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HLTWHS002 Follow safe practices for direct client care

Name: Puja Silwal

Task 1

Answer 1


Is this a hazard? Tick each correct answer

Working with clients in their homes 
A strained back 
Workplace procedure for manual handling 
Showering client 
Lifting a box 
Working long hours 
Stress 

b. following could be the consequences:

Hazards management

There may be the chances of occurring accidents

Care plans

Staff can provide wrong care to client

Manual handling

There may be chances of getting trauma or injury

Using mobility equipment

Chances of occurring accident

Using personal protecting equipment

Chance of getting transmission of infectious disease from one person to another

Duress alarm system

Chances of getting accident

Emergency procedures

Not following Emergency procedure could have left client in very dangerous situation like in case of fire
client could left inside burning building

Incident procedures
Not recording any incident could result in non-investigation to prevent non-recurrence.

Infection control
There may be chance of transmission of infection

Answer 2

They are:

 Make sure that electrical appliances are off when you are not at home
 Make sure that clothes, curtains and fire catching things are away from heaters
 Change smoke alarm batteries every year
 Replace damage appliances immediately
 Never smoke in bed and take care while smoking
 Never leave cooking or any open flames including candles or oil burners unattended.

Answer 3

a. It is very important to report because it is a potential hazard, someone could have tripped over and
hurt himself. Needs to be reported to your supervisor to stop this whoever is doing this.
b. Yes, Jenny should report WHS issue to management as it can be dangerous to their health.
c. Jenny can suggest by the following ways:
 Use fan in order to maintain room temperature
 Serves a plenty of fluids
 Make comfortable

Answer 4

a. Standard precautions are a set of infection control practices used to prevent transmission of
diseases that can be acquired by contact with blood, body fluids, non-intact skin (including rashes),
and mucous membranes.

precaution that should be taken are:

Aseptic technique for all invasive procedures, including appropriate use of skin disinfectants.
Personal hygiene practices, particularly hand washing and drying before and after all significant patient


Additional precautions are used for patients known or suspected to be infected or colonized with
epidemiologically important or highly transmissible pathogens that can transmit or cause infection by:
airborne transmission – for example, pulmonary tuberculosis, chickenpox, measles

Precaution that should be taken are:

 Allocation of single room with ensuite facilities
 Special ventilation requirement
 Use personal protective equipment

Answer 5

a. Client should give detail information about his health or illness

b. I think client become victim of gastroenteritis.
c. Three things that should be done to minimize the risk are:
Proper handwashing should be done
Proper waste disposal
Avoid contaminated food or water
d. There is risk for the worker even client is in her own home because it is transmission disease and
worker could suffer while providing services to client’s disease.

Answer 6

a. Three things to remain up to date with safe work practices are:

 Be up to date with recent technology
 Attend in training
 Identify the hazards in your working environment

Answer 7:

a) Risk 1: Muscular skeletal strain - Limit periods of driving to short periods.

Risk 2: fatigue - Make sure that hours of duty are reasonable
b) Risk 1: Musculoskeletal strains and sprains while trying to assist clients into the vehicle
Vehicle should have easy access for elderly or disabled people (for example, wheelchair lifts,
higher level, larger vehicle to assist client to get in and out
Risk 2: Vehicular collision due to a lapse of attention while caring for clients’ needs
Train staff to pull over if they need to attend to a client.

Answer 8

The compressive load on the back is greatly increased by twisting. For proper lifting techniques, make sure
the object is not awkwardly placed and keep at waist level if at all possible. Move your legs and feet to turn
instead of twisting.

To reduce the pressure on the back muscles, keep the weight as close to your body as possible. It is
simple physics, the further the object is from your body, the greater its mass and the pressure it will put on
your back

Injuries caused by poor manual handling technique can include muscular injury, disk injury and joint injury

Answer 9a.

No -the employer duty of care to provide the safe environment in the workplace. but in this case employer
did not provide safe training to jenny and she was unable to find hoist instruction .one more important thing
is that jenny should not allow to do a task until she had fully trained

b. No Jenny did not fulfil her duty of care, she should had said that she was not trained and was not
able to do the task
c. It is Work safe Victoria

Task 2

Answer 1
MRSAs mode of transmission is direct contact

2. I would find the procedure by doing reviews France’s care plan

3. Additional precaution should be used for contact

4. Before and after contact with Frances and her surrounds

5.I should wear gloves and apron

6.I should remove PEE before leaving Frances’s room

7 Francs should wash his hand regularly
His visitor should wash hand before and after visiting Frances.

8 Frances room should be cleaned by using disinfectant and remove of all dirt and dusts.

9. Discuss Frances care with co-worker

Check that next shift of worker are aware of infection control requirements.

10 Risk of infection may occur while working with Frances

11 Further steps to protect workers are:

Special focus should be given on personal hygiene

Infected material must be washed using special precaution

12 my duty of care when working with Frances is to follow the instruction in order to prevent from infection.

Case study 2

1. I will report this incident by filling the incident report form and report it to supervisor
2. It is assist by informing medical staff
3. The sign was anger

4.It depends upon person, for one it could be low but for other it could be high. Lower to moderate

5The worker is alone; he cannot call anyone to help him immediately.

6 They are by:
Do not provide care if he is unwilling.
Doing home visit with another carer.
Ringing first to tell Richard you are on the way

7. In order to address level of stress we can do following things:

Involve in relaxation technique

Get plenty of sleep and water

Eat healthy diet

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