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Communication- delivering of information.

Effective Communication- when information is actually received by your audience.

-Information should not only be received by your audince but it also need to
be understood.
-Information that has been delivered without understanding
it, considered as USELESS.

Ineffective Communication- isn’t actually received by audience.

Art- being present and adjusting as necessary because we can have all the structure in
the world but we have to learh how to navigte through conversations.

The speaker truly believe that that communication is mostly effective when your
audience is able to take the information that you’ve given them and relay it to another
third party because thats shows that they truly got it and they truly underunderstood it
to the point where they’re able to share it with someone else.

Art- being present and adjusting as necessary because we can have all the structure in
the world but we have to learh how to navigte through conversations.

He defined communication as a art because its being in a zone and adjusting as


Results of innefective communication:

1. Wasted time
2. Waste emotions
3. Misunderstanding that can affect our relationship

“No two conversations are ever the same because no two people are ever the
same. Maybe they have some similarities but not a carbon-copy conversations.”

Job as a Communicator- to deliver a message that can be received and understood

by your audience. Any barriers or hindrances to your audience from receiving that
information is need to be removed.

Hindrance- Talking for way longer than we need. Because when we talk to much we
become emotional burden.

Diarrheaa of the mouth- is using every word in english language and yet make no
Direct communiction or direct to the point- “the shortest distance between two
points is a straight line”
-When we speak, simplicity is key.
-“ If you can explain it simply you don’t understand it well enough”- Albert Einstein
-Before we start to speak we need to know what our end goal is, what do we want our
audience to receive.

Effective communication requires:

1. You can always be wrong- listen to other’s opinion
2. Information is not about you, and its about your audience- you can present
information the best way your audience may receive it.

1. “It’s not what you say but it’s how you say it”
2. “It is how you say a tone”
3. “Whats being said coming form trustworthy source”

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