report.

1. Please follow the topics in THIS GUIDELINE.
2. Give as much example as possible (marks given) on all subtopics.
3. You are strongly advised to interview industry people related to your topic. That will be a bonus
on your marks.
4. Use as diversified references as possible (books, journals, articles, newspaper, magazines,
internet, brochures, etc). Beware of the usage of Wikipedia or non-academic references.
5. Pls make sure you have all supporting materials as your appendices, eg: brochures, menus, etc
6. Pages between 25-50 pages, not inclusive of title page, table of content (TOC), references,
appendices, if there is too many pictures/ graphics please put them in appendices.
7. You can submit an OUTLINE regarding your topic and submit to me via my email (not in OL) to
discuss with me before pursuing the project.
8. Everybody need to contribute towards the group report writing up. If there is any complaint on
passive and uncooperative members, marks will be deducted!
9. Format – font Times New Roman, font 12, 1.5 spacing, justified paragraphing, should have topics
and sub-topics to be followed accordingly, not too many sub-sub-topics
10. Language – English
11. Report should be PROFESSIONAL and OF HIGH QUALITY.


1. Exploring Experiential Tourism as a New Trend in Tourism

2. Muslim Millennial Travelers: Understanding Their Characteristics, Prospects, Issues and
3. Service Innovation to Enrich Muslim Travelers’ Experiences
4. Customers (Muslims and non-Muslims) understanding, awareness and perception
shariah-compliant spa concept
5. Typologies and Characteristics of Muslim Friendly Destinations in the World
6. The Role and Adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Tourism and Hospitality Industry
7. The Role and Adoption of Augmented Reality (AR) in Tourism and Hospitality Industry
8. The impact of COVID-19 on the behavior of Malaysia’s domestic travelers
9. Trends in Tourism and Hospitality technology.
10. Gen Z Muslim Travelers: Understanding Their Characteristics, Prospects, Issues and
11. Muslim Women Travelers: Understanding Their Characteristics, Prospects, Issues and
12. Trends in Tourism and Hospitality Technology.

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