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Homeword: Human body

Student: Alvarado Herrera Jesus Ignacio

Teacher: Pilar Roldan
Conversation about a healthy body and benefits of food

Nick: Hello Ellis, to the years that I see you again

Ellis: Hi Nick, long time no see, what happened to you?

Nick: Well, I'm studying economics and you? by the way I notice you different compared to the
last time we saw each other

Ellis: Wow what an interesting profession, you must be eating well to have energy. So I've been
going to the gym

Nick: Yes, I have a balanced diet: I eat fruits, especially bananas and blueberries, and
vegetables such as carrots that improve memory and retention thanks to vitamin A and C. Yes,
you have more muscle mass, you should be consuming low-fat food

Ellis: Well, I always eat lean meats that, in addition to providing protein, have a small amount
of fat and help in obtaining muscles. In addition, to have a healthy heart and keep it working
normally, I eat whole grains that allow me to have lower risks of suffering from heart disease
and also contain fiber

Nick: Well, friend; I have to go, it was a pleasure to see you again, give me your number to be
in communication and give me some tips to have a body in perfect condition

Ellis: It was a pleasure to see you again, I recommend if you have neck pain, I recommend
salmon, whenever I have neck pain it helps me since it has fatty acids that reduce
inflammation in the body and its proteins help repair muscles. a big hug friend

Nick: Thank you very much for that tip friend, take care

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