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SMC Cup Reflection

I was a Humanities and Social Sciences student in Senior High School. To

have experienced participating in an accounting quiz bowl with a bit of a
disadvantage from other students who finished Senior High in ABM strand was a
challenge that I conquered. It did not hesitate me to join the event. As Eddie
Kennison once said, "When opportunity presents itself, don’t be afraid to go after it."

When I entered college, I already anticipated participating in Quiz Bee events,

even if I was not an ABM student. I did my best to catch up with the discussion. I
studied in advance to be familiar with the concepts and logic of basic accounting. As
the opportunity arrived on October 8, 2022, I quickly registered for the screening of
the 3rd Samuel Misa Cup Academic Chronicles. I listed myself to take one of the
spots for the representatives of Volume 1: Chronicles of Basic Accounting. On
October 11, the day of the screening, when we entered the Zoom meeting, I was
both excited and tense. The medium to answer the quiz is Menti. As each item
comes, so does my breath. But when the scoreboard was shown, I loosen up my
body and relax as I finish in 4th place. I was so happy at that moment, even though I
already expected not to place.

October 22 is the day of the 3 rd SMC Cup. Like the screening, the SMC Cup is
held online. The event is scheduled for the afternoon. I have a class in the morning,
so I hurriedly go back to my house. Every region in the country participated. To be a
representative of Region XI is a great achievement for me. All of the categories
started late, as there were a lot of technical difficulties experienced by some of the
participants that caused the delays. The facilitators are strict in implementing the
rules and regulations. Because the event is online, there are a lot of things to
consider. The quiz started, and I was not expecting that the questions were easier
than the screening. It has more general mathematics questions than the screening. I
did the best I could to answer the questions correctly. I have a high score per round,
but other participants correctly answered most of the questions. There was even
someone who correctly guessed the answers. Although I have some issues with the
event, I overall enjoyed and appreciated it.

To sum up my experience about this event, I learned a lot from SMC Cup. It
was a chance to assess my knowledge about accounting. I am happy with my
performance, and it boosted my confidence that I can excel in this program and
surpass all the challenges in the future. In addition, I met new friends from my school
and other universities, including MMCM and LPU-Davao. Furthermore, this
experience made me discover what areas I should improve on and the next steps I
should take. Lastly, I will keep looking forward to more opportunities to showcase my
knowledge, which hopefully will help me achieve my ultimate goal as an accounting
student, to be a CPA.

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