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1. Formalism (What are the forms that can be found in the painting above?
Briefly describe each.)

 The artwork represents the components and forms that may be observed in
broad daylight on a wheat farm. It accentuates the field's vibrant color as multiple
wheat harvests are going place beneath the clear blue sky. It is possible to
discern a green field that needs to be farmed in the middle, a field that is
currently being cut on the side, a field that has produced wheat, a golden field
that needs to be harvested in the front, and a pile of brownish wheat in the left
corner that symbolizes a field that has been entirely harvested. There are also
farms with roofs of a similar color, carts, wooden fences and ladders, small green
trees, a few farmers, and the distant Montmajour in a blue-green color.

2. Expressionism (How do you think the artist was feeling when he created
the artwork?)

 For his expressionist paintings, Vincent Van Gogh is a well-known artist.

In spite of being outside of that reality, he used art to convey the subjective
feelings of wheat farmers that anyone can relate to. His painting, "Harvest
at La Crau," depicts the daily lives of farmers in South France's wheat fields.
Different emotions can be experienced by combining the colors yellow and
green, which exaggerates the upheavals of the events that occurred while
working in the sweltering wheat fields in the summer. Van Gogh wanted to
convey the constant struggles and suffering of these poor people as he
observed them harvesting their crops in the scorching sun.

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