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Episode 5.


1. How did the classroom organization and routines affect the learner’s


The classroom organization and routines had a positive effect on the learner’s

behavior. The learner was able to follow the routines and stay on task. The routines

helped the learner to feel comfortable and safe in the classroom.

2. What should the teacher have in mind when she/he designs the classroom

organization and routines? What theories and principles should you have in


When designing the organization and routines for a classroom, the teacher

should have several theories and principles in mind in order to create a successful

learning environment. Some of the most important theories to keep in mind are

constructivism, social constructivism, and cognitive load theory.

Constructivism is a theory of learning that emphasizes the active construction

of knowledge by the learner, rather than the passive absorption of information from a

teacher or text. Social constructivism is a variation of constructivism that emphasizes

the importance of social interaction in the construction of knowledge. Cognitive load

theory is a theory of learning that emphasizes the importance of managing the amount

of information that learners are trying to process at any given time.

When designing classroom organization and routines, the teacher should keep

these theories in mind in order to create an environment that is conducive to learning.

Classroom organization and routines should be designed in such a way that they
minimize cognitive load and maximize opportunities for social interaction and

construction of knowledge.

3. Which behavior strategies were effective in managing the behavior of

motivating students? Why were they effective?

There are a number of behavior strategies that can be effective in motivating

students. Some of these include providing positive reinforcement, setting clear

expectations, and maintaining a consistent routine.

Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool for motivating students. When

students are praised for their good behavior or achievements, they are more likely to

continue exhibiting that behavior. This can be in the form of verbal praise, awards, or

other forms of recognition.

Setting clear expectations is also important for motivating students. If students

know what is expected of them, they are more likely to meet those expectations. This

can be done by providing clear instructions and expectations for assignments and


Maintaining a consistent routine can also help motivate students. When

students know what to expect each day, they are more likely to follow the routine and

stay on track. This can include having a regular schedule for classes and activities, as

well as consistent rules and consequences for breaking those rules.


1. Imagine yourself organizing your classroom in the future. In what grade year

level do you see yourself? What routines and procedures would you consider for

this level. Why?

I see myself teaching in a high school classroom. I would consider routines

and procedures such as having a daily agenda posted, starting class with a review of

the previous day's lesson, and having a set time for students to turn in homework. I

would also consider having regular check-ins with students to ensure that they are

understanding the material and to answer any questions they may have. I would also

consider having a behavior management plan in place to address any issues that may

arise. I believe that these routines and procedures would be beneficial for a high

school classroom because they would help to keep students on track and engaged in

the material.

2. Make a list of the rules you are likely to implement in this level. Why would

you choose each of these rules?

Some possible rules that could be implemented include:

-Requiring students to arrive to class on time and be prepared for each lesson

-Prohibiting cell phone use during class

-Encouraging students to participate in class and ask questions

-Limiting the amount of absences a student can have

-Providing breaks as needed for students who become overwhelmed or overstimulated

The reasons for choosing each of these rules would depend on the specific

needs of the students in the program. For example, if students are struggling with

focus and concentration, then prohibiting cell phone use during class would be a way

to help them stay on task. If students are having difficulty participating in class, then

encouraging them to ask questions or share their thoughts could help them feel more

comfortable and engaged. And if students are missing a lot of school, then limiting

absences would be a way to help them stay on track with their learning. Ultimately,

the goal is to create a positive and supportive learning environment for all students in

the special education program.

3. Should learners be involved in the making of the class rules? Why?

There are a few schools of thought on this matter. Some believe that learners

should be involved in the making of class rules in order to buy into the rules and be

more likely to follow them. Others believe that it is the teacher's responsibility to

make rules and enforce them. And still others believe that a mix of both is ideal.

There are benefits and drawbacks to each approach. If learners are involved in

making rules, they may be more likely to follow them because they will have a say in

what the rules are. They may also be more likely to take ownership of the rules and

feel like they are a part of the classroom community. On the other hand, if learners are

too involved in making rules, they may become disruptive and the classroom may

become chaotic.

If the teacher is the one who makes the rules, there may be more structure and

order in the classroom. However, the learners may feel like they have no control over

their learning environment and may become resentful.

The ideal situation may be a mix of both approaches. The teacher can create

the framework for the rules and the learners can help to fill in the details. This way,
the learners will feel like they have a say in the rules while the teacher still maintains

control over the classroom.

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