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- Could you tell me your name please?

+ My first name is Dat and my family name is Tran. My full name is Tran Quang Dat
- What would you like me to call you?
+ You can call me D.Tran
- How did you get your name?
+ My father's name has a negative meaning in Vietnamese's standpoint. So my parent decide set my name is Dat in
order to bring to me fortunates in my life.
- Does your name have any special meaning?
+ I suppose my mom and dad really want me to become such a person so they sent all the expectation into my
name. It means that I will be a person of wisdom, understading with other people, success and passing in my carrer.

- Can you tell me something about your family?

+ I have a nuclear family with four members:my parents, my older brother and me.
However, I am not living with my parent because I have been moving to Hanoi to
study and work for 3 months. And now, I live with my brother in the rented room,
- Who does the most cooking in your family?
+ My mother does all the cooking at my home. I guess I am blessed for having such a talented mother, I have
always had some sort of a fitness plan, but my mother's home-cooked meals somehow had stood in the way, so I
suppose I just had to live with that.

- Do you prefer a big family or a small one?

+  I think a big family is good. You're never lonely and there's always someone to hang around with or play
with or do something with and lots of things to share, in addition you learn some good values being patient
and cooperative.
- Do you spend much time with your family?
+ You know, I love my family so much. Thus, I’ve spent as much time as I can for my family. When I have free
time or at weekend, | often do the cooking and serve self-dishes to family members. However busy I am now, I can
only spend time with my family via video call.
- Who are you closest to in your family?
+I am close to every single family member in my own way. However, in terms of
sharing personal secrets and spending time, I am closer to my mother than my
father.  I think it is because we are the only women in the family, we share the
same ideas about many things and she always supports me.
- Who do you look like in your family?
+ No … not at all … take my brother for example … he has short cropped hair and
has quite a pointed face … he’s also quite fair-skinned compared to me …
- What does your best friend look like?
+ She’s the same age as me … she has shoulder-length hair … black hair … she has a slim figure and
is medium height …
- What does your mother/father look like?
+ My mother is pretty short. Maybe a few centimetres
shorter than me.
+ He is kind of overweight. My mum is always telling him to
lose weight.
- Tell me about your idol? Why do you like him or her?
+ I have passion with rubik cube so Feliks Zemdegs is my idol
+ Feliks Zemdegs is an Australian Rubik's Cube speedsolver. He is the only speedcuber ever to win the World
Cube Association World Championship twice, winning in 2013 and 2015, and is widely considered the most
successful and greatest speedcuber of all time. He has set more than 350 records across various speedcubing
events: 121 world records, 210 continental records, and 6 national records. His best record in solve cube 3x3 was
- Where are you living now?
+ I live in Hanoi to study ịn Hanoi University of Industry

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