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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Romblon
Banton National High School
Banton, Romblon

School-Based LAC on Mental Health and Limited face-To face

Though COVID-19 cases continue to drop, the health of the learners should not
be compromised.
“Prevention is better than cure.”
This adage seems to be a cliché but its veracity is plausible.
On March 10, 2022, Mr. Jaynes Flores, INSET and LAC Coordinator, invited the
teachers to attend the School-Based Learning Action Cell (LAC). That SLAC focused on
Managing Limited Face-to-Face Classes and Mental Health Awareness Amid
Pandemic. Mr. Flores and Mrs. Tecilin Bautista, School Nurse, served as the resource
Mr. Flores’ talk concentrated on Classroom Management for Limited Face-to-
Face Classes. He ended with a group contest for a pantomime. Each department
showcased a pantomime on how to deal with the situation given:

Symptoms of COVID-19 are observed to be manifested on a learner while

the class is going on.

Science and Math Departments grabbed the top 2 spots for Best Pantomime.
Principal Fabrero and AO John Arbien Faminial served as the judges. The two
expressed their comments as room for improvement. The guidelines released by DepEd
was used as the standard.

Right after the pantomime presentations, Mr. Flores introduced Mrs. Tecilin
Bautista as the next resource speaker.

Mrs. Bautista, School Nurse, talked on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support
for Teachers.

She started with this quotation:

“To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we will not be able to keep
our mind strong and clear.” –Buddha

She stressed the real definition of health as misunderstood by many. It is not

simply an absence of sickness or disease. She also defined psychosocial. It pertains to
the influence of social factors on an individual’s mind or behavior, and to the
interrelation of behavior and social factors.

She discussed in-depth the scope, rationale and objectives of Mental Health and
Psychosocial Support (MHPSS). She reminded the teachers that a toxic work
environment can be corrosive to our mental health. She also shared 3 healthy behaviors
to practice for our mental health such as:
 Being physically active;
 Getting enough sleep; and
 Healthy eating.

She mentioned the need to monitor and assess one’s BMI as related also to
mental health and well-being.

Mrs. Bautista ended her talk with this quotation:

“Mental health is not a destination, but a process. It’s about how you drive, not
where you’re going.”

MUTED. MAKABAYAN teachers showcased a pantomime on how to deal with a student manifesting
COVID-19 symptoms during a Face-to-Face class, Science Lab, BNHS SHS bldg.., March 10 (Photo by
Jaynes F. Flores).


Tecilin Bautista, School
Nurse, talks on Mental
Health and Psychosocial
Support (MHPSS) to BNHS
teaching and Non-teaching
personnel, Science Lab,
BNHS SHS bldg., March 10
(Photo by Jaynes F. Flores).
Prepared by:



Principal I

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